

 SIBCS 2020-08-27







  • BRCA1基因启动子已甲基化者:高67%(风险比:1.67,95%置信区间:1.26~2.22)

  • BRCA1基因启动子未甲基化者:低1%(风险比:0.99,95%置信区间:0.67~1.45)

  • 相互作用显著(P≤0.05)


  • BRCA1基因启动子未甲基化者:低40%(风险比:0.60,95%置信区间:0.25~1.45)

  • PR基因启动子未甲基化者:低22%(风险比:0.78,95%置信区间:0.46~1.33)

  • LINE-1甲基化整体水平高者:低37%(风险比:0.63,95%置信区间:0.33~1.20)

  • 相互作用显著(P≤0.05)



Cancer. 2019 Aug 12. [Epub ahead of print]

Prediagnosis aspirin use, DNA methylation, and mortality after breast cancer: A population-based study.

Wang T, McCullough LE, White AJ, Bradshaw PT, Xu X, Cho YH, Terry MB, Teitelbaum SL, Neugut AI, Santella RM, Chen J, Gammon MD.

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia; National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina; University of California, Berkeley, California; Roche Product Development in Asia-Pacific, Shanghai, China; University of Montana, Missoula, Montana; Columbia University, New York, New York; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York.

Findings from this study suggest that the association between aspirin use and mortality after breast cancer may depend upon patients' DNA methylation profiles. The study may help to identify women who may benefit from aspirin use to improve survival after a breast cancer diagnosis because of their DNA methylation profile.

BACKGROUND: The authors hypothesized that epigenetic changes may help to clarify the underlying biologic mechanism linking aspirin use to breast cancer prognosis. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first epidemiologic study to examine whether global methylation and/or tumor promoter methylation of breast cancer-related genes interact with aspirin use to impact mortality after breast cancer.

METHODS: Prediagnosis aspirin use was assessed through in-person interviews within a population-based cohort of 1508 women diagnosed with a first primary breast cancer in 1996 and 1997. Global methylation in peripheral blood was assessed by long interspersed elements-1 (LINE-1) and the luminometric methylation assay. Promoter methylation of 13 breast cancer-related genes was measured in tumor by methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction and the MethyLight assay. Vital status was determined by the National Death Index through December 31, 2014 (N = 202/476 breast cancer-specific/all-cause deaths identified among 1266 women with any methylation assessment and complete aspirin data). Cox proportional hazards regression was used to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% CIs, and the likelihood ratio test was used to evaluate multiplicative interactions.

RESULTS: All-cause mortality was elevated among aspirin users who had methylated promotor of BRCA1 (HR, 1.67; 95% CI, 1.26-2.22), but not among those with unmethylated promoter of BRCA1 (HR, 0.99; 95% CI, 0.67-1.45; P for interaction ≤.05). Decreased breast cancer-specific mortality was observed among aspirin users who had unmethylated promotor of BRCA1 and PR and global hypermethylation of LINE-1 (HR, 0.60, 0.78, and 0.63, respectively; P for interaction ≤.05), although the 95% CIs included the null.

CONCLUSIONS: The current study suggests that the LINE-1 global methylation and promoter methylation of BRCA1 and PR in tumor may interact with aspirin use to influence mortality after breast cancer.

KEYWORDS: aspirin; breast cancer; DNA methylation; epigenetic; mortality

DOI: 10.1002/cncr.32364

Cancer. 2019 Aug 12. [Epub ahead of print]

Epigenetics and differential effects of aspirin on breast cancer survival: Opportunities for understanding human susceptibility and risk.

Malecki KM.

University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, Wisconsin.

An unending question in clinical and population health research is how and why the human response to treatment varies. Collective findings from the Long Island Breast Cancer Study Project provide further evidence that research examining interactions between epigenetics and low-cost therapies such as aspirin are important in advancing population health science and biomedical research.

KEYWORDS: aspirin; breast cancer; DNA methylation; epigenetic; mortality

DOI: 10.1002/cncr.32365

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