

 小尘记事本 2020-08-14
公司简介:由托马斯·巴宝莉(Thomas Burberry)于1856年创立,巴宝莉(Burberry)是一家具有明显英国风范的全球奢侈品牌。我们是一家全球性企业,在EMEIA,亚太地区和美洲拥有广泛的自有和特许商店网络。我们是数字先驱,创新技术为我们业务的各个方面奠定了基础,从产品设计到分销和营销。
  • 聘工作销售助理

  • 工作性质全职

  • 工作内容:

  • 销售服务
  • 拥抱Burberry体验并遵循培训准则和标准以反映Burberry的奢侈品牌标准和形象
  • 在展示Burberry行为的同时始终满足个人销售目标
  • 提供出色的客户服务技能,出色的销售技能以及展现成功的动力
  • 展现出出色的人际沟通能力 
  • 培育
  • 通过积极的客户开发和跟进来建立客户忠诚度
  • 维护最新和详细的客户手册
  • 遵守所有培养要求和活动,例如;礼貌和关系电子邮件,邀请客户回店,重新激活,获取合规性
  • 视觉标准
  • 遵循公司的政策,程序并使用视觉技术按照Burberry准则维护视觉标准
  • 通过确保以下各项来维持销售地板:
    • 了解并执行每月的楼层集
    • 工作时放置和/或悬挂物品
    • 售后补货
    • 将商品折叠并放在正确的衣架,薄纸等上。
    • 将票证放在物品内,对客户不可见 
  • 地板的存在与维护
  • 每天开始轮班:准备好要销售地板时,请确保为客户准备地板
  • 轮班结束/每天:确保补充销售地板并为第二天做好准备
  • 整日活跃在地板上
  • 确保工作时放置和/或悬挂物品,并在销售后补充商品
  • 确保更衣室的清洁和维护
  • 众议院支持
  • 协助减价过程
  • 协助两年一次的库存过程
  • 参与和达成售前目标
  • 参加商店比赛
  • 协助仓库维护并使其井井有条
  • 负责拉货;必须以有序的方式存放所有库存
  • Sales & Service
  • Embrace the Burberry Experience and follow training guidelines and standards to reflect Burberry’s luxury brand standards and image
  • Consistently meet individual sales goals while exhibiting the Burberry Behaviours
  • Provide excellent customer service skills, great selling skills and exhibit motivation to succeed
  • Demonstrate superior interpersonal and communication talent 
  • Cultivate
  • Build customer loyalty through active client development and follow-through
  • Maintain an up-to-date and detailed client book
  • Follow all Cultivate requirements and activities such as; courtesy and relationship emails, inviting customers back to shop, reactivation, capture compliance
  • Visual Standards
  • Follow company policies, procedures and use visual techniques to maintain the visual standards according to Burberry guidelines
  • Maintain selling floor by ensuring the following:
    • Understand and execute monthly floorsets
    • Placing and/or hanging back items as you work
    • Replenishing merchandise after selling
    • Folding and placing merchandise on the correct hanger, tissue paper, etc.
    • Place tickets inside the item and not visible to the customer. 
  • Floor Presence & Maintenance
  • Beginning of shift/day: Arrive on selling floor ready, ensure floor is ready for customers
  • End of shift/day: Ensure selling floor is replenished and ready for the next day
  • Be active and busy on the floor at all day
  • Ensure to place and/or hang back items as you work and replenish merchandise after selling
  • Ensure clean up and maintenance of fitting rooms
  • Back of The House Support
  • Assist in the mark down process
  • Assist in the bi-annual inventory process
  • Participation and achievement of pre-sale goals
  • Participate in store contests
  • Assist in stock room maintenance and keep it organized
  • Responsible for stock pulled; all stock must be put away in orderly fashion
  • 职位要求:
  • 愿意在以促进团队合作为导向的环境中工作。
  • 需要出色的人际交往能力,以确保与所有管理层和员工进行清晰有效的沟通。
  • 始终表现出积极的态度并对自己的行为负责。
  • 必须以结果为导向,并灵活地进行更改
  • 与时装/设计相关的兴趣。
  • POS和商店系统的高级知识。
  • 至少一年销售,最好是在豪华零售环境中。
  • 在推动销售和实现销售目标方面具有丰富的经验。
  • 优秀的客户服务水平。
  • 强大的客户背景。
  • Willing to work in and promote a team oriented environment.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills required to ensure clear, effective communication with all management and staff.
  • Consistently show a positive attitude & take responsibility for own actions.
  • Must be results driven and flexible to change
  • Relevant interest in Fashion / Design.
  • Advanced knowledge of POS and store systems.
  • A minimum of 1 year on sales, preferably in a luxury retail environment.
  • Proven experience in driving sales and meeting sales targets.
  • Excellent customer service level.
  • Strong clienteling background.

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