

 SIBCS 2020-08-27







  • 营养干预措施

  • 临床医师可以将食欲减退和(或)体重减轻的晚期癌症患者转诊至注册营养师进行营养筛查、营养评定和营养咨询,营养咨询可以为患者和照料者提供恶病质管理建议,包括:实用安全的喂养建议,关于高蛋白、高热卡、高营养素密度食品的教育,避免各种网红、砖家、隔壁老王或亲戚朋友圈推荐饮食以及其他无科学证据秘方偏方或离谱饮食的建议(非正式共识、证据质量低、推荐级别中)

  • 除非临床试验需要,临床医师不应常规提供肠内管饲喂养或肠外营养控制晚期癌症患者的恶病质;肠外营养短期试验可以提供给经过严格筛选的患者,例如存在可逆性肠梗阻、短肠综合征或者其他造成吸收不良问题的患者;患者生命临近终点时,应该停止之前开始的肠内或胃外营养(非正式共识、证据质量低、推荐级别中)

  • 药物干预措施

  • 现有研究证据仍然不足以高度支持任何药物可以改善癌症恶病质的结局,临床医师可以选择不用药物治疗恶病质;目前美国食品药品监督管理局尚未批准适用于恶病质的药物(循证推荐意见、证据质量低、推荐级别中)

  • 对于食欲减退和(或)体重减轻的患者,临床医师可以尝试短期(数周)提供甲地孕酮等孕酮(黄体酮)类似物和地塞米松或氟羟甲酮等皮质类固醇,药物的选择和疗程取决于治疗目标以及风险与获益评定(循证推荐意见、证据质量中、推荐级别中)

  • 其他干预措施

  • 除非临床试验需要,无法推荐用于癌症恶病质管理的其他干预措施,例如运动。

J Clin Oncol. 2020 May 20. [Epub ahead of print]

Management of Cancer Cachexia: ASCO Guideline.

Roeland EJ, Bohlke K, Baracos VE, Bruera E, Del Fabbro E, Dixon S, Fallon M, Herrstedt J, Lau H, Platek M, Rugo HS, Schnipper HH, Smith TJ, Tan W, Loprinzi CL.

Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center, Boston, MA; American Society of Clinical Oncology, Alexandria, VA; University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA; Cambia Health Solutions, Portland, OR; University of Edinburgh, UK; University of Copenhagen, Denmark; University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center and D'Youville College, Buffalo, NY; University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA; Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA; Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, MD; Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL; Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN.

PURPOSE: To provide evidence-based guidance on the clinical management of cancer cachexia in adult patients with advanced cancer.

METHODS: A systematic review of the literature collected evidence regarding nutritional, pharmacologic, and other interventions, such as exercise, for cancer cachexia. PubMed and the Cochrane Library were searched for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews of RCTs published from 1966 through October 17, 2019. ASCO convened an Expert Panel to review the evidence and formulate recommendations.

RESULTS: The review included 20 systematic reviews and 13 additional RCTs. Dietary counseling, with or without oral nutritional supplements, was reported to increase body weight in some trials, but evidence remains limited. Pharmacologic interventions associated with improvements in appetite and/or body weight include progesterone analogs and corticosteroids. The other evaluated interventions either had no benefit or insufficient evidence of benefit to draw conclusions on efficacy. Limitations of the evidence include high drop-out rates, consistent with advanced cancer, as well as variability across studies in outcomes of interest and methods for outcome assessment.

RECOMMENDATIONS: Dietary counseling may be offered with the goals of providing patients and caregivers with advice for the management of cachexia. Enteral feeding tubes and parenteral nutrition should not be used routinely. In the absence of more robust evidence, no specific pharmacological intervention can be recommended as the standard of care; therefore, clinicians may choose not to prescribe medications specifically for the treatment of cancer cachexia. Nonetheless, when it is decided to trial a drug to improve appetite and/or improve weight gain, currently available pharmacologic interventions that may be used include progesterone analogs and short-term (weeks) corticosteroids.

PMID: 32432946

DOI: 10.1200/JCO.20.00611

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