
童年时代早期的双语学习 - 英语教学法原著选读89

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21


幼儿语言学习的发展阶段初探 - 英语教学法原著选读88(恢复家长指南,谈谈幼升小的语言问题)







这篇文章里所说的“双语”,是指孩子有不同的场景可以应用两种不同的语言,比如在家里就说“家乡话(the family language)”,在学校就说主流语言(the majority language)。我知道很多朋友看到本文标题就想到孩子能否算是“中英双语”,但抱歉,这很难,因为主流语言是中文,在家、在学校都是这样,那么英语就没有具体的应用场景。




以下英文原文取自上海外语教育出版社引进出版、授权转载的“外语教学法丛书”之九《语言学习机制》第一章“Learning a First Language”:

原文(作者:Lightbown & Spada)


Heading: Early childhood bilingualism

Many children, perhaps the majority of children in the world, are exposed to more than one language in early childhood. Children who hear more than one language virtually from birth are sometimes referred to as ‘simultaneous bilinguals’, whereas those who begin to learn a second language later are referred to as ‘sequential bilinguals’.


There is a considerable body of research on the ability of young children to learn more than one language in their earliest years. The evidence suggests that, when simultaneous bilinguals are in contact with both languages in a variety of settings, there is every reason to expect that they will progress in their development of both languages at a rate and in a manner which are not different from those of monolingual children.


Naturally, when children go on to have schooling in only one of those languages, there may be considerable differences in the amount of metalinguistic knowledge they develop and in the type and extent of the vocabulary they eventually acquire in the two languages. Nevertheless, there seems to be little support for the myth that learning more than one language in early childhood slows down the child’s linguistic or cognitive development.



There may be reason to be concerned, however, about situations where children are virtually cut off from their family language when they are ‘submerged’ in a second language for long periods in early schooling or day care. In such cases, children may begin to lose the family language before they have developed an age-appropriate mastery of the new language. This is referred to as subtractive bilingualism, and it can have serious negative consequences for children from minority groups. In some cases, children seem to continue to be caught between two languages: not having mastered the second language, they have not continued to develop the first.


Unfortunately, the ‘solution’ which educators often propose to parents is that they should stop speaking the family language at home and concentrate instead on speaking the majority language with their children. The evidence seems to suggest that the opposite would be more effective. That is, parents who themselves are learners of the majority language should continue to use the language which is most comfortable for them. The children may eventually prefer to answer in the majority language, but at least they will maintain their comprehension of their family language. This also permits the parents to express their knowledge and ideas in ways that are likely to be richer and more elaborate than they can manage in their second language.


There is no evidence that a child’s brain has a limited capacity for languages such that their knowledge of one language must shrink if their knowledge of the other one grows. Most minority language children do eventually master the majority language, but second language acquisition takes time. It may take several years for children to know the language well enough to use it for school learning with the same ease as children who have learned the language from birth.


Eventually, however, it is likely to become their preferred language. Demographic research shows that minority languages are usually lost in the second generation after immigration. Children who have the opportunity to learn multiple languages from early childhood and to maintain them throughout their lives are fortunate indeed, and families that can offer this opportunity to their children should be encouraged to do so.


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