

 SIBCS 2020-08-27














  • 1884年,纽约癌症医院由德裔美国富豪阿斯特三世等人捐款创建于曼哈顿,是全世界最早的私立肿瘤医院(全世界最早的公立肿瘤医院是1851年成立的英国皇家马斯登医院)。

  • 1899年,更名为:癌症与相关疾病治疗综合纪念医院。

  • 1916年,更名为:纪念医院。

  • 1945年,通用汽车公司董事长斯隆,与发明家、通用汽车公司创始人之一凯特林,通过斯隆基金会捐赠400万美元,创建斯隆凯特林癌症研究所,该独立研究机构毗邻纪念医院。

  • 1934年,美国石油大王洛克菲勒向纪念医院捐献约克大街的一块土地,并于1936年捐献300万美元,用于医院迁址新建。

  • 1939年,纪念医院在新址正式重新开放。

  • 1980年,纪念医院与斯隆凯特林癌症研究所正式合并,更名为:纪念斯隆凯特林癌症中心(MSKCC),目前为全世界规模最大的癌症医疗教学研究中心,目前拥有14位美国科学院院士、23位美国医学院院士,2016年拥有1091位执业医师、2864位护理人员、门急诊量66.5万人次,住院2.31万人次(中国最早的肿瘤医院:复旦大学附属肿瘤医院,2016年拥有521位执业医师、894位护理人员、门急诊量127.9万人次,住院6.22万人次)。




JAMA Oncol. 2017 Nov 22. [Epub ahead of print]

Lymphatic Mapping and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy for Breast Cancer.

Alexandra S. Heerdt.

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Sentinel lymph nodes provide valuable information to guide breast cancer treatment.

The Lymphatic System and Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes are kidney bean-shaped structures found throughout the body that are an important part of the immune system. Foreign particles such as bacteria or tumor cells can travel in lymphatic channels toward lymph nodes, which act as a filter. Some breast cancer cells have the ability to travel through the lymphatic channels in the breast toward the lymph nodes in the axilla (the underarm area).

What Is a Sentinel Node?

There are usually between 20 and 40 lymph nodes in each axilla, and these are connected with each other and with the breast. In general, lymphatic channels from the breast merge as they travel toward the lymph nodes, initially draining into 1 or several nodes before moving on to reach other nodes. This first point of drainage, whether into 1 lymph node or several, is considered the sentinel, or "guarding" lymph node or nodes.

How Are Sentinel Nodes Identified?

The sentinel nodes are identified through a mapping procedure. Because cancer cells are too small to be easily traced as they travel, a tracking substance is injected into the lymphatic channels near the cancer to define the potential path that cancer cells might take and to identify the sentinel node(s) where those cells might end up. The most commonly used tracking substances are a radioactive tracer (isotope) called technetium 99 and a blue dye called isosulfan blue. They follow the same route that cancer cells would through the lymphatic channels and allow the sentinel node to be identified at the time of surgery because the sentinel nodes will contain the dye or isotope. Although cancer might not yet have spread to this area, if it has spread, it will be found first in the sentinel node or nodes.

How Will the Information Be Used?

At the time of surgery, the sentinel node or nodes will be identified and removed. They will be analyzed to determine whether the cancer has reached them, and this information can be used to refine the patient's prognosis. The information is often used to make decisions about further treatment, if surgery is performed prior to any other treatment. If the surgical procedure is performed after chemotherapy, the sentinel node procedure will indicate whether the treatment has affected any cancer that might have been in the lymph nodes before treatment.

Important Concepts

Everyone has sentinel lymph nodes; conducting the mapping procedure to discover the sentinel nodes does not mean that cancer is present there. Everyone has a unique number of sentinel lymph nodes; you may have 1 or more. To determine if there is cancer present in the sentinel node, it must be removed and carefully evaluated.

DOI: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2017.4000

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