
What is Translation

 tldom 2020-04-23

1.1. Essential elements in the process of translation?

The relevant elements: translator, author, original language, receptor language, source text, target text, (meaning, message, idea, style)

1.2. Definition of translation in terms of the process:


德国译学教授Wolfram Wilss 在The Science of TranslationProblems & Methods一书中说:

Translation is not simply a matter of seeking other words with similar meaning, but of finding appropriate ways of saying things in another language. Translating is always meaning-based, i.e. it is the transfer of meaning instead of form from the source language to the target language.(翻译不只是在另一种语言中寻找意义相似的其他词语,而是寻找表达事物的适当方式。翻译始终立足于语义,也就是说,是语义从源语到译语的转换,而不是形式。)

Definition 1

Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. 翻译是从语义到文体两个方面在译入语中用最切近的自然对等语再现原语

Definition 2


翻译的定义:翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。(Translation is a linguistic practice of employing one language to realize the thoughts expressed in another language exactly and completely.) (张培基) [1]

Translation, essentially, is the faithful representation, in one language, of what is written or said in another language. (钟述孔[2]

Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.(所谓翻译,是在译语中用切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是意义,其次是文体。)(Nida)[3]

Translation may be defined as follows: The replacement of textural material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language. (TL). (翻译是用一种语言(目的语)的文本材料对等地再现另一种语言(源出语)的文本材料。) (Catford)[4]

1.3 The nature of translation

翻译究竟是什么呢?  翻译的本质是什么?



内容 (人员)





内容 (信息)





(1) similar purposes

The process is to transmit sth. from one terminal to another.两种转换过程都是为了实现

(2) similar essentials

Firstly it is the content: 在交通工具换乘过程中是人员,而在翻译过程中则是信息。

Secondly it is the vehicle: 在交通工具换乘过程中是车辆、船舶、飞机等,转换前是一

(3) similar requirements

The contents should remain the same. 两者都要求内容不变。

The process should be smooth..  两者都要求过程顺畅

2. 1. What can be the translation principles?

1.      the source-language-oriented principle: the author is the most important and readers should  stretch out to reach the author

2.      the target-language-oriented principle: readers of the target language are the most important and the author should change his expressions to make it more acceptable.

3.      the author-and-reader-oriented principle: both the reader and the author should be equally respected.

4.      the aesthetic-oriented principle: artistic beauty is the most important

5. the function-oriented principle: the translation has to fulfill the new function according to the translation initiator

2. 3. Famous views about translation principles from famous people




傅雷:以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。Similarity in spirit




Alexander Fraser Tytler: (18th century, English scholar)

 A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work; the style and manner of the writing should be of the same character as that of the original; a translation should have all the ease of the original composition.


It is essential that functional equivalence be stated primarily in terms of a comparison of the way in which the original receptors understood and appreciated the text and the way in which receptors of the translated text understand and appreciate the translated text.

3. Purpose for learning translation

Learning a foreign language is not easy but it is worthwhile. It makes you able to read foreign scientific and technical literature, and that might be useful. It makes you able to read some of the world’s best writers in their won language and this is a great pleasure. But the most important thing is that it gives you a better understanding of your own language.

Engels who knew a number of foreign language thought that you could know your own language only if you compared it with other language.

Translation proves a valuable aid to foreign language learning as well as a deeper understanding of one’s own mother tongue.

4. Classification of translation

Translation can be classified into different kinds from different perspectives. Some people divide translation in terms of the languages involved(mother tongue to foreign or vice versa); or in terms of semiotics (语内翻译intralingual translation,语际翻译 interlingual translation和符际翻译intersemiotic translation), some in terms of mode( interpretation vs translation and machine translation), still others in terms of material to be translated (practical, scientific, news, literary translation etc) or in terms of approaches (absolute, selective, translation with reconstruction etc).

5. prerequisites for a translator

1) 扎实的语言基本功。译者应具有较强的驾驭译出语和译入语的能力,能正确理解原文,熟练运用本族语。
2) 具有丰富的文化知识,熟悉以英语为母语的国家的诸如历史、宗教、政治、地理、军事、外交、经济、文艺、科学、风土人情、民俗习惯等方面的社会文化。这有助于正确理解原文,完美地表达原作所要传达的思想内容。

3) 熟悉翻译理论和常用技巧,善于灵活运用各种翻译技巧

4) 熟悉各种工具书。译者的记忆力和知识面终归是有限的,因此遇到问题就应该知道怎样去查找正确的答案,从哪本书中去寻找。

6. the necessary reference books

1)依本声誉较高的英英词典,至少是中型。Oxford, Webster’s, Longman


2)用法词典:搭配词典 英语搭配大辞典


            动词用法词典Longman Dictionary of Phrasal verb

3) 中型以上汉英词典




[3] Eugene A. Nida , the developer of thedynamic-equivalenceBible translation theory. In 1943 Nida received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Michigan, and then began his career as a linguist with theAmerican Bible Society (ABS), where he was quickly promoted to Associate Secretary for Versions, and then worked as Executive Secretary for Translations until his retirement.

[4] 卡特福德(Catford), 是伦敦学派中比较系统提出翻译理论的学者。伦敦学派是具有英国特色的语言学派,认为语言的意义是由语言使用的社会环境(the social context of situation)所决定的。在翻译研究领域,译文的用词与原文等同与否取决于其是否用于相同的语言环境之中。1965年英国语言学家卡特福德发表了《翻译的语言学理论》(Linguistic Theory of Translation),提出“描写性翻译”并阐述了翻译的性质、类别、对等、转换和限度等问题(把现代语言学新思维运用于翻译研究)开拓了翻译研究新途径,引起巨大反响。卡特福德的理论受益于弗斯(John Rupert Firth, 1890-1960)的翻译理论和韩礼德(M.A.K. Halliday)的系统语法。

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