

 昵称36403512 2020-02-24






Lost in Australia's vast archive collection are records of Indigenous people, places and languages, once not seen as valuable enough to bother documenting — but now the forgotten stories are being unravelled.


John Morseu is a Torres Strait Islander man who calls Australia's most northern tip home, but he has spent years in Canberra scanning the collections of the National Library of Australia.

约翰·莫塞(John Morseu)是托雷斯海峡岛民(Torres Strait Islander)中的一名男子,这个海岛被称为澳大利亚北部的最北端的家,他在堪培拉花了数年时间浏览澳大利亚国家图书馆(National Library of Australia)的藏品。

He is one member of a small team of Indigenous Australians working to shed light on the volumes of untapped historical records on Australia's first people.


'It's quite exciting, it's looking back at my own cultural identity so you're looking at the pictures, what your grandparents used to live in, the lifestyle your grandparents used to live,' Mr Morseu said.

“这很令人兴奋,它回顾了我自己的文化身份,所以在这些照片中你所看到的是,你的祖父母曾经住过的地方,你祖父母过去生活的生活方式,” 莫塞说。

'I found one of my grandfathers, he was called Yankee Ned, Ned Mosby. I found a photo of him in our collection which was really fascinating ... it was quite a shock finding him in a library in Canberra.'


It comes at a time when more Australians than ever before are investigating their Indigenous ancestry.




There has been a 23 per cent spike in requests for family information at Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (AIATSIS), with many inquiries from people displaced from their family and country at a young age.


The National Library's assistant director-general of collections Alison Dellit said they know they have a wealth of knowledge hidden in their collections.

国家图书馆助理馆长艾莉森 德莉特说,他们知道他们馆藏中隐藏了大量的知识信息。

'[We have] a lot of material that might relate to a particular Aboriginal group in Australia, that wasn't recorded in the 1920's or 1930's because it wasn't seen as important at the time,' Ms Dellit said.




It's quite emotional to watch and to be part of, to understand this real unlocking of knowledge and systems and structures that exist in these collections that may never have surfaced.'


Mr Morseu said the work is often difficult, and compares it finding a needle in a haystack — there are more than 10 million items in the National Library's collection.


But he has managed to find unpublished maps, pictures and audio recordings, which he takes back to his community, which helps him decode the material.


'Help us to heal and move on'


Craig Ritchie, the head of AIATSIS, believes it is more important than ever that archive material is made available to Indigenous people.

AIATSIS的负责人克雷格·里奇(Craig Ritchie)认为,对土著居民来说,档案材料的使用比以往任何时候都重要。

'Helping to rediscover those connections and reconnect with their family is a really, really important part of helping them as individuals, but also helping us as a community to heal and move on,' Mr Ritchie said.




The number of Australians identifying as having Indigenous ancestry is at an all-time high, with a huge increase of about 100,000 in the last five years.


When Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were first counted in the national census after the 1967 referendum, they made up just one per cent of the population — it has now grown to almost three per cent.

在1967年的全民公投之后,原住民和托雷斯海峡岛民(Torres Strait Islander)的居民第一次被统计到全国人口普查中,那时他们仅占人口的1%——现在已增长到近3%。

'People are feeling much more comfortable identifying themselves ... On the back of that people are then investigating their story and where they come,' Mr Ritchie said.




atina Olsen is a Wakka Wakka and Kombumerri woman from Queensland, and was lucky to stumble upon her family's works in the national collection at AIATSIS.

卡蒂娜 奥尔森是一位来自昆士兰Wakka和库姆卜马瑞的女人,幸运的是,她在AIATSIS的民族馆藏中偶然发现了她的家族作品。

She is one of the growing number of Aboriginal people turning to see what the records tell her about her relatives and their stories.


'I found a copy of my great Aunt's book ... It's pretty special, I now really realise how smart she was as a women documenting stories and language,' Ms Olsen said.


'There's some language and things that have been passed down through my family but I'm a bit of a keen bee and I want to know more.


'[I want] to actually publish it and put it on paper, so we can go back to and draw from it and it's there for generations after.'


材料 | 郑贝贝

翻译 | 孟宪波

排版 | 马迪

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