
【建筑】 Origin Studio | 韩国京畿道杨平郡别墅

 德国室内设计网 2020-05-27


这间房子位于Gyopyeong-Ri由 Origin工作室设计,坐落于韩国京畿道杨平郡、这栋现代的、别墅拥有3个卧室,2个卫生间,饭厅,厨房和一个多功能厅总面积大约是116.15sqm。

Thishouse in Gyopyeong-Ri was designed by Studio Origin. Situated inGangsang-myeon, Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do,South Korea,this Modern Single-Family House has with 3bedrooms, 2bathrooms, Dining Room,kitchen, and a multi-purpose room which is area of approximately 116.15sqm intotal.


Theclient wanted to live in a modern house and so, the architects rebuilt thestructure as “a composition of modern form and timeless material“. 3different-heights of rectilinear masses contain different character offunctional space in the house such as rooms, dining and living room, andkitchen respectively. And those are interpenetrated each other to form thehouse. It was positioned in the site considering view toward a branch of the Nam-Han River and sun path. The brick screensare differently stacked by the height of openings and also external lightingsare aligned with the height. The balustrade in the deck constructed mimickingthe pattern of brick stacking. Oblique slabs are utilized to form eaves, deckand entrance stairs and provide various shapes of shadow all day.

编辑 /Chenghui(广州) 版权 /Origin Studio

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