
用英语解释语法:英语动词时态的语用情境 - 英语教学法原著选读116

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21


英语教师在(以听说能力为主要培养目标的)英语课堂上讲英语,如今这已经是英语教学界——不管是大学英语教学还是中小学教学——的共识了。不过,“有好事者”给“Speak English in English classes”这个要求加了个状语:……when possible, Speak Chinese when necessary.

这一加,就好像在《动物庄园》里,Squealer给标语加后半句(如“All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”)一样,几乎完全改变了在英语课堂上讲英语这个要求。




还有,如今一些流行的教学理念也令老师们左右为难,一个典型就是“Teacher Talking Time”,简称“TTT”,和“Student Talking Time” ——STT——相对。按照如今主流的教学观念,TTT应该是越少越好,STT能增加就增加。鉴于此,不少老师在课堂上追求讲解效率,那么用汉语讲题目、讲语法当然是效率更高的,至少短期内看是这样。


我们先说TTT的问题。国际英语教材开发专家、英语教学法泰斗Brian Tomlinson对“TTT应该尽量减少”这个说法提出过异议:在绝大部分英语课堂上,唯一能对学生说良好英语的,就是老师。学生们下了课就再听不到英语了,那为什么不让老师多讲一些呢?我觉得,B. Tomlinson的这个观点是对的。

再说用英语解释语法、讲题目的可行性。不少老师认为这不可能,但我们要了解,既然是解释语法、解释习题,那当然是用解释性语言(explanatory language),而我们知道,语言是可降解的(degradable),我们总能用比较浅显的语言来解释比较复杂的语言,所以解释性语言恰恰应该是比较简单的、学生能够听得懂的英语。


用英语解释语法,讲解习题,有着非常重要的现实意义。国际二语习得泰斗、输入假说的提出者Stephen Krashen指出,即便是传统的语法教学,只要是用英语(或者其他目标语言)进行的,也能够促进学生的语言习得。用英语解释语法,还能够使学生充分认识到英语的工具性,使英语不再仅仅是一门要考到高分的课。



当然,空谈重要性,意思不大。让老师们再回到英语专业的课堂上去学习paraphrase,也不现实。从今天起,我从上海外语教育出版社出版的《教学法丛书之八:如何教授英语语法(Explaining English Grammar)》一书中节选部分片段,展示其解释英语语法的若干做法,供朋友们参考。

《如何教授英语语法》一书的作者是George Yule,著名英语语言学家,我记得复旦大学英语专业考研语言学专业的推荐书目里就有他的作品,应该是《The Study of Language》。Yule曾在爱丁堡大学、明尼苏达州立大学等高等学府任教。

《如何教授英语语法》一书分为十章,每章分为Basic Forms、Basic meanings、Meanings in context、Discussion Topics and Projects、Teaching ideas和Further reading等六个部分。这本书我还没有看完,但从我看过的部分来说,是一本很好的书。



今天我们选读的是该书第三章“Tenses and Aspects”的第三节“Meanings in context”的前两项,In a magazine article和In academic writing。因为选文的特殊性,今天的选文没有对照译文。下面这几段文字的大意是,不管是在杂志文章里,还是在学术论文中,都有约定俗成的惯例,用不同的动词时态表示不同的内容,如在杂志文章中,用不同的时态追溯了过去的事实与情况、从现状回顾过去,到进行中的结果。在学术著作中,不同种类的学术发现、学术观点往往也有着不同的时态与之相对应。具体怎样对应,尽在英文原文。



In a magazine article

A rather clear example of how one writer uses different tense and aspect forms to indicate a change within one area of medical studies can be found in extract [1] , from a magazine (Scientific American, November 1992). Look especially at the italicized verb forms.

[36]Drug resistance was mostly ignored in the U.S. until recently because physicians believed they had access to all the antibiotics they might need. They were wrong. Drug resistance has been found in virtually every type of microbe that has been fought with antibiotics. That covers everything from food-borne pathogens such as Salmonella to sexually transmitted organisms such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Surgical patients are now dying in U.S. hospitals from wound infections caused by enterococcal bacteria resistant to several different drugs.

The sequence of the writer's presentation in [36] can be traced through the verb forms, from a remote factual situation (past tenses), through some changes that are viewed retrospectively from the current situation (perfect aspect), to a non-remote factual statement (present tense) of a general current situation, to a specific result that is viewed as ongoing (progressive aspect) at the time of writing. In this expository text, there is a pattern of using past tenses for background information and present tense (with or without grammatical aspect) for information that is in the foreground of the writers focus.

In academic writing

A related observation can be made about academic writing where the results of different research studies are being reviewed. There is a tendency to use past tense forms to report on research that is identified as a finding, but not the type of finding that the author uses as a generalization. Generalizations are expressed in the present tense. In this way, some research results form a background relative to which the foreground generalizations can be made. Some extracts from one article on second language speech research (Leather and James 1991) may serve to illustrate the pattern. Some specific results are reported in the past tense, with the researchers (dates of publication in brackets) as agents, as shown in [37a, b].

[37] a. Maidment (1976, 1983) and Ohala and Gilbert (1978) also found that listeners can in some circumstances recognize languages by their prosody alone, b. In one of the experiments carried out by Cochrane (1980), Japanese children scored highcr than adults.

In contrast, generalizations by the current writer(s) are made in the present tense, with researchers' names and publication dates in brackets, but not as agents, as shown in [38a, b].

[38] a. There are often considerable differences in judgment between one native judge and another (see de Bot 1979; Strain 1963).

b. That some ontogenetic neurological change limits the ability of adults to learn a new sound system is not proven (see, e.g., Flege 1988; Leather 1988).'

This difference in the use of past as opposed to present tense may be made clearer by comparing two potential ways, [39a] and [39b], of reporting the same result.

[39] a. Scovel (1969) found that age was a factor in L2 learning, b. Age is a factor in L2 learning (Scovel 1969).

The choice of type of statement, and particularly its tense, has a clear influence on the status of the information being presented. One specific result (past tense, as in [39a]) may be different from possible others, but a current statement of fact (present tense, as in [39b]) gives the information much more authority.



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