
Balzar Arquitectos | 遇见极简建筑美学

 德国室内设计网 2020-05-27


 Mirasal Housing 

de las Lagunas de La Mata y Torrevieja位于西班牙南部海岸,Torrevieja是阿里坎特南部的海滨小镇,以其优美的景色而闻名。其周围环境具有高度的景观和生态价值,也是一座面积超过3743公顷的自然公园保护区。

Torrevieja is a seaside town located south of Alicante, known for its major tourism attraction. Its surroundings have a high landscape and ecological value on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the form of Las Lagunas de La Mata y Torrevieja Natural Park.

远眺这个自然公园,临近一个新近建成的城市化建筑群,引人注目的地形完整的形成Balzar Arquitectos和Julia Alcocer设计Mirasal住宅区的背景。

Distant views towards this natural park, a recently constructed urbanization in which there are no neighboring buildings yet, striking topography and a complete triangular block form the context in which Balzar Arquitectos and Julia Alcocer have designed the Mirasal residential complex.


The project resolves the placement on the lot by conforming to its perimeter, creating a large interior garden. The building seeks to harmonize with the topography, mimicking the levels of the natural terrain. It is architecture which aims to express itself as a whole, whose plasticity is a result of its horizontal proportions and white materials.


The building is currently under construction, with an estimated end date for the first phase of construction in early 2019. Recently, two show homes have been finished and equipped in order to commercialize the complex.

 Belvedere House 


The placement strategy on the lot, the design of the house itself… every detail strives, using modern solutions, to respect tradition, the environment, and the surrounding context.


The materials used evoke those of the traditional homes in the region, but the house’s shape grants it an absolutely contemporary aesthetic. And this balance between tradition and modernity has become the unifying theme of this project.

Belvedere意在环保,尊重它所处的环境。和生态环境融为一体。它寻求真正的美观,功能性,融入环境,经济环保,可持续发展......生活在Belvedere House应该带来真正的快乐。

Belvedere is a house that is environmentally friendly and respectful of the context in which it sits. It forms a part of the place that surrounds it. And it seeks out real beauty: beauty that is aesthetic, functional, integrated in its environment, economical, eco-friendly, enduring… because living in Belvedere House should bring true happiness.

Belvedere House改善了居住在其中的人们的生活,尊重周围环境并且环保。 这是选择材料的关键。

Belvedere House improves the lives of the people who live in it, is respectful of its surroundings and is environmentally friendly. This has been the key in selecting the materials and construction systems.

使用的材料是传统的,天然的(木材和石材),加工少(生产中消耗的能量很少),耐用(长期思考); 换句话说,是一个真正可持续的房子应该能够持续百年。

The materials used are traditional, natural (wood and stone) with little processing (little energy consumed in production), and durable (thinking in the long-term); in other words, sustainable. Because a truly sustainable house should be able to last 100 years.

Balzar Arquitectos



JoséMaría García Zarco(左)

Txema García Ballester(中)

Laura Moreno Albuixech(右)


Our architecture is…


Long-lasting, timeless, able to transcend.


We create architecture that resists the passage of time, without becoming obsolete. We are talking not just about construction, but also concept.


Precise. Rigorous starting from the design.


Our mastery of technique allows us to employ only those resources and elements which are necessary. Getting more from less. 



A concept understood in two senses. Natural in the sense of something that is not forced, that flows; and natural in the sense of all our appreciation of nature.



What are we creating for? What need is being met? The final solution must rigorously correspond to the purpose that gave rise to it.


Essential—Authentic and sincere.


We create spaces through elemental forms. By removing details from their surfaces, the light and materials find their maximum expression in these spaces. There is no need for embellishment in this expression.


The essential speaks of going to the fundamentals, to the basics.


In constant search of beauty.


Of that excitement. Of that suspension of time. Of creating a better world. 

DINZ 重 点 案 例 推 荐

John Pawson / The Jaffa Hotel

Francesc Rifé Studio / Sant Martí House

Michaelis Boyd / Duddell

B.E Architecture / St Vincent’s Place Residence

DINZ 品 牌 设 计 案 例


DINZ德国室内设计网 品牌设计


安德厨电 ARDA GROUP 品牌设计

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