

 英语时代 2020-04-04

Electric scooter injuries rising, one-third involve the head


As reported in JAMA Surgery, the researchers discovered that e- scooter injury rates had increased dramatically in just four years: the incidence more than doubled during those years,rising from 6 per 100, 000 in the population to 19 per 100, 000. Of the estimated 14, 651 e-scooter-related injuries in 2018, 4, 658, or 32%,involved the head.


Dr. Benjamin Breyer of the University of California,L OS Angeles, points to a 2019 analysis of data from two hospitals in Southern California, which found just 4.8% of injured e- scooter riders were wearing helmets.

加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCL A)的本杰明.布雷耶博土重点介绍了一份2019年的研究报告,这份报告分析了两家南加州医院提供的数据,这些数据表明,在所有受伤的电动滑板车骑手中,仅有4.8%当时佩戴了头盔。

Dr. Joann EIlmore, a professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, believed that most e- scooter users are probably unaware of the risks. To make the point, she described a photo taken by a colleague. "There were two riders on ane-scooter,”she said. "No one had shoes on. There were no helmets. And the woman in front had a baby in a Baby Bjorn."

UCL A医学系教授乔安.埃尔莫尔博士认为,绝大多数电动滑板车使用者可能并不了解这其中的风险。为了论证这个观点,她描述了她同事拍摄的一张照片。她说:“在一辆电动滑板车上,有两名骑手,没穿鞋子,也没戴头盔。骑在前面的女性还用前抱式的婴儿背带背着个宝宝 。”

The new report highlights the need for more research on new technologies, said Dr. Guohua Li,a professor of epidemiology at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health in NewYorkCity.

哥伦比亚大学梅尔曼公共卫生学院位于纽约市,该学院的流行病学教授李国华表示,这份新的报告凸显了一点一 我们需 要对新科技展开更多研究。

Just as there is a global network of experts working on infectious diseases, there needs to be "a similar program devoted to the surveillance and prevention of injuries caused by emerging technologies,products and lifestyles, such as e- scooters, e-sports, etc., " Li said in an email.


"The challenge for researchers and policy-makers is to keep up with the ever-changing society and protect the public from unnecessary harms caused by new technologies and products without hindering innovation,”he added.


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