
▶ 科学60秒:“男人不坏女人不爱”的原因原来是…… | 1:24

 jianqqys 2020-02-28

Bad Boys and Gals Present as More Attractive



Why are we attracted to people we know are trouble. People may assume they’re drawn to danger or risk taking. But in fact, people with dark personalities may look hotter when they try harder than do those with more stable character traits.

Scientists gave personality tests to more than 100 subjects to rate them for what’s called Dark Triad traits—that’s Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. They then took different photographs of each subject. One was a so-called “adorned condition” where the participants were turned out clothed and styled. In the “unadorned condition” they were presented as neutrally as possible: their hair was pulled back, they changed into grey sweat pants and tee shirts, and they wore no makeup or other adornments. And they maintained neutral facial s. 

The pictures were then shown to volunteers who rated them for attractiveness. And the people who exhibited the Dark Triad traits were rated as significantly more attractive in the adorned state than in their unadorned state. But the subjects who did not have dark traits did not get an attractiveness boost from getting dressed up and coiffed. The study is the journal Social Psychological Personality and Science. [Nicholas S. Holtzman and Michael J. Strube, People with Dark Personalities Tend to Create a Physically Attractive Veneer]

So before you fall for Mr. Wrong, check him out in sweatpants.

—Christie Nicholson  


trait: n. 特性,特点;品质;少许

Machiavellianism: n. 马基雅维利主义

narcissism: n. 自恋,自我陶醉

psychopathy: n. 精神病,心理变态

adorn: v. 装饰,装扮;使生色

coif: v. 戴紧帽;覆以头巾;梳理;给……做发型



科学家们对100多名受试者进行了测试,评估他们的“黑暗三人格”(Dark Triad),即马基雅维利主义(Machiavellianism,故意利用和操纵他人以维持自身利益)、自恋(narcissism)和亚临床水平的心理变态(psychopathy)。然后,他们为每个受试者拍摄了不同的照片,其中一种是所谓的“修饰状态”,也就是照片中的受试者进行了刻意的衣着打扮;而在“不加修饰的状态”中,受试者被尽可能以中性的状态呈现:把头发往后梳,换上灰色的运动裤和短袖,不化妆也不戴任何饰物,同时面部表情也保持着中性状态。

然后,研究人员给另一批自愿者展示了这些照片,让他们对照片里受试者的吸引力进行评分。相比不加修饰的状态,表现出黑暗人格特征的受试者在修饰状态下的吸引力值有了质的飞跃;但是那些没有黑暗性格的受试者则没有因为穿着和发型而增加太多吸引力。这项研究发表在《社会心理人格与科学》(Social Psychological Personality and Science)杂志上。



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