
有的时候,break a leg,确实不能翻译成“打断一条腿”

 外语行天下 2020-07-29

break a leg 的字面意思非常浅显易懂“打断一条腿”,但是它的寓意却是相反的,可以意为“祝你好运,祝你大获成功”,通常用于祝愿演员演出成功,而且是独立成句,寓意:

good luck祝你好运

best wishes最美好的祝福

stroke of luck运气好

to wish someone luck especially before a performance祝某人好运,尤指在演出前


"Break a leg!" shouted the stage director to his actors before the beginning of the play.“祝你好运!”话剧开始前,舞台导演对演员们喊道。

You have an exam tomorrow? Break a leg!你明天有考试吗?祝你好运!

解析:have an exam 意为“参加考试”。

"My first stage performance is scheduled for tonight." "Well, break a leg!"“我的第一场演出定于今晚。”“好吧,祝你好运!”

解析:schedule 作动词时,意为“为…安排时间”。

"Break a leg!" I shouted out to him before he rushed in for his auditions.“祝你好运!”在他冲进来参加试镜之前,我向他大声喊叫。

When the team went out for the final race, the coach shouted out to them "break a leg!"当队员们去参加最后一场比赛时,教练向他们大声喊道:“祝你好运!”

I wish you good luck on the completion of your book written for publishing. Break a leg!祝你顺利完成你的新书出版工作。祝你大获成功!

解析:过去分词短语 written for publishing 作定语,置于名词后面,其逻辑主语是 your book,相当于一个定语从句 that is written for publishing,但过去分词短语较简洁,常用于书面语。

有的时候若真不知道习语 break a leg 的寓意,会闹出笑话或矛盾,还会被认为是好心当作驴肝肺,不过相信看过这篇文章之后,这种犯错的几率就等于零了。

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