
Michael Downs |迈克尔·唐斯

 一甸艺术 2020-08-30


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Michael Downs

Michael Downs'S BIOGRAPHY

迈克尔·唐斯 |Michael Downs


1972-1976 于英国Bath艺术学院获得学士学位

1992-1994 于悉尼UNSW美术学院获得一等硕士学位


Michael Downs

'Landscape' is our environment


,148 x 158 cm


'Landscape' is our environment, our connection to the world and the setting of our lives. We never see it as a separate 'other,' outside ourselves and comfortably detached from our being. It is all around us; it is above and beneath us, and our movements through it are governed by our awareness of both the comforts and dangers it contains.

2018,190x120x130 cm


Accordingly, I do not want to keep my responses to landscape trapped in a rectangle on a flat plane of the canvas. My artworks burst outwards across the wall. They are both image and object and, simultaneously they are painting and sculpture. They are totally embodied. 

 Artist Statement 

 Michael Downs






Michael Downs

Mixed media on wood and canvas



© Michael Downs


2017,Mixed Media on Linen on Wood

混合材料、木材和帆布,201 x 227cm

© Michael Downs

Stretched China2

2014,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,242× 121cm

© Michael Downs

Small ChinaTriptych,小型中国三部曲

2017,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,212 ×130cm

© Michael Downs

Small China Landscape- Springtime,小中国景观 - 春天

2016,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,113× 88cm

© Michael Downs

Danging China3

2014,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,235 ×134cm

© Michael Downs

Night Over Heibei

2018,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,80 × 110cm

© Michael Downs

Bursting Landscape 8-Tongzhou,破裂景观 8

2018,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,162 × 152cm

© Michael Downs

Bursting Landscape 5-Rain,破裂景观 5- 雨

2018,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,192 ×182cm

© Michael Downs

Bursting Landscape 3 Pink Tower,破裂景观 3 粉红塔

2018,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料木材和帆布,184 × 140cm

© Michael Downs


2014,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,212 × 113cm

© Michael Downs

Bursting Landscape 2-Last Small Village,爆破景观2-最后一个小村庄

2018,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,186 × 86cm

© Michael Downs

Bursting Landscape7,破裂景观 7

2018,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,162 × 143cm

© Michael Downs

Bursting Landscape 1-Airport Express,破裂景观 1- 机场快递

2018,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,164 × 124cm

© Michael Downs

Dancing China2,中国舞蹈 2

2014,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,258 × 131cm

© Michael Downs

Bursting Landscape 6-ThreeTowns Merging,破裂景观6-合并三座城

2018,mixed media on wood and canvas

混合材料、木材和帆布,244 × 185cm

© Michael Downs


2013,Acrylic and oil on canvas and wood

丙烯和油画,帆布,木材,210 x 190cm

Michael Downs

Accordingly, I do not want to keep my responses to landscape trapped in a rectangle on a flat plane of the canvas. My artworks burst outwards across the wall. They are both image and object and, simultaneously they are painting and sculpture. They are totally embodied. Made by my body, they address the body of you, the viewer and their physicality unashamedly trigger the haptic sense within you, recalling how, as a child, you felt your way across the surfaces of the world, pairing this distinct feeling with that distinct surface. They have references to the ancient geology of the land and the hyper-urbanization of contemporary times. Often taking a viewpoint from the sky, they offer no stable perspective but swirl and seethe.They allude to Chinese characters and ink and watercolor painting whilst having the weight and mass of carved wooden structures. The Chinese city has, beyond the architecture that defines its image, parallel phenomena of neon and sulfurous light and the tangible-intangible of its air. It is this complexity that I wish to involve myself with in making art. Their hybridity is made more startling by the fluorescent paint on the reverse which causes shadows which carry the color of the painting onto the gallery wall. Like the urban environment itself, they clamor to be addressed and come to meet you face to face.

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Artist  EI


2017 China Views, Hive 美术馆,墨尔本,澳大利亚;
2017 Gamelan Landscapes,  Lod Tundun 美术馆,巴厘岛,印度尼西亚;
2016 Symphony of the City,瑜舍, 北京,中国;
2016 Urban Energies, HOF 美术馆, 曼谷,泰国;
2015 China Revisited, EAE 美术馆,莱顿,荷兰;
2014 Morphologies, EMG 美术馆,广州,中国;
2013 New China Paintings, Syndicate 美术馆,悉尼,澳大利亚;
2013 Birdbali, Made Budhianna 美术馆,乌布,巴厘岛,印度尼西亚;

2011 China Works, Art Atrium 美术馆,邦迪交界处,悉尼,澳大利亚; 

2011 SLOT 美术馆,雷德芬,悉尼,澳大利亚;
2010 China Works,新太阳美术馆,798艺术区,北京,中国; 

2006 Soundscapes,西摩中心,悉尼,澳大利亚。


2018 分离的形式,户尔空间,柏林,德国;
2018 Atlas-Axis (Sylvia Kummer), Shoenheit 美术馆,维也纳,奥地利;

2017 Perahu, Kasihan 美术馆,日惹,印度尼西亚;
2016 Gallery Artists, Made Budhiana 美术馆,乌布,巴厘岛,印度尼西亚;
2016 Works on Paper, TAKSU 美术馆,新加坡;
2015 ArtJog, Perahu 美术馆,日惹,印度尼西亚;
2014 New Vibrations,北京当代艺术馆,北京,中国;
2013 Works on Paper, Syndicate 美术馆,悉尼,澳大利亚;

2013 Stockholm AAF, 斯德哥尔摩,瑞典;
2013 Transexpress, Grand Central,纽约,美国;
2012 AnOther Gallery, AAF 米兰,以及 AAF 罗马,意大利;
2012 AnOther 美术馆,赫尔辛基,芬兰;
2012 Artists’ Camp 展览, Villa Pandan Arum,乌布,巴厘岛,印度尼西亚; 

2012 Centenary of Collage, ICCA,沃斯堡,得克萨斯,美国;
2011 ASAP, Amelie 美术馆,798艺术区,北京,中国;
2011 New Work, Taksu 美术馆,新加坡;
2011 Art 3K, Art Atrium 美术馆,邦迪,悉尼,澳大利亚;
2008 Spirit of Place,弘益大学,首尔,韩国;

2007 Inaugural 展览,Sabaai 美术馆,悉尼,澳大利亚;
2006 Intersections,弘益大学,首尔,韩国;
2003 Art on the Rocks, CBM 美术馆,悉尼,澳大利亚;

2003 Love Letter To China, Ivan Dougherty 美术馆,帕丁顿,悉尼,澳大利亚;

2001 国际印刷展览会,巴塞罗那,西班牙;
2001 Six Artists, Arte Lido 美术馆,中海岸,新南威尔士州,澳大利亚;
2000 Sculpture Show, Defiance 美术馆,悉尼,澳大利亚; 

1998 第八届台湾国际绘画双年展,台北艺术馆,台湾,中国;

1998 第二十届国际印刷展览会,神奈川,横滨,日本; 

1998 Eight Artists, Thurn 美术馆,斯图加特,德国;
1998 Blue, Annandale 美术馆, 悉尼,澳大利亚; 

1998 东京国际印刷三年展,多摩大学,东京,日本;
1997 第十九届国际印刷展览会,神奈川,横滨,日本;
1997 Murders艺术博览会,当代艺术美术馆,奥克兰,新西兰;

1996 第十一届艺术国际,Del Bello 美术馆,多伦多,加拿大;
1996 d’Art 双年展, Ville Marie,魁北克,加拿大;
1995 Ironsides, Powerhouse 博物馆,悉尼,澳大利亚;
1995 Outpost Event, XLV威尼斯双年展,威尼斯,意大利;
1995 Works on Paper,澳大利亚大使馆,新加坡;
1994 Alice Prize Show,爱丽丝泉,澳大利亚;
1994 Superfictions ( Peter Hill),新南威尔士州艺术馆,悉尼,澳大利亚;
1994 La Ville,当代文化中心,巴塞罗那,西班牙;
1994 Bet Your Life, Annandale 美术馆,悉尼,澳大利亚;
1994 La Ville,乔治蓬皮杜中心,巴黎,法国;

1993 大阪国际绘画三年展,大阪,日本;
1993 P & O 艺术奖,国家海事博物馆,悉尼,澳大利亚;
1992 Gold Coast/Jupiters Casino Invitational, Surfers Paradise,黄金海岸,澳大利亚;
1988/89 The Subjective City,巡回展出在伦敦,曼彻斯特,米德尔斯堡,伯明翰,诺丁汉,诺威奇,伯恩利,索尔福德与福克斯通; 

1987 ROL 大奖赛,圣詹姆斯,伦敦(决赛),英国;
1987 Athena 艺术大奖赛,巴比肯中心,伦敦(决赛),英国。


2016 HOF/Surface Arts,曼谷,泰国;
2013 Perahu Art Connection,日惹,印度尼西亚;
2013 中国驻地计划,上海,中国;

2012 当代云南,昆明,云南,中国;

2012 Villa Pandan Harum,乌布,巴厘岛,印度尼西亚;
1995 Bundanon 中心,Shoalhaven 河,新南威尔士州,澳大利亚。


2014 主讲人,大蓝图会议,北京大学,北京,中国;

2014 专家组成员,中国Now会议,尤伦斯中心,798艺术区,北京,中国;

2013/14 Merapi Volcano 计划,日惹,印度尼西亚;
2011 参与艺术家,国际艺术家营地,Amed,东巴厘岛,印度尼西亚;

1985-2012 担任超过20所在澳大利亚、中国、新西兰、英国、美国、挪威,韩国及印尼等地机构的客座讲师。

© Michael Downs

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