
器材测评 | 美国发烧友对Vivid Audio KAYA 45的评论

 冷峻MYAE 2020-07-12

美国知名音响网络杂志《Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity》创刊于1994年,专注于报道家庭影院和高端音响器材,是美国第一家专业、严谨评测视听产品的网路媒体。

今天分享该杂志对于Vivid Audio KAYA 45落地式音箱的最新评论,作者Jim Clements对Vivid Audio KAYA 45评价甚高。


我发现Vivid Audio KAYA 45落地式音箱是我十多年的专业测评经验中最通透且富音乐性的音箱。KAYA 45可长时间稳定地播放高质音乐,它的整体表现近乎完美。请你不需要想得太多,只需要享受它带给你的音乐吧!

我对Vivid Audio KAYA 45 落地式音箱进行了大约8周的的深入测试。在第一周结束时,我知道我要买一对(KAYA 45),让它成为我的长期参考级音箱,它的表现几乎没有明显的弱点。



l  响应曲线平直

l  极富音乐味

l  高结像能力

l  可搭配家庭影院系统使用

l  低频紧聚、清晰

l  外形时尚富现代感


在高端音响市场里,通常当有新产品准备推出时,我定必收到大量产品信息的电子邮件,一般是新产品规格及说明,而我会花一些时间用心细阅内容。有一天,编辑部通知我VIVID Audio 将会推出新音箱产品线,而新产品样机很快会送来做测评。

我曾在洛基山音响节(Rocky Mountain Audio Fest) 里欣赏过VIVID早期的音箱设计,他们被安排于展场第一及第二楼层的较大房间里作示范,声音确令人惊讶。当然,他们的工作团队也是十分专业,总是令在场的听众十分享受表演时光。我十分肯定地表明,我想为新产品KAYA 45作详细测评,我更希望它能配搭到我的音响系统上作长期评估。真的,要能够评估高级音响产品,想必能没有比安排在自己家里长时间进行的更好方法。各位读者,如果想知道这対极富时代感的落地音箱,如何能打败众多挑战者及突围而出?好吧,请继续阅读!


l  设计:3音路4单元落地式音箱

l  频率响应:37 Hz – 25 kHz (-6 dB)

l  高音驱动单元:1 x (26 mm) 铝膜指数锥形负载导管

l  中音驱动单元:1 x (100 mm) 铝膜附指数锥形负载导管

l  低音驱动单元:2 x (125 mm) 指数锥形负载导管低音反射

l  分频点:300Hz,3kHz

l  灵敏度:87dB  / 2.83Vrms@1m

l  阻抗:6Ω

l  建议功放搭配:25–250W

l  重量:25 kg

l  体积 (高X阔X深):1,153mm x 298mm x385mm

l  箱体外饰:钢琴黑/珍珠白/磨砂灰/客户自选色样


每一只Vivid Audio音箱都有很多技术,并且在其家族产品系列中贯穿着一致的设计标准。像这样的简短评论是无法深入探讨的,所以我想专注于设计主题和概念。

KAYA 45 是一对3音路4单元设计的落地式音箱,音箱型号名与其声箱容积 (公升) 有关,所以型号45就是代表箱体容量为45公升,大约十二加仑。

顺便补充一下:Vivid Audio明确地指出他们自家制的驱动单元是以实质单元盆面积计算,而不是以单元外卷边直径计算,请留意本篇之规格说明。

KAYA 45 所有驱动单元为铝膜及自家研发驱动架构组成,并且附有指数导管负载,这种设计你会在所有VIVID音箱中发现。为了针对驱动单元背波处理,指数负载导管能有效地控制及引导有害背波排走。我不能肯定这个科学性设计的背后意义,但在实质测试下看出是十分有效。( 下图是最高级型号KAYA90 的横切面内部透视图,除了箱体容积之外,基本上设计跟KAYA45是一模一样的 )。

VIVID 音响公司只是一个音箱品牌,我会注意到他们利用导管处理低音驱动单元背波,及特别物料配合尖端科技制作箱体,箱体外壳本身由玻璃纤维增强的三明治复合材料制成,Vivid将其描述为“soric-cored”。经由真空工序处理成高硬度、高刚性和质重轻特性。据我所知,该处理程序应原由制作高端自行车主骨干研发,直到今天被广泛用于航天科技,赛车或音箱等等。

这种物料对制作KAYA 45是十分有利,由于箱体的独特外型,如使用木材制作是相当困难,另一方面是当箱体装上双低音驱动单元后,单元运动所产生的箱体自体震荡问题:低音驱动单元以背对背方式扣连着,他们以正相in-phase 方式工作,所以箱体内压力实质减少,高刚性与质量轻的箱体证实将箱体因单元活动所产生的自体震荡消除,保证单元所发出的音频自然不被污染。


箱体为无接缝成一体化,就算是非常近距离检测也难找到明显处。Laurence Dickie 指出每个无缝箱体全由厂方自家生产及全人手后期加工完成,之后是分频网络制作与低音驱动单元安装,这两个安装部份需经箱体底部进行,而分音器模块、接线柱等安装于一块底盆上,整个底盆跟箱体连接,每枚音箱底盆提供原厂可调节高度脚钉6枚。




KAYA 45 厂方提供三款颜色可供选择,也接受客户要求特订颜色 (需要额外收费),例如有些高端音响客户,喜欢将音箱外颜色配合自己名车,将车身颜色套在音箱上,你或许可以想象到英国绿色的赛车或法拉利的红色,如果套在音箱外色一様,你觉得有趣吗?



Kaya 45音箱首次送到我办公室,是置于一个木箱里,箱子一端附有尼龙绳子方便提起,而在箱子另一端的底部附有一对滑轮方便移动。内部包装十分严谨及安全,箱体由特制发泡物料包裹及固定,箱体底部由一块附有手抽开孔的厚实木底板用螺丝收紧,而底板与木箱空隙再填充一块发泡物料,保证运送过程中,所产生的震动减少及不会传回箱体。

每只Kaya 45净重达25公斤,由于外形有别于传统音箱,及重量倾向音箱底部,要由木箱里取出来是要十分小心,建议由两人处理。至于摆位及移动,Vivid厂方也预视这个情况,所以在箱子内配件包里,提供了附有小软胶点的保护手套,当我带上保护手套,我能够用一只手拉着低音反射孔位置,另一只手扶着音箱顶部背后位置,缓慢地升起,而这方法是十分方便,将音箱摆放于适当位置,当然厂方建议的摆位方法,以三角等腰摆放,将音箱toe-in单元面向聆听者,大家也可作参考。

VIVID Kaya 45 附有两套原装脚钉,一套是用于偏硬表面,另一套是用于偏软表面,每一枚音箱附有6枚脚钉。但对我而言,我正要求厂方能提供一套比原厂较长的脚钉。当然,这是我个人的特别要求,望能于我订购中的音箱一起送达。

VIVID Kaya 45只提供一组接线柱端口。所以,在这刻bi-wiring双线分音接法或bi-amping 功放桥接方式都不适用,而接线柱置于音箱背面近底部地方。

功放配套方面,我使用的是一部 D-Sonic 1,000 WPC D类功放,因为我的电子管功放存于店内,我没有尝试其他功放组合。坦白地说,这个配套从头到尾都证明是一个神奇组合!

摆位方面,我通常将音箱轻微toe-in 至一个小角度。在多数情况下,我会利用the toe-in 方式将音像交汇点调校至聆听位置前方5英尺左右。这通常是利用双耳边听边调。就以VIVID KAYA 45而言,我最终还是将一对音箱调节至直接指向聆听位置。我不甚肯定为何将这对音箱调节至此角度,但我想可能是聆听环境中存在着反射、吸收与扩散的关系,而不想遗失任何音乐细节所至。


我在很多测评中,都是靠着一直沿用的模式或型态作测试,当我做测评时会专注聆听音乐。记录我对每张专辑、每首乐曲的听感及印象,在测试VIVID KAYA 45的过程中,证明他跟其他音箱有着不一样表现,我对他作不同类型软件测试,也会告诉你们他有多利害。是怎样证明?





你可以看见于室内效应下,中频与低频段的响应曲线是相当平滑,这里发现于中频段有着很少的断断续续表现,但影响十分轻微,而于个人实地听感上是很难察觉的。另外,在图表内我想要大家留意高音单元,当频率超越20KHz 后的响应曲线表现,这是肯定市场上很多音箱表现所不及的。

下图表示粉红噪声频响曲线于拾音麦克风保持2米距离及水平偏轴30度下的表现。这比较轴内测试图表上频响曲线表现平滑了一点,但音色较暗淡。所以人们为何喜欢将音箱调整内向toe-in ,直接朝向聆听者,令其带出更为生动的表现。



于5 kHz及100dB声压值下,总谐波失真为 0.38% 

于10KHz及100dB声压值的高频测试,总谐波失真只有0.19%! 表现十分突出

跟着,是下调频率至1KHz 及500Hz于100dB声压值的表现,失真量度为0.27%。

之后是80 Hz 于100 dB 声压值下,总谐波失真为量度为 0.88%。

KAYA 45音箱标示在37Hz 低频扩展于 (-6 dB)时。测试值与标示基本一致的。所以,我决定给他一点较棘的考验,我给他一个40Hz低频正弦波及110dB声压值测试,结果总谐波失真测量值只有4.57%,相对地,当频率由低频端上升至可听范围时,失真一般是10%。当然,测试的专业器材不是每个人都拥有,我可以告诉你当开始进行测试时,所发出的讯号声浪是十分之大的,相比正常播放任何乐章都要大很多。



l  音埸分隔度清晰

l  频响曲线非常平滑

l  超卓结像力

l  低频紧聚、干净

l  音乐味十足

l  对不同录音软件作高还原度播放


l  能提供较长的脚钉

正如我个人对高级音箱的评价,我测试高级音箱及专业评测有超过十年的经验,应该是十二年有多了。期间,我评测了十多对高级音箱,大部份的售价比VIVID KAYA 45 更高。每一次当有新音箱送来给我测试,我是十分兴奋及期盼,总希望能找到一对,作长远用途的参考级监听音箱。但每次当评测完成,我也会亲自将他包装好送返供应商,这情况一次又一次重复着似,音箱送来测试了一会后,我发觉真的不合适或有不足,又有些取价高昂而表现一般等等。

VIVID KAYA 45 是第一对能打破此惯性的高级音箱。他的表现能力真的令每位在场听众惊讶,有种干净利落的感觉,面对各种类型音乐播放也能够轻松地处理好,这无疑是我多年测评音箱中,所见潜力最高的产品。





I found theVIVID Audio KAYA 45 speakers to be the most transparent and musical speakers Ihave reviewed in my more than 10 years of professional reviewing experience.The KAYA 45’s had almost no weaknesses and provided non-stop performance that Icould enjoy without any conscious thought. They just gave me the music the wayI like it!

I had the VIVID Audio KAYA 45 speakers in for a detailedreview for about 8 weeks or so. By the end of the first week, I knew I wasgoing to buy a pair to make them my long-term reference speakers. They prettymuch had no discernible weaknesses in their performance.



· Balanced response

· The most musical speaker I have ever reviewed

· Unfaltering imagery

· Works well in a home cinema

· Tight and clean bass

· Pretty cool looking too


I get a lot of press releases emailed to me. Inhigh-end audio, these releases usually announce some new product release. Iread most of them and pass over a few. Then one day, I got a notification thatVIVID Audio had a new line of speakers coming out and review samples would beavailable soon.

I had heard some of VIVID’s earlier speaker designs at RockyMountain Audio Fest. They always sounded pretty incredible in a large room onthe mezzanine. Also, their team was full of great guys you could really enjoyyour time visiting. So sure, I wanted to review the new KAYA 45’s. I reallywanted to hear them in my own system for a long-term evaluation. There is nobetter way to evaluate high fidelity components than through a long-term livingarrangement in your own home. How would these modest tower speakers stand upagainst all the competition out there? Well, read on!

DESIGN:4-Driver,3-Way Floor-standing Speakers
MFR:37Hz – 25 kHz (-6 dB)
TWEETERS:1~ 1” (26 mm) Tapered Tube-Loaded Alloy Dome
MIDRANGEDRIVER:1~ 4” (100 mm) Tapered Tube-Loaded Alloy Cone
BASS DRIVERS:2~ 5” (125 mm) Alloy Cone Exponentially-Tapered Tube Enhanced Bass Reflex
SENSITIVITY(2.83V @ 1 M):87dB
WEIGHT:55 lbs. (25 kg) each
DIMENSIONS (HXWXD):45-3/8” x 11-3/4” x 15-3/16”(1,153 mm x 298 mm x 385 mm)
AVAILABLE FINISHES:Piano, Pearl, Oyster Matte (andcustom colors too!)
SECRETS TAGS:VIVID, loudspeaker,floor-standing, tapered tube, soric core, KAYA, Loudspeaker Review 2020

There is a lot of technology in each and everyVIVID Audio speaker. And there are consistent design threads that run throughtheir family of products. There is no way I can go into great depth with ashort review like this so I would like to focus on the main themes andconcepts.

The KAYA 45’s are three-way, four-driverpassive floor-standing speakers. The model numbers relate to the enclosedvolume of the speaker in liters. So the 45’s are 45 liters in volume which isapproximately twelve gallons. It was at times hard for me to envision 12gallons in there and at other times, it was perfectly obvious.
An aside: VIVID Audio specifies their driversizes based on the actual cone size and not on the diameter of the outersurround. Please take this into account when looking at the specificationsoffset box on this page.
All the drivers in the KAYA 45 have alloy diaphragms withproprietary motor structures. Also, they all feature exponential tapered-tubeloading. This is the most obvious design feature of all the VIVID Audiospeakers. The exponential tubes are designed to “tame and control” the drivers’back waves. I am not sure what is the science behind this design method but inpractice, it works quite well. (The image below is a cutaway of the larger KAYA90’s that I wanted to post so you could see the internal shape which is similarto the KAYA 45s.)

VIVIDAudio is the only speaker brand I am aware of that loads their woofers with atapered tube. Being able to pull this off required VIVID to utilize some cutting-edgematerials. The cabinets are thus constructed of a Soric-cored compositematerial. This is a vacuum process to make very stiff, high-strength, andlightweight products. As far as I know, the process was pioneered to make uberhigh-end bike frames and has now made it
into aerospace, racecars, loudspeakers, etc.
This material works well for the KAYA 45’sbecause these speakers need to have a unique shape that would be wildlydifficult to form out of wood and also the cabinets don’t need to serve as a vibrationsink due to the dual bass driver loading: the speakers feature woofers that areopposed design and strapped together from behind. They operate in-phase so thestresses on the cabinet are reduced substantially and this means a lightweightand rigid enclosure will suffice and in fact has added advantages, one of whichin that the cabinets’ enclosures have a very high natural frequency which movestheir sympathetic vibrations outside the drivers’ response envelope.

I can say that these speakers were oddlystable. For example, when playing music with lots of bass energy, you couldplace your hand on top of the speaker and not feel any vibration. It wasuncanny and reminiscent of some demos I have seen where the salesman balances anickel on top of the speaker and the nickel never falls off of its own accord.
The speakers did not reveal any seams in thecabinet, even on very close inspection. Laurence Dickie indicated that they doa “lot of hand-work” at the factory to create that seamless appearance. Itlooks as though the crossover network and woofers are installed from underneaththe cabinet through an accessible panel that also supports the six floor spikesthat are provided per speaker.

The tweeter and midrange appear to be installedfrom the front and are secured by a single nut per driver that is countersunkinto the back of the cabinet. I imagine that they are inserted from the frontand affixed from behind. They must have gasketed flanges in front to create aproper seal.
The midrange and woofers have foam surroundsthat appear to be a similar material to the foam surrounds from the ‘70s and‘80s that decayed over time. I’m sure these are better than the ones of old,but the look of them made me worry a little bit.

Mr. Dickie told me how most ported speakershave a little bump in the bass region due to the cabinet loading. He claimsthat he has found a technique to reduce this non-linearity and in so doing, hisspeakers enjoy a clean and tight bass response like no others!
TheKAYA 45’s are available in three standard finishes. They can also becustom-ordered in any color you might imagine with a slight bump in cost. Ahigh number of audiophiles are big-time car enthusiasts and like to have theirspeakers match their cars so maybe a nice British racing green or a Ferrari redmight catch your fancy!

Thetweeters have fixed metal grilles. The other drivers have magnetic grilles thatare also thick gauge metal. The magnets were a little polite, but the grillesfit into a countersunk area around the driver’s flange and never fell offunless I was moving the speaker or dusting it. I kept the grilles on exceptwhen bench testing. They are cool.

These speakers arrived at my office in a woodencrate that had nylon rope handles on one end of the crate and wheels on theother end. This made it reasonably easy to move the large package here andthere. The internal padding made a very safe and secure cocoon for the preciouscontents. The biggest downside was having to unscrew a large number of lag boltsto get inside.

Each speaker is only 55 pounds in the flesh.Due to their shape, they were a little awkward to carry once freed from theirsarcophagus. Thankfully, VIVID had the foresight to provide a pair of wovengloves with little rubber nibs on the grips. When wearing the gloves, I wasable to grab the speaker by one of the bass ports and then lift whilesupporting the top back with the other hand. In this way, it was pretty easyfor me to place them in the normal position where I typically place speakers inmy listening room. The speakers in this position form the vertices of anisosceles triangle which is precisely the setup VIVID recommends.

The VIVID Kaya 45’s come with floor spikes aswell as a set of feet for hard or delicate surfaces. As usual, I needed longerspikes than the ones that are provided so I will ask if VIVID has a longer setavailable when I place my order to purchase a pair of these speakers. There aresix spikes per speaker.
These speakers had a single pair of binding posts down low by the ground. So,no bi-wiring or bi-amping this time around.

Iauditioned these speakers with a D-Sonic 1,000 WPC Class D amplifier throughoutthe review. I didn’t try different amps because my tube amp was in the shopand, frankly, this combination gelled from the get-go and proved to be amagical combination!

I normally use a slight amount of toe-in withmy speakers. In most cases, the toe-in converges about 5’ behind the primelistening position. This is always adjusted by ear. With the VIVID KAYA 45’s, Ieventually wound up with both speakers aimed right at my cranium. I am not surewhy these speakers responded to this degree of toe-in, but I imagined it mayhave been that I wanted to absorb every ounce of the luscious goodness these speakerswere putting out.

In Use
I have developed a “pattern” or a “style” ifyou will whereby in most of my reviews, I focus on the music I listened toduring the review. From that launch point, I then explore my listeningimpressions around each album or song. In this case, the VIVID KAYA 45’s provedthemselves to be so different from other speakers that, in their honor, I willtake a different approach in my review of the KAYA 45’s. I’m just going to tellyou how great they are. How’s that?

The review samples I received were apparently awell-traveled pair of speakers. This meant that they were completely broken inand ready to rock. And rock they did. My immediate impression right out of thegate was of the most incredible musical reproduction I can remember hearing inmy home.

On The Bench
All my bench tests are done in-room with thespeaker placed very far from the walls. I have the capability to test frequencyresponse as well as harmonic distortion.

Let’s start by discussing the frequencyresponse tests first. The plot immediately below is a pink noise test at 2meters on-axis. The microphone element was precisely aligned on-axis with themidrange driver.

What you see here is a very smooth responseabove the room effect zone in the mid and low bass. There is a little bit ofchoppiness in the midrange but this was nothing that I remember hearing in thetime I had these in for review. I also want you to note that these tweetershave actual response beyond 20 kHz. Most speakers are not able to pull this off.

This next plot is pink noise with the mic 30degrees offset horizontally still at 2-meter spacing. This is a slightlysmoother response envelope than the on-axis plot but with a darker palette.That’s why toeing in the speakers so they were aimed straight at your headbrought about the more “VIVID” presentation that we all loved so much.

The remaining plots are distortion measurementswith the mic tip precisely 1’ from the driver under test. I like to measuredistortion this way so the room effects won’t have an undue impact on theresults.

This first test was 100 dB at 1 kHz. The resultwas 0.55% THD which is a little higher than the manufacturer’s claim of 0.5%THD.

At 5kHz, I got 0.38% THD at 100 dB.

Thehigh treble was measured at 10 kHz and measured an amazingly low 0.19% at 100dB!
Goingdown from 1 kHz, this next test was run at 500 Hz and 100 dB, the distortionmeasured 0.27%.
Then at 80 Hz and 100 dB, I measured 0.88%.
The KAYA 45 speakers are rated at 37 Hz bass extension (-6 dB)and this was more or less consistent with my measurements. So, as a “torture”test, I played a 40 Hz sine wave at 110 dB. The distortion measurement was only4.57%. When it comes to bass distortion, we typically believe that 10% is whenthe distortion becomes audible. Also, for those who don’t have testingequipment, I can tell you that I get startled when running these tests becausethis is a much louder signal than you would be expected to hear during a normallistening session. It was very loud.
·  Atonce laid back and forward-sounding
·  Verysmooth response
·  Excellentimaging
·  Tightand clean bass
·  Superiormusicality
·  Bringout the best in every recording

·  Longerfloor spikes
As I mentioned in the main body of my review, Ihave been professionally reviewing and testing loudspeakers for more than 10years now. Almost 12 years to be exact. In that time, I have reviewed dozens ofspeakers, many of which cost more than the VIVID KAYA 45’s. Each time I have aset coming in for review, I get pretty excited thinking that maybe these willbe the ones that will become my long-term reference. Then I’d find myselfboxing them up and sending them back at the end of the review. This hashappened over and over: the speakers arrive with great anticipation and thenafter living with them for a while, I conclude they weren’t really any betterthan what I have already or at least not a big enough improvement to justifythe price.

The VIVID KAYA 45s are the first pair ofspeakers to break that cycle. They came in here all full of their bad selvesand then proceeded to just slay me and every guest I had over. It was the mostuncanny thing I have ever experienced.
These speakers made me stay up late at night inrapt attention. I was listening to more music than I have in years and I justcouldn’t get enough. I don’t have them now as VIVID wanted me to ship them backfor a dealer demo. I have been having strange withdrawal symptoms ever since Ishipped them back. I can assure you that I will be buying a pair, they willbecome my long-term reference speakers, and the sun will shine again!
Roksan Trading Co.



Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity

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