
定义“阅读(Reading)”(上) - 英语教学法原著选读0125

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21

下文选自上海外语教育出版社出版的《英语阅读技巧教学》(Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language,作者Christine Nuttall)第一章“What is Reading?”,选文翻译:武太白

Defining Reading


Different people use the term reading in different ways, which can cause much confusion. So we had better start by making sure that we are thinking about the same thing when we use the term. As a first step, it would be useful to find out what your own ideas are about reading, so please do Activity 1.1 before turning the page.


Activity 1.1 What is reading?

活动1.1 阅读是什么?

Take a piece of paper and write down a brief definition of the term reading. Don’t take more than five minutes over this.


What sort of definition did you give? Did you use words from one of these groups?


a decode, decipher, identify, etc

b articulate, speak, pronounce, etc

c understand, respond, meaning, etc

a 解码,解密,认定,等等

b 言明,说出,发音,等等

c 理解,反应,意义,等等

Looking at the ideas reflected in these three groups will help to clarify the view of reading that is central to this book.


Teachers whose definition includes the ideas reflected in group a are focusing on the first thing of all about reading: unless we can recognize the written words, we cannot even begin to read. This is certainly important: we know that good readers are able to identify words very rapidly, and helping learners to do this is a key task for teachers of early reading. But it is debatable whether specific training can improve word recognition at later stages - which are our concern in this book - and no suggestions are offered. It is more likely that speed comes from massive amounts of practice, which we discuss in Chapter 8.


The words in group b reflect a common experience: in a great many classrooms, the reading lesson is used as an opportunity to teach pronunciation, practise fluent and expressive speaking, and so on. For early readers, again, reading aloud is important: they have to discover how writing is associated with the spoken words they already use. But this stage does not last long. What is the function of reading aloud after that? We shall return to this question later.


Before we deal with the words in group c, it would be helpful to do Activity 1.2.


Activity 1.2 What have you been reading?

活动1.2 你都在读些什么?

Take five minutes to list all the different kinds of things you have read in the last few days, in any language. Remember to include things like these:


• telephone directory

• statistics

• label on medicine bottle

• engagement diary

• streetmap

• letter

• timetable

• instruction leaflet

• notice

• application form











Finally, categorize the items on your list according to the language they were written in. How many were written in English (or whatever foreign language you are interested in)? And how many of these were directly concerned with your teaching?





TOP-DOWN VS. BOTTOM-UP:文本阅读的两种主要方法 - 英语教学法原著选读124

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