
Publish or Perish? 如何优雅应对审稿意见和退稿

 启帆医学BioSCI 2020-09-03





对于投稿后的结果,通常在两周到两个月,你会收到编辑的回复,包括审稿人的意见(Reviewers comments)和一封编辑的概括信(Covering letter)


(1) 原稿接受,无需修改(Publish without changes),罕见。

(2) 稿件退修,需轻微修改(Publish with minor changes ) 不多见。

(3) 稿件退修,需重大修改(Publish with major changes )很常见。

(4) 论文需重大修改,重投并当作新稿件处理(not publish in its present form, but resubmit after major modifications to then be treated like a new submission) 常见。

(5) 完全拒绝(Reject),最常见

1. 最常见退稿原因

(1) 主题原因(Subject)

*内容不适合该期刊(Not suitable for journal),

*不适时(Not timely)

(2) 论文内容(Coverage):

*意义不大(Questionable significance )

*不可信(Questionable validity) 

*深度不够(Too shallow) 

*过于详尽(Too exhaustive)

(3) 论文长度原因(Length):

*论文太长(Too long) 

*论文太短(Too short) 

(4) 论文的表达原因(Presentation):

 *框架不好(Bad organization)

 *表达不行 (Ineffective expression) 

          *插图有问题(Ineffective or unusable illustrations) 

          (5) 论文的格式问题(Failure to follow style guide) 

2. 如何处理被拒的SCI论文

(1) 要理解被SCI期刊拒稿是一件正常的事情 (70%以上被拒)。因此,要保持良好心态

(2) 对完全拒绝的论文,编辑通常会表达不愿再看到该文,再寄送这类文章是没有意义的。应该补充修改 后改投其他SCI期刊。

(3) 审稿人有时也会犯错误,不仅仅是笔误也有专业知识上的错误,因为编辑找的审稿人未必是你相同领域的专家。如果作者对否定的原因有异议,可以向编辑 部或主编提出自己的意见,据理力争。只要自己是正确的就要坚持。在回复中委婉地表达一下你的意见。如果编辑同意作者的意见,论文可以重新进入新的一轮审稿程序。这种情况很少见,成功的可能性很低

(4) 如果文章被拒绝是因数据或分析有严重缺陷, 这类文章不妨先放一放,等找到更广泛的证据支持或有了更明晰的结论后,再将经过修改的“新"文章寄给同 一 SCI期刊,编辑通常会考虑重新受理。

(5) 如果被拒论文不是由于文稿中的错误,而是重要性或创新性不够,作者仔细考虑审稿人意见并认真修改文稿后,可以寄给影响因子较低的其他SCI刊物

3. 如何修回SCI论文

稿件退修(revised manuscript),几乎所有的经审查 学术水平达到出版要求的SCI论文,在发表前都需要退给作者修改其表达方式及编辑格式,如压缩文章篇幅、 重新设计表格、改善插图质量、限制不规则缩写词使用等。


文章最终接受与否取决于作者对文章关键性重要内容和表述方式的修改能否达到审稿人及 编辑的要求。当作者收到退修稿后,首先应该仔细地阅读审稿人意见,然后应考虑能否或愿意接受审稿人或编辑的意见。


如果作者在接到主编或编辑部转来的审稿人意见后, 对其评价有很大的异议或不愿改动自己的论文,便可以主动要求退稿。手续很简单,只需向编辑部发个E-mail 即可,或自己上网撤稿。


示例  Response to reviewer's comments 样稿


Reviewer 1 comments:

1. '"Categorical variables were collapsed for ease of interpretation of resuit sv The word in there now is "easy”

Response: Sentence has been edited as suggested by reviewer on page 2

2. Page 11 last full paragraph should be edited and read as presented.

Response: Sentence has been edited as suggested by reviewer

3. Provide more information about which cells are different from each other in Figure 1

Response: More information about inferential statistics has been provided in text and tables.

Reviewer 2 comments

1. Authors have not adequately addressed the issue of xvhether logistic regression findings vuere partially driven by the low levels of smoking xvithin the occasional and light smoking subgroups

Response: During the last round of revision, we added Figure 2 to address this issue. Figure 

2 essentially shows that the relationship betijueen levels of smoking and number of smoking reduction strategies used was true uuithin eaek-of the four smoking subgroups. This is consistent with results of the logistic regression.

2. On page 6 when defining occasional smokers, change "in” to “on”

Response: Done.

3. The rationale given by the authors for XXX does not provide reader with additional information.

Response: Statement has been revised as suggested by reviewer.

4. 稿件退修时注意事项

(1) 对审稿意见要十分尊重,对每一条批评和建议, 都要认真分析。所有问题必须逐条回答(Response to reviewer's comments 1, 2, 3)

(2) 对修回稿中已修改的地方要具体标明(page, lines)。

(3) 尽量满足意见中需要补充的实验。

(4) 审稿人由于知识限制和某种成见,甚至学术观点不同,判断错误并建议退稿常会发生。要极其慎重和认真地回答,有理有据地与审稿人探讨。但要委婉地礼貌地表达你的观点
[不推荐]"The reviewer's comment was wrong,
[不推荐]"The referee's idea is bad, but mine is good.”

推荐"The reviewer's comment is very interesting. However, we found that ··-"
推荐] “It would be very interesting to see ···. However,…"
推荐]“The referee has an interesting notion, but the proposed idea is also good, particularly in light of this or that fact.”

(5) 不能做的也不要回避,说明合理理由。

(6) 审稿人是论文的第一读者,如果他都没有读懂你说的某一方面,作者得考虑自己的文章有什么问题让人家不懂,否则发表后如何面对更多的读者?所以你需要改得更清楚。

(7) 如果您的论文又被拒绝是因为有一个审稿人对你的论文有很好的评价,但另外一审稿人对你的论文评价很差。此时,如果你有理由认为审稿人不合理对待您的论文。你可以写信给编辑要求更换审稿人。编辑一般会将寄发给第2位审稿人。如果这位审稿人也评价很差。那么,应该补充修改后改投其他SCI期刊。

(8) 给编辑回信,感谢给论文提出的修改意见,并指出按修改建议已作的修改,未作修改的地方要说明理由。

示例 SCI论文resubmission样稿信1

Dear Editor,

Thank you so much for giving us an opportunity to revise this paper. We have considered comments from reviewers carefully and have made revisions to address their concerns. I hope this revised version is acceptable for publication.


(your name here)

Manuscript # : Cell-07-555

Response to comments of reviewers

Reviewer 1:

General comments:

示例 SCI论文resubmission样稿信2

Dear Dr. XXX

Thank you for the opportunity to revise our manuscript # 2007- 5555 entitled,'分SV* We are grateful for the detailed comments and suggestions provided by each of the revievuers, and we believe that their input has greatly improved our manuscript. Because of the number of comments and level of detail provided by each of the reviewers, we have included their comments verbatim in italics, followed by our comments and revisions in bold. Although this makes a rather lengthy cover letter, we believe that it will provide you and your reviewers with the best explanation of the changes that we have made.


(your name here)

Response to comments of reviexvers


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