
Louis Armstrong (1901-1971)(July 6:美国历史上的今天)

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21

内容提要著名爵士乐歌手路易斯·阿姆斯特丹(Louis Armstrong)生平简介。

On July 6, 1971, the jazz world lost great musician. Louis Armstrong, a famous jazz musician, died. 

Louis was born on August4, 1901 in New Orleans, Louisiana, the birth place of jazz. When he was 12 years old, Louis got into trouble and was sent to a home for troubled kids. There, he learned to play the cornet (短号). Playing music became Louis's passion酷爱. 

In 1917, Louis caught the attention of Joe "King" Oliver, a leading jazz musician in New Orleans. He took Louis under his wing庇护 and taught the young boy everything he knew. Louis started his own jazz band in 1925. By this time, he was playing the trumpet. He quickly became known throughout the world as a great trumpet player. 

Louis was a very creative and energetic充满活力的player. He was known for adding his own notes to a song as he played. Trumpet players everywhere tried to imitate效仿 Louis's playing style. 

Louis also had a unique singing voice. It was low and hoarse沙哑的. Anyone who heard it instantly knew who was singing. Louis didn't just sing the lyrics歌词 to a song, though. He also made up sounds and sang them at different times in a song. This style of music is called scat singing (拟声吟唱).Soon, many jazz singers were using scat in their music.

Over the years, Louis worked with many musicians and bands. He recorded such songs as "Cornet Chop Suey (炒杂碎菜)," "West End Blues," "Heebie Jeebies ([俚]神经过敏)," and "Hello Dolly." Beginning in the 1930s, Louis traveled all over the world to perform. Up until three days before his death, Louis was setting up band practices fora performance. 

One year after Louis's death, he was selected for the Lifetime Grammy Achievement Award. This is given to people who have made great contributions to music. This was very fitting for the man who changed the jazz world forever.


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