

 大风小雅 2020-06-30

Chinese Designer Finalist For Coronavirus Design Competition


近日,DesignClass宣布了应对新冠肺炎设计竞赛的获奖名单,中国设计师陈曦和王翔宇的设计方案 “空间光谱” (Space Spectrum)入围决赛名单,同时入围的还有其他4个分别来自美国、巴西、乌克兰和印度的设计方案。

DesignClass has announced the Finalist of CORONAVIRUS Design Competition. The proposal from Chinese Designers Xi Chen and Xiangyu Wang is one of the five proposals being selected to compete for the winner with 4 other proposals from US, Brazil, Ukraine and India.

此次竞赛中,主办方DesignClass面向全球设计师征集方案,要求参赛者思考设计如何能在这样一场全球性的疫情中发挥积极的作用,帮助人们保持生理和心里上的健康,并对当下疫情中人们所面对的挑战做出回应,例如经济、教育、居住、心理健康、防护措施和社交等。参赛者围绕着“设计如何在创造社会福祉中扮演重要角色?”这一核心问题展开创作。主办方采用了开放式体裁,在符合竞赛主题的前提下,参赛者可自由创作。设计可以是每个方案被要求至多提供三张图纸。在Arch Daily等知名建筑信息类网站的推动下,目前主办方收到了来自不同国家和地区的118个设计方案,其中5个方案通过评委评选入选决赛名单。据悉,此次竞赛的收益将捐赠给慈善机构用于应对新冠肺炎疫情。

In the competition, DesignClass is open to accept the proposal from designer all over the world asking the participant to think about how design can lead to help people stay healthy physically and mentally in this pandemic. The proposal should also provide a response to the challenge the society is facing in possible aspects, such as economic, education, living, mental health, isolation and social life. The participants are set to bring innovation to the core question of “How can design play a helpful and vital role in the health and wellness of a world in need?”. There is no limit on the type of design submitted in the competition, the designer can provide any design proposal as long as it is related to the topic. So far, prompted by Archdaily and other well-known architecture design social media, DesignClass has received 118 proposals from varies regions and counties from which 5 proposals are selected by professional juries for the finalist.

以下为入围作品“空间光谱” (Space Spectrum),介绍选自Design Class官方网站。

The design description of “Space Spectrum “is listed below (From DesignClass).


The COVID-19 pandemic that swept the world recently has brought new challenges to professions in the design industry. In this proposal, we are committed to using the design to bring a positive impact psychologically and physically to the people and cities affected by the epidemic.


In this epidemic, the virus showed extremely strong human-to-human transmission capability and it is especially suitable for spreading through the air. That is to say, people are very easy to contact and be infected by the virus in regular social activities if no protection is being employed.


Social distancing has been proven to be one of the most effective prevention measures, such as keeping at least 6 feet away from others in public places, staying at home as much as possible, etc. Inevitably, social life and entertainment has been affected and the economy has also been severely damaged. Although the Internet allows people in isolation to communicate with each other. The depression caused by long-term isolation from outdoor activities still makes people extremely eager to go out for social events while being fearing the virus.


In a global crisis like this, this design tries to find an effective way to slow down the spread of the virus while maintaining the normal operation of social life and production to the greatest extent. Our product intends to use the change of the colour of the LED light pads to trace people's movement in a certain space, to visualize the "safe distance". This not only keeps the public space open to some extent but also reduces the risk of people coming into contact with the virus.


The product consists of a wood structural framing, a rubber backing board, a flexible pressure sensor, a sensor processor and a 1’x1’ colour-changing LED panel. The product will be installed on the existing ground in various public spaces. People walk on this floor assembly and the area reached by the footprint will be presented specific colour (colour can be set by demand) within the range of 6 feet centred on the person. The colour of the light board gradually disappears after the person leaves the area and returns to the original state, indicating that the area is safe to walk on. Users will be able to identify the safe area by looking at the colour of the floor to formulate their own route and determine whether they maintain a safe distance from others by the boundary defined by the colour. The processor matrix makes the colour display coordinated between each LED panel. The modular design allows the product to be deployed quickly when needed. The interactive design will become a featured cityscape in non-epidemic periods.


Xi Chen


Master of Architecture in University of Pennsylvania,

Architecture Designer at Perkins&Will Chicago office




现就职于美国第二大建筑设计公司Perkins & Will. 参与多个文化与医疗类项目

Xiangyu Wang


Master of Architecture in Illinois Institute of Technology,

Architecture Designer at NORR Chicago





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