
Rodolphe Parente | 蒙特卡洛公寓

 德国室内设计网 2020-05-27


Rodolphe Parente软装设计能力总是令人赞叹。他最近的一个项目是位于法国南部的公寓,专为热爱艺术,家具和设计的年轻家庭打造。

It’s been a while since we’ve shined a spotlight on our uber-talented Parisian friend, Rodolphe Parenteunparalleled ability to create an interior of beauty that somehow always feels super exciting and new. One of his latest projects is this spectacularly beautiful apartment in the South of France, designed for a young family passionate about art, furniture and design.  

“这是一个近乎全权委托的项目”,他的设计目标是唤醒阳光,将其与自然色彩的巧妙融合在一起。 “具有时尚和现代的地中海风格,这是我的理解。“他说。

“It was a quasi-total carte blanche”, says Parente of this project, who’s design objective was to evoke the apartment’s sunny location, fusing it with a deliberate mixture of textures and natural colours. “The Mediterranean spirit with a chic and contemporary lifestyle, and a cool attitude. This was my framework,” he says.

Parente与业主约见于画廊。 这对夫妇不仅与他年龄相同,还发现他们对设计和生活方式有着相似的看法。他们想要创造一个融汇室内设计,家具和艺术的住宅项目。所有作品都经过精心挑选,以体现精神自由。

Parente met his clients through a gallerist friend. “It was a quasi-love affair,” he says. Not only is the couple of the same age as him, they also discovered they shared similar views on design and lifestyle. The pair wanted to create a global project that sat at the intersection of interior design, furniture and art. All the pieces were carefully chosen to embody a certain kind of freedom of spirit. 

宽敞的350平方米的内部空间位于建筑的顶层,面向大海。 “从早到晚,天气晴朗,光线充足。像一座悬挂空中在乐园“设计师解释道。
The generously proportioned 350-square-meter interior sits on the top floor of the building facing the sea. “It’s sunny and full of light from the morning to the evening. Like a house pending to the clouds with a 360-degree view,” explains the designer.
Parente仅使用天然和有机材料开发该项目。 “我们的研究中很重要的一点是找到创新饰面和永恒的纹理,与空间做搭配。

Parente developed the project using only natural and organic materials. “It was an important part of our studies to find new finishes and timeless textures that felt connected to the context of the location.” 

空间大胆的家具源自他们的家具经销商朋友Arnaud Christin。比如客厅沙发的醒目条纹面料。Clémence和Didier Krzentowski在家具和物品选择上也发挥了重要作用。
The clients’ bold furniture selections are the result of a collaboration with their friend, Arnaud Christin, a furniture dealer. He is the man behind several pieces, like the living room sofa covered in the striking striped fabric by Raf Simons for Kvadrat. Clémence and Didier Krzentowski of Galerie Kréo also played an important part in furniture and object selections. 

石灰地板延伸至空间角落,而仙人掌纤维地毯则出现在起居室。厨房配有漆木板、熔岩石台面和黑白粘土。书房入口门把手、所有金属细节均由青铜制成,壁纸的点缀分割了空间,而木质则为书房带来了庄严感。走廊墙面设置了青铜色层架,顶部以浓烈的红色强调空间,而收纳柜门采用软木塞。餐厅墙面以粉色为主,竹子的介入使得墙面肌理感十足。主卧室的墙壁则使用绿色的蜡木镶板。 “多样的材料组成空间的故事,”Parente。

Osso travertine lines the floor, while cactus-fibre carpet appears in the living room alongside cleaved travertine blocks. The kitchen features lacquered timber panels, lava stone benchtops, while black and white clay lines the floor. The entrance door handle and all metal details are crafted from bronze, textured wallpaper makes a cameo in the vestibule, while walnut timber ads a sense of gravitas to the library. Appearing in the corridor in front of metal bronze panels and terracotta lime wash paint are cupboard doors lined in cork. Dark red bamboo lines the powder room, green Mediterranean marble wraps the master bathroom, while green waxed timber panels line the walls of the master bedroom. “The rich and poor materials are assembled for a perfect story,” explains Parente. 


The interplay of colours and materials is not only incredibly complex and diverse, but also dangerous. This approach would bomb in the hands of someone less experienced and a lot less talented, yet Parente manages to achieve a visual balance with effortless ease. And this is precisely why I love him so.

艺术顾问Sibylle Rochat在项目中扮演了不可或缺的角色。“我们真的很喜欢艺术作品和室内设计之间的平行对话,”Parente说。“并肩前行,所有的艺术品都完美匹配,且本着相同的初衷。

Art advisor Sibylle Rochat played an integral part in the project, working directly with the client on the art selections. “We really love our parallel dialogue and freedom between art pieces and interior design,” says Parente, who describes their collaboration as easy and natural. “We did not build the selection project together, we worked in parallel and in the end, everything matches perfectly and in the same spirit!”


Ultimately, the driving principle for this project was to create a family home where life could unfold daily among all the art and design pieces. Rather than creating a perfectly curated museum, it was essential for the apartment to feel cosy, real and personal. It’s fair to say they nailed it.

Rodolphe Parente

Monte Carlo Apartment  


来自法国的知名室内设计师 Rodolphe Parente,就有着怀旧复古兼具现代时尚的设计理念。有趣的是,最早他是受到 Pierre Chareau、Gio Ponti 和 Carlo Scarpa 等设计师的影响,才走上设计之路。

他毕业于第戎国立高等美术学院,在斯特拉斯堡高等装饰艺术设计学院学习,并且在传奇设计师 Andree Putman 女士的办公室工作了 5 年,于 2009-2010 年期间创立了他自己的设计事务所,专门做室内设计和产品设计。


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Triangle d'Or


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