

 新民中街 2020-08-14



方法:十一名膝关节骨性关节炎患者(65.9±10.4岁),和11名老年健康受试者 (61.3±8.2岁)和11名年轻健康受试组(25.0±4.9岁) 进行了上下半身负荷运动的比较。测量了八个部位基线和运动后压痛阈值,并测量了膝关节的压力耐受力。










这项研究观察了单纯负荷运动对膝骨关节炎患者、年轻健康受试者和老年健康受试者的压痛阈值、疼痛耐受度的效应。研究结果显示短暂负荷运动显著降低膝骨关节炎患者、年轻健康受试者和老年健康受试者的压痛阈值,进一步为膝骨关节炎患者负荷运动后出现运动镇痛(exercise-induced analgesia,EIA)效应提供了证据。

膝骨关节炎组的运动镇痛只出现在上半身运动后,在下半身运动后膝骨关节炎组压痛阈值无明显改变。这可能是因为下半身运动后,膝骨关节炎组个体疼痛阈值有较大的变异度,其中一些受试者压痛阈值提高,而另外一些压痛阈值下降( 81%—-12%)。这种变异度可能和某些受试者症状恶化有关,尽管试验中采取的运动为中等强度的。压痛阈值没有统计学上的意义也可能是因为研究样本量小的缘故,但是膝骨关节炎患者的下半身运动对压痛阈值的效应强度也比较小。膝骨关节炎患者下半身较弱的运动强度产生相对较小的效应,导致反应上的巨大变异,表明运动镇痛机制容易受到个体特别因素的干扰。










Objective To determine whether a single bout of resistance exercise produces an analgesic effect in individuals with knee osteoarthritis (OA).Design Eleven participants with knee OA (65.9 ± 10.4 yrs), and 11 old (61.3 ± 8.2 yrs) and 11 young (25.0 ± 4.9 yrs) healthy adults performed separate bouts of upper and lower body resistance exercise. Baseline and post-exercise pressure pain thresholds were measured at eight sites across the body and pressure pain tolerance was measured at the knee.Results Pressure pain thresholds increased following exercise for all three groups, indicating reduced pain sensitivity. For the young and old healthy groups this exercise-induced analgesia (EIA) occurred following upper or lower body resistance exercise. In contrast, only upper body exercise significantly raised pain thresholds in the knee OA group, with variable non-significant effects following lower body exercise. Pressure pain tolerance was unchanged in all groups following either upper or lower body exercise.Conclusion An acute bout of upper or lower body exercise evoked a systemic decrease in pain sensitivity in healthy individuals irrespective of age. The decreased pain sensitivity following resistance exercise can be attributed to changes in pain thresholds, not pain tolerance. While individuals with knee OA experienced EIA, a systemic decrease in pain sensitivity was only evident following upper body exercise.

Keywords;Osteoarthritis Pain Resistance exercise


Exercise has long been regarded as a primary treatment modality for knee osteoarthritis (OA)1,2. It improves both pain and function, but the underlying mechanisms have not been clearly identified3. One proposed mechanism is modulation of joint loading and stability, with a number of studies having demonstrated individuals with knee OA display reduced quadriceps strength4–6. Therefore, research to date has focused predominantly on neuromechanical factors by exploring the notion that increased leg strength improves joint loading, leading to symptom reduction7–9. While this hypothesis has been investigated in human and animal studies it remains speculative3. Moreover, recent studies have demonstrated that strength training interventions for knee OA may improve symptoms with no accompanying change in joint moments or loads10–12. These findings suggest that mechanisms other than neuromuscular changes might contribute to symptom reduction following strength training.

Sensitisation, both peripherally and centrally, has been implicated in the pain experience of knee OA13–15. Exercise has been shown to transiently decrease pain sensitivity in healthy populations, which is termed 'exercise-induced analgesia’ (EIA)16,17. With EIA, the threshold at which a stimulus, such as mechanical, thermal or electrical stimulus, is deemed to be painful is typically elevated following a bout of exercise; hence pain sensitivity is reduced. The most accepted mechanism underlying EIA is the release of endogenous opioids16,18, although multiple factors have been implicated in this phenomenon19–21. The majority of research to date has focused on healthy populations, but there is growing evidence that EIA may occur in some chronic pain conditions yet be absent in others21,22.

Aerobic exercise, the most commonly studied modality with respect to EIA, has been shown to cause an analgesic response lasting up to 30 min, whilst the analgesic response to resistance training has been shown to last up to 20 min16,17. Although the duration of EIA is only relatively brief, understanding the way in which acute exercise influences the pain sensation in OA may provide insight into the means by which exercise can reduce pain in the longer term. There is also evidence, though less conclusive, that chronic exercise23,24 or even generally elevated levels of physical activity25,26 can reduce pain sensitivity. It is difficult to ascertain from existing studies of people with OA whether observed reductions in pain after chronic exercise were mediated by a direct influence on pain sensitivity or via other adaptations to exercise. If EIA does occur in people with OA, it would provide evidence that exercise can influence pain sensitivity directly.

The most common method for assessing EIA is via quantitative sensory testing20,27,28. This involves experimentally exposing an individual to a quantifiable noxious stimulus and recording a response, such as pain threshold or intensity. Whilst there is some conjecture as to whether quantitative sensory testing reflects clinical pain, studies have shown that quantitative sensory testing is reliable in people with knee OA29 and can differentiate between people with OA and healthy controls13,14,30. Imamura et al. demonstrated that pressure pain thresholds both at the knee and at non-affected sites had a significant correlation with the Western Ontario and McMaster Osteoarthritis Index (WOMAC)31 pain and physical activity scores (r2 > 0.6, P < 0.001)32. Quantitative sensory testing is being increasingly used in studies of knee OA17,21,33,34 and is more suitable than existing questionnaires for detecting transient changes in pain in response to acute interventions, such as exercise.

The primary aim of this investigation was to determine whether resistance exercise increased the threshold and tolerance of pressure pain in individuals with knee OA and, if so, whether this effect was systemic or confined to the exercising limbs. A secondary aim was to determine if this effect was similar in apparently healthy individuals of the same age, as well as a young healthy cohort, to examine potential age-related differences in EIA.


This study examined the effects of a single bout of exercise on pressure pain threshold and pain tolerance in individuals with knee OA and young and old healthy adults. An acute bout of resistance exercise significantly increased mean pressure pain thresholds in individuals with knee OA and young and old healthy adults. These results provide evidence of EIA in individuals with knee OA following resistance exercise.

The EIA in the knee OA group occurred after upper body exercise only, with no apparent change in pressure pain threshold in the knee OA group following lower body exercise. This may be explained by the large degree of variability in the individual pain thresholds in the knee OA group following the bout of lower body exercise. In some participants, pressure pain thresholds increased, whilst in others these decreased ( 81% to −12%). This variability may be associated with symptom exacerbation in some individuals despite the modest intensity of the exercise. While the absence of a statistically significant difference in pressure pain thresholds may be attributed to the small sample size of this study, the magnitude of the effect of lower body exercise on pressure pain thresholds was notably smaller for people with knee OA. The comparatively smaller effect size for lower body exercise in the people with knee OA is indicative of the large variability in the response and suggests that the mechanisms underlying EIA were disrupted by individual-specific factors.

Notably, lower body pressure pain thresholds increased following a single bout of upper body resistance exercise. Likewise, upper body pressure pain thresholds increased following a bout of lower body resistance exercise, though not for the knee OA group. These results suggest that exercise produced an immediate reduction in pain sensitivity, even in non-exercised limbs and supports previous research showing a systemic analgesic effect using isometric contractions20,33,34,41. The evidence of a systemic analgesic effect of exercise is, to our knowledge, the first such demonstration following traditional, dynamic resistance exercise in any population.

A systemic analgesic effect post-exercise suggests that the mechanisms underlying EIA are in part, centrally mediated. Pain processing is highly complex and occurs at peripheral, spinal and supraspinal levels and is modulated by descending inhibitory and facilitatory pain pathways42. It is believed that EIA is the result of increased activity in the descending inhibitory pathways mediated by neurotransmitters thought to include endogenous opioids, primarily, and possibly cannabinoids and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and norepinephrine among others17,21. However in chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia, shoulder myalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic whiplash associated disorders, an analgesic effect has been shown to be absent when exercising painful muscles40,43. Consistent with this, neither upper nor lower body pressure pain thresholds were increased for the knee OA group after performing lower body exercise. The absence of EIA in chronic pain patients may be associated with central sensitisation, a common phenomenon accompanying many chronic pain conditions44.

One way in which central sensitisation may disrupt EIA in people with chronic pain is via an interaction between the inhibitory and facilitatory pain mechanisms. For example, when the knee is exercised in individuals with knee OA the already sensitised nociceptors increase the facilitatory drive more than the accompanying inhibitory drive. This results in a net increase in pain sensation, which several participants in the knee OA group in the present study experienced. In contrast exercising the non-affected limbs, such as the upper body or indeed any muscle of the healthy group, does not facilitate the pain pathways to the same extent as the concurrent inhibition, resulting in an analgesic response. Another possible explanation for the absence of the analgesic effect in chronic pain conditions is that the noxious input associated with performing a resistance exercise at the knee, acts to shut down or decrease the inhibitory inputs, thereby diminishing the analgesic response. Regardless of the cause, the EIA or lack thereof in knee OA (or other conditions) appears to be highly individualised. As seen in the present study, there was a wide variance in response of the OA group to the lower body exercise.

Following the bouts of exercise, pressure pain tolerance was unchanged in the OA, old healthy and young healthy groups (Fig. 3). Our measure of pain tolerance was conducted over a 5 min period during which participants were asked to rate their pain every 30 s. This task required a greater degree of cognitive processing than the threshold testing, due to constant monitoring and rating of the pain over an extended time period. Many factors including context, attention, expectation, fear, anxiety and past pain experiences can influence pain processing and may have influenced our pain tolerance results. For example, attention to a painful stimulus influences pain perception45, while distraction from a painful stimulus can attenuate pain perception46. Reporting the pain ratings every 30 s in the absence of any distraction may have increased the participants' attention to the painful stimulus, augmenting pain perception. Threat expectancy during the 5 min pressure pain test may have influenced the participants' perception of the pain37. Other highly individualised cognitive processes associated with fear, anxiety and previous pain experiences may also have contributed to the pain tolerance results47. It appears that a test of pain sensitivity under greater influence of higher processing is less sensitive to exercise than simple measures of pain threshold.

Although the pain experience of people with knee OA can involve psychological factors, such as fear and anxiety48, the pain tolerance measure was still unaffected in this group. Studies that have shown global self-reported pain to decrease with exercise training in individuals with OA1,2 have not assessed which aspect of the pain experience is affected. Somewhat in contrast to our results are previous findings that in healthy individuals chronic training increases pain tolerance but not pain threshold24. It may be that long-term training increases an individual's pain tolerance, whilst the immediate effects of a single exercise bout modulate pain thresholds. Regardless, the demonstration that acute exercise can reduce pain sensitivity in people with knee OA hints at the possibility that a reduction in pain sensitivity may be part of the adaptive response to chronic exercise.

A limitation of this study is uncertainty regarding the duration of the analgesic response to exercise. It has been shown that analgesia following aerobic exercise can last as long as 30 min, while the effect following resistance exercise is of shorter duration16,17. In this study, pain was measured immediately following exercise, with no follow up measures. It would be of interest to measure how long the analgesic response lasted with repeated measures after exercise. A further limitation was the small sample size, which may have contributed to the lack of between-group differences13 and some within-group effects lying on the margin of statistical significance.

The findings of this study may have clinical implications. Firstly, individualised prescription should be recommended for knee OA since exercising the affected limb at 60% 1RM reduced pain sensitivity in some of the knee OA group yet increased sensitivity in others. For knee OA patients with a low tolerance for lower-body exercise, conservative individualised exercise prescription is likely to reduce the risk of symptom exacerbation. Secondly, and a key finding of this study, exercising unaffected limbs may produce a systemic analgesic response without the risk of symptom flare up, though the duration of this effect is unclear and the analgesic response was measured for experimentally induced pain rather than specific clinical symptoms of knee OA. As noted in the introduction, quantitative sensory testing is reliable in individuals with knee OA29, can distinguish between individuals with knee OA and healthy controls13,14,30 and also correlates with WOMAC scores32. Despite this evidence, caution should be taken when inferring clinical significance from a change in experimentally induced pain. Notwithstanding these limitations, for those individuals with a poor tolerance of lower-body exercise, such as people just commencing an exercise intervention, upper-body exercise may be prescribed to evoke an analgesic response. It remains to be determined if and how this acute effect of resistance exercise on pain sensation may manifest as an adaptation to chronic exercise.

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