

 昵称66395101 2020-08-19

1. Time Is Your Most Valuable and Scarcest Resource



2. “Identify Your Most Important Task” and Do It First



Successful people focus on their top priority, long-term goals and identify meaningful, specific short-term goals they must accomplish first. Breaking short-term goals down into measurable steps guides high achievers to their “ most important tasks” (MIT). They concentrate on completing all or part of their MITs before they go on to other activities.

3. Work from Your Calendar, Not a To-Do List



Most successful CEOs rely on strictly scheduled calendars. Sticking to a schedule allows time for you to focus first on your MITs.

Deciding what tasks deserve calendar space or blocks of time keeps you from wasting time. Entrepreneurs report that tightly organized calendars reduce stress.

4. To Overcome Procrastination, “Beat Your Future Self”


Instead of delaying, try these “procrastination busters”:

1) 不要等会去做,就现在

Do now what you promise you’ll do later– Defeating procrastination means doing what you should do right this minute instead of trusting some future version of yourself “to do the right thing” later. To succeed, be better now.

2) 想想这件事做完做好的成就

For motivation, imagine your results– Whether finishing a task will give you pleasure or failing to get it done will cause you pain, imagine the outcome of your actions.


3) 与人分担,对他人负责

Share the burden– Being responsible to someone else who shares your goal, like a fellow jogger, creates an emotional commitment. Enlist an “accountability partner.”

4) 奖励和惩罚自己

Grab the carrot; avoid the stick– The promise of a future reward lures some people, but often the fear of punishment works better. Devising a personal non-completion penalty in the form of a charitable contribution can turn your lack into a community gain.

5) 以你希望成为的人为榜样去规范自己的行为

Behave like the person you hope to become– Adopt the behaviors of your ideal self to anchor your values and make a firmer commitment to them. Even going through the motions will help you achieve your personal best.

6) 拥抱不完美

Embrace the imperfect– The desire for perfection may intimidate you into inaction. Acknowledging imperfect work is a first step to easing the stress that keeps you from starting at all. “Settle for good enough;” you can always improve your output later.

5. There Will Always Be More to Do



“Successful people take immediate action on almost every item they encounter. They know that to be efficient, they want to expend the least possible amount of time and mental energy processing things.”

6. Always Carry a Notebook



7. Control Your Inbox




Use the “ 321-Zero” system to keep email in its place:

Three times a day, spend 21 minutes reviewing your messages. Your goal is an inbox with no new mail.

8. Schedule and Attend Meetings as a Last Resort


Eliminating formal meetings can save everyone wasted time. Don’t set up or go to meetings unless “all other forms of communication won’t work.” Many entrepreneurs use a brief daily huddle as a more efficient, informative and unifying way to get their team moving.

9. Say No to Everything that Doesn’t Support Your Immediate Goals


Very successful people say no to almost everything.They realise that each commitment of their time may result in the loss of other opportunities. They protect their most valuable asset, time, from any request that doesn’t further their long-term priorities.

10. Follow the “Powerful Pareto Principle ”



The Pareto principle holds that 20% of your effort accounts for 80% of your results.


Use this principle to identify the 20% of your activities that will provide 80% of the reward for your efforts.

11. Focus on “Your Unique Strengths and Passions”


A CEO who regularly delegates to trustworthy employees gains more energy and productivity and suffers less stress. Outsourcing easier chores frees up time and mental energy to concentrate on meaningful goals and high return projects.

“People who actively look for things to delegate report higher levels of productivity, happiness and energy.”

12. “Batch Your Work with Recurring Themes”


Innovative entrepreneurs assign themes to their office days so their employees can concentrate on one specific type of work. Scheduled weekly and monthly themes can include “meeting” days for one-on-one discussions, team gatherings or group training seminars. Other themes include “ focus days ” to concentrate on certain crucial tasks and “ buffer days ” for catching up.

13. If You Can Do a Task in “Less Than Five Minute, Do It Immediately”


Top achievers seek immediate return on their time. To expedite incoming work, they enforce a “touch it once” principle:


Handle email immediately– Delegate as much of it as you can. Complete instantly anything you can handle in just a few minutes. If you can’t resolve an email request quickly, add it to your calendar.


Update your calendar as needed– Move time-consuming tasks from email to your calendar as a reminder to act on them as soon as possible. Create weekly time blocks to deal with routine tasks, such as paying bills.


Constantly clear clutter– Be mindful of time wasted searching for mislaid items. Maintain order in your surroundings. A messy environment can cause stress.

14. Routinely Use Early Mornings to “Strengthen Your Mind, Body and Spirit”



Most entrepreneurs embrace a morning routine to re-energize physically and mentally. They recharge with plenty of water, healthy food and exercise.

15. Productivity Is About Energy and Focus, Not Time


Hard workers make room in their schedules for relaxation. Spending more time on work doesn’t guarantee more or better results. Maintaining maximum energy levels and working in short spurts aids productivity. Successful people build the energy and focus to make each minute count.

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