
关于课堂互动的几点探讨 – 英语教学法著作选读201907(总第0144)

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21



选项、决定与行动:关于“课堂教学管理”的三四思考 - 英语教学法著作选读201905(总第1042期)

两个典型事例体现的选项、决定与行动:关于“课堂教学管理”的五六思考 - 英语教学法著作选读201906(总第0143期)



下文选自上海外语教育出版社出版的《学习教学:英语教师指南(Learning Teaching: A Guidebook for English language teachers)》(作者Jim Scrivener)第二章“An Introduction to Classroom Management”(课堂教学管理入门)。


2 Classroom interaction

2 课堂互动

Five types of student grouping are common in the classroom: the whole class working together with the teacher; the whole class mixing together as individuals; small groups (three to eight people); pairs; individual work. In any one lesson a teacher may include work that involves a number of these different arrangements. Varying groupings is one way of enabling a variety of experiences for the learners.


In this section we examine the rationale for making use of pairs and small groups as well as whole class work. There are some suggestions and guidelines for maximizing useful interaction in class - and there are some warnings about how you might prevent learning!


Task 1


In the list of statements below about classroom interaction, tick any that you feel you can agree with.


la It is more important for learners to listen and speak to the teacher than for learners to listen and speak to each other.

1b Students should get most conversation practice in interacting with other learners rather than with the teacher.

2a People usually learn best by listening to people explaining things. 

2b People usually learn best by trying things out and finding out what works.

3a The teacher should speak as much as possible in classroom time. 

3b The teacher should speak as little as possible in classroom time.

1a 对学习者来说,听老师讲课、跟老师对话要比学习者之间相互聆听、对话更重要。

1b 学生应该在与其他学习者互动的过程中获取绝大部分对话练习,而非跟教师互动。

2a 人们通常在听别人讲解的时候学得最好最快。

2b 人们通常在试着做事、弄清楚怎样做才有效的过程中学得最快最好。

3a 教师应该在课堂时间内尽可能多地说话。

3b 教师应该在课堂时间内尽可能少地说话。



The language classroom is rich in language for learners, quite apart from the language that learners and teacher may suppose they are focusing on in the subject matter of the lesson. Students learn a lot of their language from what they hear their teacher say - the instructions, the discussions, the asides, the jokes, the chit-chat, the comments, etc. Having said that, it would be unsatisfactory if the teacher dominated the lesson to the exclusion of participation from as many learners as possible.


The arguments for 1a usually grow from the idea that the teacher knows more of the target language and that by listening to her the learner is somehow absorbing a correct picture of the language, that by interacting with her the learner is learning to interact with a native speaker or an experienced user of the language, and that this is far more useful than talking to a poor user. Thus, by this argument, time spent talking to another learner is not particularly useful time.


This is OK as far as it goes, but there are a number of challenges to such views. Some are to do with available time: if the teacher talks most of the time, how much time will learners get to speak? If the only conversation practice learners get is one-to-one with the teacher they will get very little time to speak at all. In a class of twenty-five learners, how much time will the teacher have available to speak to individuals? Divide a one- hour lesson by twenty-five and you get just over two minutes each. That doesn’t sound very much.


1b suggests that we could maximize learner speaking time at certain points of the lesson by putting them into pairs or small groups and getting them to talk to each other. Thus instead of two minutes’ speaking time in a whole lesson, they all get a lot of speaking practice within a short space of time. The teacher could use this time effectively by discreetly monitoring what the students are saying, and using the information collected as a source of material for future feedback or other work.


I am, of course, making other assumptions. I’m assuming that it is important to give learners opportunities to have useful interaction with others.


2a and 2b are about different ways of learning. I believe, from my own learning experiences, and from observing teachers at work, that the most efficient way of learning is for a student to be really involved in a lesson. Explanations, especially long ones, tend to leave me cold; I get bored; I switch off. (A learner might also have real problems in following what is being said.) But challenge me, give me a problem to do or a task I want to complete, and I will learn far more - by experimenting, by practising, by taking risks.


I think you can guess my views on 3a and 3b by now. (Neither the extremes of a nor b,but closer to b than a.) Observers who watch new teachers at work often comment that they talk too much. An essential lesson that every new teacher needs to learn is that 'talking at’ the learners does not necessarily mean that learning is taking place; in many cases TTT (Teacher Talking Time) actually represents time when the learners are not doing very much and are not very involved. Working on ways to become aware of unnecessary TTT is something to add to your list of priorities.




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