
Jim Thorpe (1888-1953)(May 28:美国历史上的今天)

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21

内容提要:吉姆·索普(Jim Thorpe)的运动生涯。

Jim Thorpe was a Native American from the Sauk and Fox tribes. His athletic 运动的 abilities broght him a life of fame and great disappointment.

Thorpe was born on May 28, 1888, in Oklahoma. When he was 16, he enrolled 入学 at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania. Thorpe was good at all kinds of sports. The school’s coach, Glenn “Pop” Warner, asked Thorpe to join the football team. Thorpe became an outstanding player.

During two summer vacations, Thorpe played semi-pro 半职业 baseball at Rock Point, North Carolina. He was paid a small salary.

Pop Warner offered to help Thorpe train for the 1912 Olympic Games in Sweden. At the games, Thorpe was entered in both the decathlon 十项全能 and pentathlon 五项全能. These events required skills in running, jumping, javelin 投标枪 and discus throws 掷铁饼, high hurdles 跨栏, shot put 掷铅球, long jump, and pole vaulting 撑杆跳高. Thorpe won the gold medal in both events.

Thorpe was treated like a hero when he returned to the United States. But one year later,his gold medals were taken away from him. The Olympic Committee decided that because he had been paid for playing baseball, he was a professional athlete. At that time, athletes had to be amateurs 业余选手 in order to participate in the Olympics. Thorpe hadn’t understood that rule.

People still admired Thorpe, though. Sports writers voted him the greatest athlete in the world at that time.

Jim Thorpe died in 1953. In 1982, the Olympic Committee reversed 推翻 its decision and gave Thorpe’s gold medals to his family. Thorpe’s outstanding performances were once again officially recognized.









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