

 家有学子 2020-08-30



1. 【2020 ·北京市】If you take this train, you _________ in Shanghai in five hours.

A. arrive         B. will arrive

C. arrived  D. have arrived


【解析】句意:如果你坐这趟火车,你将在五小时内到达上海。考查时态。arrive一般现在时;will arrive一般将来时;arrived一般过去时;have arrived现在完成时。本题是以if引导的条件状语从句,时态上要符合“主将从现”,所以空格处应用一般将来时will do,故选B。

2. 【2020 ·北京市】I ___________ on the computer when Frank called me last night.

A. work              B. will work

C. was workingD. am working


【解析】句意:弗兰克昨晚打电话给我时,我正在用电脑工作。考查过去进行时。work工作,动词原形;will work一般将来时;was working过去进行时;am working现在进行时。根据题干中“when Frank called me last night”可知此处表示当某件事情发生的时候,另一件事情正在进行,when引导的从句用一般过去时,主句用过去进行时。故选C。

3. 【2020 ·北京市】We ________ each other since I came to Beijing, but we send emails very often.

A. don't see   B. didn't see

C. won't see   D. haven't seen


【解析】句意:自从我来北京,我们就没见过面,但我们经常发电子邮件。本题考查时态。don't see是一般现在时;didn’t see是一般过去时;won’t see是一般将来时;haven’t seen是现在完成时。根据since I came to Being可知,此处给力英语公众号用现在完成时,故选D。

4. 【2020 ·北京市】—What’s that noise, Sam?

—My little brother _________ with his toy car now.

A. will playB. is playing

C. plays  D. played


【解析】句意:——萨姆,那是什么声音?——我的弟弟现在正在玩他的玩具汽车。考查现在进行时。play玩。will play一般将来时;is playing现在进行时;plays动词的第三人称单数形式;played动词的过去式。根据问句“What’s that noise, Sam?”可知提到的声响是现有的,结合答句中“now”可知是说现在正在进行的动作,用现在进行时。故选B。

5. 【2020 ·贵州省安顺市】Since 1990, Project Hope ________ millions of students from poor families realize their dreams.

A. will help  B. has helped  C. helps



考查动词时态。will help一般将来时;has helped现在完成时;helps一般现在时。根据时间状语since 1990,可知该句应用现在完成时have/has done,再结合主语是Project Hope ,故谓语用单数,故选B。

6. 【2020 ·贵州黔东南州】—____did the rainstorm come, Mr. Liu?

—While we ____ a chemistry lesson yesterday afternoon.

A. When; have had

B. When; were having

C. While; are having

D. While; have


【解析】句意:——刘老师,暴风雨什么时候来的?——昨天下午我们正在上化学课的时候。考查when和while的区别以及动词的时态。When什么时候;have had现在完成时;were having过去进行时;While在……期间;are having现在进行时;have一般现在时。根据句意可知,问句提问的是暴风雨到来的时间,并且问句的动词come是短暂性动词,而while引导的从句中的动词必须是延续性动词,所以第一空用特殊疑问词when,排除选项C和D。根据答句的句意和yesterday afternoon可知,第二空应该用与过去相关的时态,故选B。

7. 【2020 ·黔西南州】While Mike____ computer games in his room, his dad came in.

A. is playingB. was playing

C. will playD. plays


【解析】句意:迈克在房间里玩电脑游戏时,他爸爸进来了。考查过去进行时。is playing现在进行时;was playing过去进行时;will play一般将来时;plays一般现在时的第三人称单数。根据句意迈克在房间里玩电脑游戏时,他爸爸进来了。可知前面是正在发生,后面 came 是过去式,所以前面要用过去进行时,构成是was/were+doing,故答案选B。

8. 【2020 ·黔西南州】— Peter, have you ever been to the English Corner?

— Oh, yes. I ________ there to practice speaking once a week last term.

A. went              B. go

C. have goneD. will go


【解析】句意:——彼得,你去过英语角吗?   ——哦,是的。上学期我每周去一次那里练习口语。考查一般过去时。went表一般过去时;go动词原形;have gone表现在完成时;will go表一般将来时。根据句中last term提示,空格处谓语应用一般过去时,表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作和行为,故选A。

9. 【2020 ·贵州铜仁市】—China is getting stronger and stronger.

—Yes. So Chinese________ by more and more foreigners.

A. learn              B. learned

C. is learnedD. was learned


【解析】句意:——中国正在变得越来越强大。——没错,所以中文被越来越多的外国人学习。考查时态语态。learn,学习,动词原形;learned一般过去时;is learned一般现在时被动;was learned一般过去时被动。根据by可知,中文是被学习,用被动语态。再由“China is getting stronger”可知,是现在被学习而不是过去,故选C。

10. 【2020 ·贵州铜仁市】—Maria, what do you think of Mount Fanjing?

—Very cool. I________ there once. I’d like to go there again.

A. has been B. have been

C. have goneD. has gone



考查时态辨析。has been去过已回,第三人称单数;have been原形;have gone去了未回,原形;has gone第三人称单数。根据“I’d like to go there again.”可知,她去过已回;主语为I,用动词原形,故选B。

11. 【2020 ·黑龙江哈尔滨市】—Hi, Jill. I ________ in my math since you shared your good experience with me.

—Great! Congratulations!

A. have made rapid progress

B. made rapid progress

C. will make rapid progress


【解析】句意:——你好,吉尔。自从你和我分享了你的好经验,我的数学进步很快。——好极了!恭喜你!考查现在完成时。make rapid progress取得快速的进步。根据题干中“since you shared your good experience with me”可知这里是含since的主从复合句,since引导的时间状语从句,从句用一般过去时,主句要用现在完成时,其结构为have/has done,结合选项可知A项符合题意。故选A。

12. 【2020 ·黑龙江省龙东地区】It has been two months since my father ________ for Italy.

A. was leftB. leftC. leaves


【解析】句意:我父亲去意大利已经两个月了。考查时态。was left被留下,一般过去时的被动语态;left离开,leave的一般过去式;leaves离开,一般现在时,在since引导时间状语从句中,主句用现在完成时,从句一般过去时。而“was left被留下”不符合句意,所以排除A。根据句意,可知“我父亲去意大利已经两个月了”,即从过去离开时到现在已经两个月了,所以从句用过去时,故选B。

13. 【2020 ·江苏省苏州市】— Wow, you’ve made so much progress in drawing.

— Thanks. I _____ two online courses this winter holiday.

A. took  B. will take

C. take  D. was taking


【解析】句意:——哇,你在画画方面进步太多了。   ——谢谢。今年寒假我上了给力英语公众号两门网络课程。考查一般过去时。A. took表一般过去时;B. will take表一般将来时;C. take表一般现在时;D. was taking表过去进行时。根据上句的现在完成时及本句中的this winter holiday可知,“上两门网络课程”是发生在过去且已经完成的事情,应用一般过去时,故选A。

14. 【2020 ·四川省成都市】Bob, you ____ in this city since 2018. How do you like it?

A. lived  B. live  C. have lived


【解析】句意:鲍勃,你从2018年起就住在这个城市了。你觉得这座城市怎么样?考查现在完成时。lived一般过去时;live一般现在时;have lived现在完成时。分析句子可知,此处表示“你从2018年起就住在这个城市了”,强调时间的延续,构成“现在完成时+since+一般过去时”,所以此处使用现在完成时。故选C。

15. 【2020 ·甘孜州】I ______ a math problem with Joe when Mike called me up.

A. have discussed

B. discussed

C. was discussing


【解析】句意:Mike打电话给我时,我正在与Joe讨论一道数学难题。考查时态。have discussed 现在完成时态;discussed 一般过去时态;was discussing 过去进行时。根据called可知事情发生在过去,此处是when引导的时间状语从句,“讨论”这个动作可以持续进行,故应用过去进行时,结构为was/were doing.故选C。

16. 【2020 ·乐山市】—Hello, John. This is Mike. What are you doing now?

—I'm watching a film on TV. It _____ at 7:30 and will be on for another hour.

A. starts  B. startedC. has started.


【解析】句意:——你好,约翰。我是迈克。你现在在做什么?——我正在电视上看电影。七点半开始的,还要持续一个小时。考查时态。starts开始,动词三单;started开始,过去时;has started开始,现在完成时;根据句意理解及前句I’m watching a film on TV.可知,空格表达的是动作“开始”是过去发生的,所以应该用过去时,故选B。

17. 【2020 ·凉山州】--Jack, I'm busy doing the washing. Can you give me a hand? 

---Wait a moment. I _____ the bed.

A. am makingB. will make

C. was makingD. have made


【解析】句意:——杰克,我正忙着洗衣服。你能帮我一下吗?——等一下。我正在铺床。考查动词时态,am making现在进行时;will make一般将来时;was making过去进行时;have made现在完成时。这是一个情境对话,表示的是现在正在做的事情,应该用现在进行时(am/is/are+v.ing),故选A。

18. 【2020 ·凉山州】--It's 20 years since we came back to Liangshan.

--How time flies! We _____ in our hometown for such a long time.

A. work              B. worked

C. has workedD. have worked


【解析】句意:——我们回到凉山20年了。——时光飞逝!我们在家乡工作了这么长的时间。考查动词的时态。work动词的一般现在时的原形;worked动词的过去式;has worked动词的现在完成时,主语是第三人称单数;have worked动词的现在完成时态。主语we是复数;根据“for such a long time”可知强调动作的持续,用现在完成时have worked。故选D。

19. 【2020 ·凉山州】 On January 29th, 2020, Zhong Nanshan and his team ______ over four hours online ______ five patients who were seriously ill, and made a treatment plan for those patients.

A. spent; checking

B. spent; to check

C. spend; checking

D. spend; to check


【解析】句意:2020年1月29日,钟南山和他的团队花了四个多小时在线检查了五名重病患者,并制定了治疗方案。\考查时态和动词的用法。spent 一般过去时;spend 一般现在时。checking 动名词/现在分词;to check 动词不定式。根据On January 29th, 2020,可知事情发生在过去,用一般过去时态,排除CD。spend...(in)doing sth. 意为“在做某事上花费……”,此处in可以省略,动名词作宾语。故选A。

20. 【2020 ·凉山州】—Let's go camping if it_____ next Saturday.

—But nobody knows if it ____.

A. is fine; rains

B. will be fine: rains

C. is fine: will rain

D. will be fine: will rain



考查时态。is fine好的,一般现在时;will be fine好,一般将来时;rains下雨,动词三单;will rain下雨,一般将来时;根据句意理解及句子结构分析可知,第一句中的if是引导的条件状语从句,表示“如果”,所以符合“主将从现”的用法,空格在从句中,所以应该用一般现在时,所以排除答案B/ D选项,而第二句中的if是引导的是宾语从句,表示“是否”,表示这个动作还没有发生,所以应该用一般将来时,故选C。

21. 【2020 ·浙江温州】—Have scientists found life on Mars?

—Not yet, but I think they __ it some day.

A. find              B. found

C. have foundD. will find


【解析】句意:——科学家在火星上发现生命了吗?——还没有,但我想他们总有一天会找到的。考查一般将来时。find找到,found是find的过去式;have found现在完成时,找到了;will find一般将来时,将会找到。根据答句中“some day”可知,句中时态为一般将来时,所以此处使用will find。故选D。

22. 【2020 ·重庆市】Listen! Our teacher _____ in the music classroom.

A. sings        B. sang

C. will singD. is singing


【解析】句意:听!我们的老师正在音乐室里唱歌。考查动词时态。sings唱歌,是动词的第三人称单数形式;sang是sing的过去式;will sing是一般将来时态;is singing现在进行时。根据句中的“Listen”可知,这里表示让对听一个正在进行着的动作,给力英语公众号应用现在进行时态。故选D。

23. 【2020 ·重庆市B卷】Don't drink coffee before going to bed, or you _________easily.

A. don't fall asleep

B. won't fall asleep

C. didn't fall asleep

D. haven't fallen asleep


【解析】句意:睡觉之前不要喝咖啡,否则你很难入睡。考查动词时态。don’t fall asleep不能入睡,一般现在时;won’t fall asleep一般将来时;didn’t fall asleep一般过去时;haven’t fallen asleep现在完成时。这句话使用了句型:祈使句+and/or+简单句,简单句中常用一般将来时态。故选B。



1.(2020年贵州黔东南州)—Would you like to go hiking if it ________ fine this Saturday?

—I'd love to. But nobody knows if it________.

A. is; will rain

B. is; rains

C. will be; will rain

D. will be; rains

2.(2020年四川达州)— Jenny, do you know if your mother ___ back tomorrow?

— Sorry, I don’t know. As soon as she _____ home, I will tell her to call you.

A. comes; gets

B. will come; gets to

C. will come; will get

D. will come; gets

3.(2020年黑龙江绥化)We can't leave here until our teacher ______. 

A. will arrive   B. arrives    C arrived

4.(2020年甘肃武威、张掖、金昌、酒泉、陇南I want a mobile phone which____ good pictures.

A.took  B.is taking  C.takes  D.take

5.(2020年四川广元)Tom. together with his friends, often____ to the old people's home to cheer the old up.

A. go  B. goingC. goes

6.(2020年四川遂宁) --- I wonder if Sally_____ us prepare for the party.

---I’m sure she will if she_____ time.

A. helps, will have

B. will help, has

C. will help, will have

D. helps, has

7.(2020年湖南湘西)_____, you will get good grades.

A. If you will work hard

B. If you work hard

C. If you worked hard

8.(2020年湖南郴州) —I really want to go to college for further study.

—Believe in yourself. If you _____ hard, your dream will come true.

A. will study

B. studied

C. study

9.(2020年湖北恩施)I hear that it often _____ in Sichuan and there are usually floods, especially in summer.

A. rains  B. rained  C. will rain

10.(2020年湖北十堰)—Is Li Mei a teacher?

—Yes, she is. She _____ at a village school.

A. teaches  B. is teaching 

C. taught D. will teach

11.(2020年上海)Every year thousands of tourists_______ the mountain area to relax themselves. 

A.visited   B.were visiting 

C.visit       D.have visited 


1.(2020年重庆A卷)Listen! Our teacher ____ in the music classroom.

A. sings           B. sang

C. will sing      D. is singing

2.(2020年江苏苏州)---Where is Joan?

   ---She _____ a novel in her study.

 A.has  read       B.reads

C.will read         D.is reading 

3.(2020年北京)—What's that noise,Sam?

—My little brother _____ with his toy car now.

A.will playB.is playing

C. playsD. played

4.(2020年四川凉山)---Jack, I'm busy doing the washing. Can you give me a hand? 

---Wait a moment. I _____ the bed.

A. am making

B. will make

C. was making

D. have made

5.(2020年黑龙江绥化) Be quiet. Your grandmother ____ in the room. 

A. sleeps   B. is sleeping    C. seep

6.(2020年黑龙江绥化)My family ______ for dinner now.We're busy.

A. is preparing

B. are preparing

C. prepares

7.(2020年甘肃张掖、金昌、酒泉、武威、陇南)I can't hear you.I_____ to an English speech.

A.am listening

B.was listening



8.(2020年江苏南京)Sorry, you can’t take the dictionary away, Vicky. I ________ it. 

A. used            B. am using

C. have used   D. was using

9.(2020年江西) ---The coffee’s finished!

---Oh, sorry! I _____ to the shop to get some.

A.am goingB. was going

C. wentD. have gone

10.(2020年辽宁抚顺) —Lucy, where's your sister?

—Look! She _______ in the yard with our dog. 

A. played     B. has played 

 C. plays      D. is playing

11.(2020年辽宁丹东)—Look! The children ________.

—How happy they are!

A. was dancingB. danced

C. are dancing  D. dances

12.(2020年湖南湘西)The world is changing with every minute, and China ________ with every minute,too.

A. is changing

B. had changed

C. changed

13.(2020年辽宁营口)---Be quick, Sara! The taxi is waiting for us outside. 

 ---A moment, please. I _____ some visitors our products. 

A.showed                B.am showing

C.was showing       D.show

14.(2020年河北)It _______ dark. Shall I turn on the light ?

 A.gets               B.got 

C.is getting        D.was getting 

15.(2020年湖南邵阳)---Our city, Shaoyang, is getting cleaner and cleaner day by day. 

---Yeah. We ______ a national modern, cvilied hygiene(文明卫生)city. 

A. create  B. are creating  C. created


1.(2020年贵州铜仁)—Maria, what do you think of Mount Fanjing?

—Very cool. I________ there once. I’d like to go there again.

A. has been    B. have been

C. have gone  D. has gone

2.(2020年四川成都)Bob, you ________ in this city since 2018. How do you like it?

A. lived  B. live  C. have lived 

3.(2020年四川自贡)---Alice, have you finished learning the whole book?

---Not yet, So far, we ______ six units.

A. learned   B. have learned  C. learn

4.(2020年四川达州)— Clara, you have ______ Journey to the Westfor two weeks.

— Sorry, I wanted to give it back but was made ________ Dazhou on business last week.

A. borrowed; to leave

B. kept; to leave

C. kept; leave

D. borrowed; leave

5.(2020年贵州安顺)Since 1990, Project Hope ________ millions of students from poor families realize their dreams.

A. will help

B. has helped

C. helps

6.(2020年安徽) — The air here is much fresher than before.

—Exactly! We _____ a lot of trees in the past few years.

A. planted           B. were planting 

C. have planted  D. will plant

7.(2020年哈尔滨)—Hi, Jill. I _______ in my math since you shared your good experience with me.

—Great! Congratulations!

A. have made rapid progress

B. made rapid progress

C. will make rapid progress

8.(2020年北京)We _____ each other since I came to Being, but we send emails very often.

A.don't seeB. didn't see

C. won't seeD. haven't seen

9.(2020年四川凉山)---It's 20 years since we came back to Liangshan.

---How time flies! We _______ in our hometown for such a long time.

A. work            B. worked

C. has worked  D. have worked

10.(2020年甘肃武威、张掖、金昌、酒泉、陇南)I_____the guitar ever since I was 8 years old.

A.played        B.have played

C.am playing D.will play

11.(2020年黑龙江牡丹江)The government _______ a new rule to stop young people playing video games for long. Nowadays many students spend less time online.

A. will make

B. is making

C. has made

12.(2020年甘肃武威、张掖、酒泉、金昌、陇南)---_____have you kept this book?

---For two months.

A.How soon    B.How old

C.How long    D.How often

13.(2020年四川广元)—________has she been in Beijing?

—Since five years ago.

A. How far  B. How soon C. How long

14.(2020年四川遂宁)--- The new shirt looks good on you. When did you buy it?

---On July 7th. I________ it for a week.

A. have bought  B. have had

C. bought           D. buy

15.(2020年福建) Han Mei, a good friend of mine, ________ me a lot with my English in the past three years. 

A. helps  B. helped  C. has helped

16.(2020年甘肃天水)—The Whites have _________ Hong Kong.

—Oh, really? I have never _________ there before.

A. been to, gone

B. gone to, been

C. been to, gone to

D. gone to, been to 

17.(2020年甘肃天水)Not only Jim but also his sister __________ a few cities in the south since they came to China.

A. have visitedB. has visited

C. visitedD. visits

18.(2020年天津)—The book is popular.  _____ you _____ it yet?

—Yes, I have.

A. Are; reading    B. Were; reading

C. Have; read      D.Will; read

19.(2020年辽宁丹东)—Mum, where is dad?

—He ________ the supermarket.

A. was going to 

B. has gone to

C. has been to

D. is going to

20.(2020年湖南湘西)— Tina, is your father a teacher? 

— Yes, he is. He _______ English for nearly 20 years.

A. is teaching

B. teach

C. has taught

21.(2020年湖北孝感) So far, the number of people using 5G mobile phones ______ a lot.

A. is increasing

B. are increasing

C. has increased

D. have increased

22.(2020年江苏泰州)Some primary and secondary schools ______ winter sports to their courses since Beijing won the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games.

A. added       B. will add

C. have addedD. were adding

23.(2020年山东菏泽)—Have you ever _____ to Caozhou Peony Garden? 

 —Yes,I _____ there last year.



C.been; gone

24.(2020年湖北咸宁)—Project Hope celebrated its 30 birthday in 2019.

—Yeah. It _______ children from poor families the chance to go to school since 1989.

A. offered         B. has offered 

C. is offered     D. is offering

25.(2020年湖北鄂州)—What do you usually do in your spare time?

—I often go to our community library. It ________ for two years in order to encourage us to read more.

A. opens

B. has opened

C. has been opened

D. has been open

26.(2020年湖北武汉)In the past 70 years, China_____ historic changes and made great achievements.

A. experienced 

B. experiences

C. has experienced

D. would experience

27.(2020年湖北宜昌)--- How about the third season of documentary Aerial China(航拍中国)?

---Great. I______ it twice.

A. watched       B. watch 

C. will watch    D. have watched

28.(2020年辽宁营口)Not only Jim but also Lucy ____ a few cities since they came to China. 

A.will visit            B.visited

C.have visited      D.has visited 

29.(2020年河北)I’m so glad that I _______ nearly half of the test now. 

 A.finish             B.finished

 C.will finish       D.have finished 

30.(2020年湖北恩施)I like novels written by J. K. Rowling. So far I  _____ all her works about Harry Potter.

A. have read

B. read 

C. am reading

31.(2020年昆明)Since 1989,Project Hope _____ millions of young people from poor families achieve their dreams of going to school.

A. will help        B. helps

C. has helped    D. is helping

32.(2020年上海)The ancient town has been open to visitors _____ about ten years. 

A.by  B.for   C.on   D.though 

33.(2020年江苏镇江)---Mum, I want to watch the news about our school . Change the channel, please! 

---What a pity! It is eight o’clock now. It _____ for a while. 

A.has been over        B.was over

C.has finished           D.finished 

34.(2020年内蒙古包头)Corn production ______ nearly 125 percent over the past 25 years in China.

A. jumped     B. jumps

C. will jump   D. has jumped


1.(2020年贵州黔东南州)—Would you like to go hiking if it ________ fine this Saturday?

—I'd love to. But nobody knows if it________.

A. is; will rain

B. is; rains

C. will be; will rain

D. will be; rains

2.(2020年浙江温州)—Have scientists found life on Mars?

—Not yet, but I think they ________it some day.

A. find            B. found

C. have foundD. will find

3.(2020年山东临沂)Thanks for letting us borrow your camera. We_____ it to you next Monday.

A. return

B. will return

C. have returned

4.(2020年黑龙江龙东) —No one can tell when they ________.

—When they ________, I'll let you know at once. 

A. return;will arrive

B. will return;reach

C. will return;arrive

5.(2020年北京)If you take this train, you _____ in Shanghai in five hours.

A. arriveB. will arrive

C. arrivedD. have arrived

6.(2020年四川凉山)—Let's go camping if it ________ next Saturday.

—But nobody knows if it _________.

A. is fine; rains

B. will be fine: rains

C. is fine: will rain

D. will be fine: will rain

7.(2020年四川遂宁) --- I wonder if Sally _______ us prepare for the party.

---I’m sure she will if she ______ time.

A. helps, will have

B. will help, has 

C. will help, will have

D. helps, has

8.(2020年湖南怀化) In 2022,China ______ the 24th Winter Olympics (冬奥会) in Beijing.

A. held  B. hold  C. will hold

9.(2020年湖北襄阳) --- Has Jack solved the difficult math problem?

--- Not yet. But I believe he ______ in a few minutes.

A. has worked it out

B. will work it out

C. was working it out

D. works it out

10.(2020年辽宁丹东)John ______ us when he is free.

A. joins       B. join

C. will join  D. joined

11.(2020年湖北黄冈)—I _______  to Hainan on vacation with my parents this coming summer holiday.

—That's great!

A. go         B. went

C. will go   D. have gone

12.(2020年湖北武汉)—Is Helen here?

—Not yet, but she________ in half hour.

A. arrives  B. will arrive

C. arrived  D. has arrived

13.(2020年青海)— What are you expecting to do when the fu stops spreading?

— I ________ the world and enjoy different food.

A. go around

B. have been on a tour of

C. will travel around

14.(2020年重庆B卷)Don't drink coffee before going to bed, or you _________easily. 

A. don't fall asleep

B. won't fall asleep 

C. didn't fall asleep

D. haven't fallen asleep


1.(2020年贵州黔西南州)— Peter, have you ever been to the English Corner?

— Oh, yes. I ________ there to practice speaking once a week last term.

A. went         B. go 

C. have gone  D. will go

2.(2020年贵州黔东南州)Sam ________ a computer from me yesterday.

A. sold      B. borrowed

C. lent       D. returned

3.(2020年黑龙江龙东) It has been two months since my father ________ for Italy. 

A. was left  B. left  C. leaves

4.(2020年江苏扬州)Yesterday Mom________ me some money to buy a dictionary. 

A. gives            B. gave

C. has given     D. was giving

5.(2020年江西)I don’t know the words to a lot of songs, but I do know some folk songs that my grandma _____  me at an early age.

A. teachesB. taught

C. will teachD. has taught

6.(2020年江苏盐城)---My mother said you went on a Silk Road trip last year.

---Yes, it _____ a wonderful trip.

A.is            B. was

C. will be   D. were

7.(2020年湖南长沙) The film My People, My Country, which amazed lots of movie-goers, ______ to the top of the Chinese box office last Monday. 

A. jump  B. jumped  C. jumps

8.(2020年湖北武汉)Sally ________ where she had left the car and the police found it this morning.

A. forgot    B. has forgotten

C. forgets  D. had forgotten

9.(2020年四川乐山)—Hello, John. This is Mike. What are you doing now?

—I'm watching a film on TV. It _______ at 7:30 and will be on for another hour.

A. starts  B. startedC. has started.

10.(2020年海南)Eric often ______ his aunt before he moved to the city.

A.has visited    B.visits    C.visited 


1.(2020年贵州黔西南州)While Mike____ computer games in his room, his dad came in.

A. is playing   B. was playing

C. will play   D. plays

2.(2020年贵州黔东南州)—_____ did the rainstorm come, Mr. Liu?

—While we _______ a chemistry lesson yesterday afternoon.

A. When; have had

B. When; were having

C. While; are having

D. While; have

3(2020年四川甘孜州)I ________ a math problem with Joe when Mike called me up.

A. have discussed

B. discussed

C. was discussing

4.(2020年北京)I _____ on the computer when Frank called me last night

A. workB. will work

C. was workingD. am working

5.(2020年四川广元)—I asked him a question, but he didn't reply.

—Maybe he ________about something else while you were asking.

A. thought  B. thinks  C. was thinking

6.(2020年湖南益阳)My mother ________ in the kitchen when the rainstorm came.

A. was cooking

B. is cooking

C. cooks

7.(2020年辽宁抚顺)—Why didn't Alice come to the party last night?

—Because she _______ online classes at that time. 

A. takes             B. took

C. was taking     D. has taken

8.(2020年湖南长沙) --- What happened to Mrs. Smart? 

---She cut herself while she ______ lunch. 

A. prepares

B. is preparing

C. was preparing

9.(2020年湖北十堰)— I called you yesterday afternoon, but you didn’t pick up.

— Sorry. I ______ an online class at that time.

A. take  B. took 

C. is taking  D. was taking

10.(2020年上海)Mike ______the furniture into his new flat this time yesterday. 

A.would move    B.was moving

 C.has moved     D.had moved

11.(2020年江苏镇江)---Hi, Daniel. You didn’t attend teh chess class last night. 

----Oh, I ______ my son’s model plane.

A.am repairing    B.repair 

C.have repaired   D.was repairing 


1.(2020年黑龙江龙东)Gift shop had been ________ when we got there. 

A. close    B. to close    C. closed

2.(2020年黑龙江绥化) By the time the teacher came, we __________ cleaning the classroom. 

A. finished

B. have finished

C. had finished


1.(2020年江苏无锡)—You promised that you ________ me to Disneyland, Dad.

—Well, I did, dear. But we have to change the plan.

A. will take       B. would take

C. has taken     D. had taken



1~5ADBCC ; 6~10 BBCAA;11C.


1~5 DDBAB;6~10BABAD ;



1~5BCBBB;     6~10CADDB;  

11~15CCCBC; 16~20BBCBC;   


26~30CDDDA;   31~34CBAD


1~5ADBBB; 6~10CBCBC; 










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