
向Scott Young提问,独家学习经验传授——精选问答(第七期)

 梨涡芊芊 2020-08-07


Q1: 请推荐一些关于学习方法的书籍或课程,能够让我们对这一领域的知识进行系统性地学习。

Q2: 对于学习知识之后的习题集,我们应该如何对待?如何能够更高效地做题,来达到检验知识的目的?

Q3: 一个人长时间的学习总是会感到孤单寂寞,你在进行MIT挑战的时候是如何满足自己的感情需求的呢?

Q4: 在遇到一个困难任务时,我往往潜意识中会因为恐惧自己表现不好(即使只有自己知道)而不断拖延,请问怎么样才能改变自己这样的习惯和思想状态?

Q5: 能否分享一下您是如何写书的?包括使用的方法论和工具。

Q6: 您对创造力如何看待?我们应该如何培养自己的创造力?


Q1: 请推荐一些关于学习方法的书籍或课程,能够让我们对这一领域的知识进行系统性地学习。

For popular books, I recommend Anders Ericsson’s Peak — 立刻联系, Moonwalking with Einstein and A Mind for Numbers.

在畅销书方面,我推荐Anders Ericsson 的《刻意练习》,《与爱因斯坦月球漫步》和《学习之道》。

Q2: 对于学习知识之后的习题集,我们应该如何对待?如何能够更高效地做题,来达到检验知识的目的?

So there’s a couple things:

1. If you’re trying to study for an exam, I usually recommend a few heuristics: 1) Use problems which are closest to the final exam. Mock exams are best, followed by in-class problems. Problems from other resources tend to be worse, because they may emphasize different knowledge/techniques/issues. 2) Always focus on the hardest problems first. This will usually have the greatest benefit. 3) When time is short, ask yourself, “What general principles, if I understood them, would matter most to my grade?” Then use the Feynman Technique to really get a grasp of those.

2. If you’re learning for real life, the process is a little different: 1) How can I bridge these problems between what I’m doing here and the real situation? If you’re doing practice programming, what would be required to really do it, rather than just a mock exercise? 2) What knowledge do I want to obtain? Focus more on those problems.




Q3: 一个人长时间的学习总是会感到孤单寂寞,你在进行MIT挑战的时候是如何满足自己的感情需求的呢?

I had a roommate at the time. I also didn’t study in the evenings or weekends, so I had time off to socialize. I truly don’t understand the 24/7 studying approach. To me, that’s just not efficient. The body and mind need to rest and recuperate, so you ought to include breaks or your efficiency will plummet. If you can put in 10-12 hours (7am-7pm), I don’t really think there’s much more time you can squeeze out without lowering your overall output. Even that’s a bit extreme, and yet it would leave ~4 hours for socializing/exercise/relaxation each evening.


Q4: 在遇到一个困难任务时,我往往潜意识中会因为恐惧自己表现不好(即使只有自己知道)而不断拖延,请问怎么样才能改变自己这样的习惯和思想状态?

This is very normal. You worry about your performance. This worry stresses you out, so you procrastinate.

This can be a difficult trap to get out of, but I think one way of breaking the cycle is just to intentionally do badly. When you go into it with the mindset of “I’m going to mess this up, but let’s do it anyways” the expectation loosens enough that you can actually focus and get to work. The key is trying to identify when performance expectations are causing you to procrastinate and consciously adopt this approach.

For instance, if you’re preparing for a big test, and you’re putting off doing practice problems because you won’t pass them, I’d make the conscious intention, “I’m going to do this exam and completely fail it.”

[Side note: I did a speech in China, after ~1.5 months of learning Chinese. Obviously my Mandarin was terrible, but I got through it by adopting the idea that I was going to go up on stage and fail. The end result wasn’t actually so bad, and it pushed me to study harder.]





Q5: 能否分享一下您是如何写书的?包括使用的方法论和工具。

Well for the books of mine you might have read (which are published in China), I wrote them all years ago, at a stage in my life as a writer where I feel I was still developing. In those days, I would just sit and write down all my ideas and add images. Not a ton of editing or outside research.

Now I’m just in the process of finishing a new book. This one, in contrast, had a ton of research—I read a lot of books, journal articles and did a lot of outlining and editing for every chapter. The book will come out in America in August, in China sometime after (depends on how long it takes them to translate).



Q6: 您对创造力如何看待?我们应该如何培养自己的创造力?

My theory is that creativity depends on a few factors:

1. Knowledge. You need to be learning constantly about all sorts of things. Holistic learning is about making connections between disparate ideas. While I think it is useful for studying, it’s implications for creativity are even greater.

2. Skill. You need to be able to execute your ideas in some kind of product. That could be writing, painting, dance, film, engineering, coding, business strategies, etc.. In order to translate idea to action, you need to cultivate those skills. I could have a great image in my head for a painting, but if I haven’t built skill with a brush, it’s useless.

3. Emotional/attentional. High levels of arousal (stress) tend to create narrower focus. This can be good in performance driven domains, where you want to suppress distracting elements and maintain concentration. However, to have creative ideas, you need distracting, random thoughts to integrate with the problems you’re working on. This means you need a relaxed mind. Plenty of sleep. Socializing/discussing things. Thinking about things other than work/study. These things all make it easier to have creative output.





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