
词汇辨析:assist, consist, insist, pers

 starry繁星闪烁 2020-05-27

assist 帮助(其原意为站在一旁,搀扶)。

consist: consist of (由...组成)。


Indonesia consists of more than 7000 islands.

= Indonesia is made up of more than 7000 islands.

= Indonesia is composed of more than 7000 islands.

insist: insist on (坚决要求)。后面接介词on ,也可直接连用that 引导的名词从句。

如:He insisted on my going there with him. / He insisted that I should go

there with him. 他坚决要求我跟他一起去。

●辨析     assist, consist, insist, persist, resist

persist: persist in (坚持)。

如:The kind nurse persisted in reading books to the boys in the hospital.

resist 抵制;反对

resist temptation 抵制诱惑

【例题】She _____ the temptation to buy a coat she could not afford.

A. challenged

B. insisted

C. contradicted

D. resisted


『答案解析』句意:她不受诱惑,不去买她买不起的外衣。resist 此处意指(=keep oneself

back from )“忍住......”,resist temptation (不受诱惑)。

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