

 政二街 2020-03-13

“Sixteen,” I said. I have forgotten the math question my second­-grade teacher,Joyce Cooper asked that day,but I will never forget my__1__.As soon as the number left my mouth,the whole class started__2__.I felt like the __3__person in the world.

Mrs. Cooper fixed them with a look. Then she said:“We're all here to __4__.”

Once Mrs. Cooper asked us to write a__5__about what we hoped to do in the future. I wrote:“I want to be a __6__like Mrs. Cooper.”

She wrote on my report, “You would__7__an outstanding teacher__8__you are determined and you try hard. ”I was to carry those__9__in my heart for the next 27 years.

After I graduated from high school,I got married and had children.

We needed every penny just to__10__.College and teaching were out of the question.

Then one day I thought of my __11__of how I wanted to help children. I talked it over with my family and __12__to attend college classes in the __13__before work. And when I got home from work,I would __14__.Finally,after seven years,my dream had been realized and I became a teacher.

Not long after I started__15__,something happened that brought the __16__back to me. I had written a sentence with grammatical errors on the blackboard. Then I asked some students to come and __17__the mistakes.

One girl got halfway,became__18__and stopped. As the other children laughed,__19__rolled down her cheeks. I gave her a hug and told her to have a drink of water. Then,remembering Mrs. Cooper,I fixed__20__of the class with a firm look. “We're all here to learn,”I said.

1.A. question B.answer C.result D.reaction

2.A. talking B.shouting C.discussing D.laughing

3.A. stupidest B.happiest C.least amusing D.most important

4.A. work B.learn C.play D.watch

5.A letter B.song C.report D.story

6.A. teacher B.friend C.reporter D.parent

7.A. develop B.change C.return D.make

8.A. because B.unless C.until D.before

9.A. reports B.words C.teachers D.classmates

10.A .get by B.get past C.go by D.go ahead

11.A. plan B.work C.dream D.idea

12.A. supposed B.promised C.decided D.agreed

13.A. evenings B.mornings C.afternoons D.nights

14.A. sleep B.study C.rest D.play

15.A. studying B.writing C.thinking D.teaching

16.A. teacher B.life C.past D.feeling

17.A. correct B.prove C.check D.read

18.A. mad B.excited C.confused D.confident

19.A. water B.tears C.sweat D.smiles

20.A. half B.most C.the whole D.the rest







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