
英语原版阅读:Fast Food

 wlr6688 2020-06-15
英语原版阅读:Fast Food



英语原版阅读:Fast Food


1.Doctors may tell you that junk food is bad for your health but McDonald's, Burger King or Pizza Hut can prove that young people don't listen to that advice...


junk food 垃圾食品is bad for 对......有害your health 你的健康McDonald's 麦当劳Burger King 汉堡王Pizza Hut 必胜客 young people 年轻人don't listen to 不听that advice 这个建议
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


英语原版阅读:Fast Food


英语原版阅读:Fast Food


2.How did the hamburger become the most popular, most typical American food?


 the most popular 最受欢迎most typical American food 最具代表性的美国食品
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


3.The hamburger has no connection with ham.


has no connection with 没有关系
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


4.It got its name from the German town of Hamburg, which was famous for its round steak.


got its name from 名字源于 the German town 德国小镇the German town of Hamburg 德国小镇汉堡 was famous for 以......闻名its round steak 圆牛排
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


英语原版阅读:Fast Food


5.German immigrants to the United States introduced the 'hamburger steak'.


German immigrants 德国移民 the United States 美国 the 'hamburger steak' 汉堡牛排
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


6.Then, the introduction of the bun was an important part of the answer.


the introduction of the bun 面包的引入an important part of the answer 答案的一个重要部分
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


7.Another important part is McDonald's, one of the world's most famous fast food restaurants.


Another important part 另一个重要的组成部分fast food restaurants 快餐店most famous fast food restaurants 最著名的快餐店one of the world's most famous fast food restaurants 世界上最著名的快餐店之一
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


8.You can find them in Japan, Germany, Panama, Guatemala, Australia, Portugal, Hong Kong and even Moscow.


9.In fact, there are 13,000 in 120 countries.


In fac 事实上 in 120 countries 120个国家

10.There's even a floating McDonald's in St. Louis, Mississippi, and another in Alaska.


a floating McDonald's 一家漂浮的麦当劳
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


11.The first McDonald's was opened in Des Plaines, Illinois, and is now a museum.


The first McDonald's 第一家麦当劳
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


12.What makes American fast food so popular?


American fast food 美国快餐

13.Lee Cho, a South Korean, says: 'I often go to MacDonald's. It's clean, less expensive than other restaurants and saves time.'

韩国人Lee Cho说:“我经常去麦当劳。它干净,比其他餐馆便宜,而且节省时间。”

a South Korean 韩国人 less expensive than 比......便宜saves time 节省时间

14.Natalia Petrovna, a girl from Moscow, says 'I find the hamburgers very tasty and the sundaes with caramel sauce are out of this world.'

来自莫斯科的女孩Natalia Petrovna说,“我发现汉堡非常美味,焦糖味的圣代冰淇淋是世界上最好的。”

caramel sauce 焦糖酱 the sundaes with caramel sauce 焦糖味的圣代冰淇淋out of this world 世界上最好
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


15.Karen Smith, from Frankfurt: 'MacDonald's is our favourite meeting point. We can sit there and talk for hours in a friendly atmosphere. There are lots of young people around. The food is cheap and the milkshakes...yum...'


our favourite meeting point 我们最喜欢的会面地点 talk for hours 聊上好几个小时in a friendly atmosphere 友好的气氛中lots of 很多 young people 年轻人
英语原版阅读:Fast Food


16.Older people are very critical of this sort of food.


Older people 老年人are very critical of 很挑剔this sort of food 这种食物

17.Lots of young people in the USA are overweight and parents blame these high-calorie foods that their children gobble up in large quantities.


Lots of young people 很多年轻人 these high-calorie foods 这些高热量的食物 gobble up in large quantities 大量食用


Doctors may tell you that junk food is bad for your health but McDonald's, Burger King or Pizza Hut can prove that young people don't listen to that advice...

How did the hamburger become the most popular, most typical American food?

The hamburger has no connection with ham. It got its name from the German town of Hamburg, which was famous for its round steak. German immigrants to the United States introduced the 'hamburger steak'. Then, the introduction of the bun was an important part of the answer. Another important part is McDonald's, one of the world's most famous fast food restaurants.

You can find them in Japan, Germany, Panama, Guatemala, Australia, Portugal, Hong Kong and even Moscow. In fact, there are 13,000 in 120 countries. There's even a floating McDonald's in St. Louis, Mississippi, and another in Alaska. The first McDonald's was opened in Des Plaines, Illinois, and is now a museum.

What makes American fast food so popular?

Lee Cho, a South Korean, says: 'I often go to MacDonald's. It's clean, less expensive than other restaurants and saves time.'

Natalia Petrovna, a girl from Moscow, says 'I find the hamburgers very tasty and the sundaes with caramel sauce are out of this world.'

Karen Smith, from Frankfurt: 'MacDonald's is our favourite meeting point. We can sit there and talk for hours in a friendly atmosphere. There are lots of young people around. The food is cheap and the milkshakes...yum...'

Older people are very critical of this sort of food. Lots of young people in the USA are overweight and parents blame these high-calorie foods that their children gobble up in large quantities.


英语原版阅读:Fast Food


I. The hamburger is originally American.

2. The hamburger got its name from the word 'ham'.

3. The first McDonald's opened in the American state of Florida.

4. People can eat hamburgers everywhere around the world.

5. Parents don't approve of fast food because their children don't like it.


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