
L. Frank Baum (1856-1919)(May 15 : 美国历史上的今天)

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21


May 15, 1856, was the birth date of L. Frank Baum. Few people probably recognize that name. Most people, however, know who the Wizard of Oz is. Baum was the creator of Oz and the many characters who lived in that magic world.

Baum was a man who had many talents and a great imagination. He often preferred fantasy to reality and liked telling tall tales 荒诞夸大的故事. He worked at many different kinds of jobs. He was a newspaper reporter, a salesman, a producer of plays, an actor, and always, a writer. Over the years, Baum submitted 投稿 many short stories and poems to magazines. Some were published, but many were not.

Baum was not truly successful until 1900, when he was 44 years old. That is when he wrote The Wonderful Wizard of Oz 《绿野仙踪》. Readers were delighted by the story of a little Kansas girl named Dorothy who was whisked 飞卷 through the sky to the land of Oz. They loved his tale about her adventures in Oz, where she met a scarecrow 稻草人, a tin man 铁皮人, a cowardly 胆小的 lion, witches, munchkins 小好人, the Wizard, and saw the beautiful Emerald 翡翠 City.

Soon after the huge success of that book, Baum wrote the Marvelous Land of Oz, then Ozma of Oz, and Tik-Tok of Oz. Altogether, he wrote 14 Oz books that introduced readers to hundreds of different characters.

Years after Baum’s death in 1919, his original book was made into a popular movie called the Wizard of Oz. It was first seen in theaters in 1939 and is still shown regularly on television.









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