

 惊绝雕刻 2020-07-09



It is a well-known saying that "jade can't be made if it's not carved". Although jade is very precious, only when it's made can it show its real value. However, it can be made without carving, such as bracelet, safety buckle and Wushi card, which can best reflect the characteristics of good jade without carving.

The raw materials of jade are rare and precious, and the most priority is to make bracelets. Because bracelets are rare and the most delicious, they must be made of more than one kilogram of materials, and there is no crack infection place to have the chance to get bracelets. Moreover, bracelets are easy to process, do not consume labor hours, do not need a high level of technology, have a low cost, and can better meet the market demand.

After the bracelet core and leftover materials come out, first of all, look at the texture and quality of the materials. If the materials are good, make the safety buckle, Wushi card or bead string. After all, good jade doesn't work. If you process more, you will lose more.

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