

 英语时代 2020-04-07

China worries about its bulging waistlines


In 1926 Walter Mallory, a foreign-affairs expert who would go on to head the Council on Foreign Relations, dubbed China the“land of famine' Nearly a century later, the country is grappling with the opposite problem. More than a quarter of Chinese adults, or roughly 350m people, are overweight or obese; among children, the proportion is one in five, up from just one in 20 in 1995.


China's fat is not spread evenly, however. According to a new paper in the Annals of Internal Medicine, a journal published by the American College of Physicians, one in seven of the country's adults is obese, defined by Chinese standards as having a body mass index (BMI) of 28 or more. But obesity rates are even higher in big cities, particularly in the north. A quarter of Beijing's adults are considered obese; more than a fifth ofadults in Tianjin, a nearby port city, similarly have worrying waistlines. Meanwhile in Guangxi, an agricultural province in the south, less than 6% of adults are obese.

然而,中国的肥胖人口分布不均。美国内科医师协会的出版刊物《内科学年鉴》上发表的一份新的研究报告显示,根据中国肥胖症诊断标准,即身体质量指数(IBM值) 大于等于28的标准,中国有七分之一的成年人属肥胖人群。不过,大城市中患肥胖症者比率相对更高,尤其是在中国北部地区。在北京,四分之的成年人被判定为 肥胖;其附近的港口城市天津则有超过五分之一的成年人也同样拥有令人担忧的粗腰围。相比之下,在中国南部的一个农业大省广西,患肥胖症的成年人不足6%。

Urban living is partly to blame. City dwellers have greater access to Western foods, including those rich in fats and sugars, and lead more sedentary lifestyles. Northern Chinese are more likely than those in the south to consume cereals, high-fat foods and alcohol, all of which help pack on the pounds.


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