

 神外小白 2020-07-28

一、联络纤维(association fibers)

联络纤维是把同一半球的大脑皮层的不同部分连接起来。它们有两种类型<span style='max-inline-size: 100%;caret-color: red;font-size: 19px;color: rgb(46, 48, 51);font-size: 16px;caret-color: rgb(255, 0, 0);font-family: 微软雅黑, ' !important;'='' 0px='' none='' border-box='' arial,='' yahei',='' microsoft=''>

1、Short-association fibreswhich connect the adjacent gyri to each other.短联络纤维,它们联络相邻的脑回

2、Long-association fibreswhich connect the gyri located at a distance from each other.长联络纤维,它们联络彼此相距很远的脑回

①扣带  cingulum (girdle-shaped)


②钩束The uncinate fasciculus is a curved fibre bundle. It connects the inferior frontal gyrus and the orbital gyri of the frontal lobe to the hippocampus and amygdaloid nucleus of the temporal lobe. Thus, it connects the limbic areas of the cerebral hemispheres. 钩束是一个弯曲的纤维束。它连接额叶的额下回和眶回与颞叶的海马和杏仁核。因而,它连接大脑半球的边缘叶区域

③上纵束The superior longitudinal fasciculus is a long bundle that begins in the frontal lobe and arches back via the parietal lobe to the occipital lobe, from where it turns into the temporal lobe. Thus, it connects the occipital lobe to the frontal eye field. (The arcuate fasciculus is a bundle of axons that forms part of the superior longitudinal fasciculus that connects temporal lobe and the frontal lobe. Thus, it connects the sensory and motor speech areas to each other in the dominant hemisphere). 上纵束是从额叶开始经顶叶弓背向后到枕叶和从顶叶弓背向后到颞叶的长束。因此,它连接枕叶与额眼动区。(弓形束是连接颞叶与额叶的一束轴突,是上纵束的一部分。因此,它在优势半球中使感觉性语言区和运动性语言区互相联络)。

④下纵束The inferior longitudinal fasciculus connects the occipital lobe to the temporal lobe.下纵束连接着枕叶与颞叶

⑤额枕束The fronto-occipital fasciculus connects frontal to occipital and temporal lobes. It is lateral to caudate nucleus, lies medial to the superior longitudinal fasciculus and is separated from it by corona radiata.额枕束连接着额叶与枕叶和颞叶。额枕束位于尾状核的外侧上纵束的内侧,并由放射冠将额枕束与上纵束分开

⑥垂直束The perpendicular fasciculus connects the parietal lobe to the occipital lobe and the posterior part of temporal lobe.垂直束连接着顶叶与枕叶和颞叶后部

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