

 苗爸英语启蒙 2020-09-09


1.It was an early morning in summer. In the street, sleepy-eyed people were moving quickly, going towards their ______.

A. homes  B.houses  C.restaurants  D.offices

解析:答案是D. 在大清早,人们匆忙地去“他们的办公室”(their offices)去上班。

2.The plane took off higher and higher and it became ______.

A. big  B.tiny  C.strange  D.long

解析:答案是B。飞机飞得越来越高,应该是变小( tiny )。

3.Having left the town, the girl stopped the car at the landing of the entrance of the bay(海湾). She stepped into the ______ and rowed out silently.  …  The lights of the town became ______                               

 A.car  B.boat  C.ship  D.sail

解析:答案是B。and后面的动词row (划船), 所以用boat (小船),ship是轮船,不能用row搭配。

A.brighter  B.bigger  C.closer  D.smaller

解析:答案是D。女孩离开城镇,划船出海,所以城镇的灯光变得更小( smaller)。

4.Heroes come in different forms. They are the people who save lives and the people who endure(忍受)______ times.                                         

A.present  B.short  C.boring  D.hard


5.I turned around to find a wrinkled(满脸皱纹的), little old lady looking ______ at me with a smile that ______ her entire being.                                   

A.down  B.out  C.in  D.up

解析:答案是D。身材矮小(little)的老奶奶应该是向上( up)看着我。

A.lit up  B.worked out  C.took away  D.brought back

解析:答案是A。微笑应该是照亮 ( lit up)了她整个人。

6. And video cameras can be used to_____people’s actions at home.

A. keep  B. make  C. record  D. watch

解析:答案是C。摄影机的能够用来记录( record)人们的行动的。

7. (Immediately)the officers jumped into their cars and rushed to the_____hospital.

A. animal  B. biggest  C. plant  D. nearest

解析:答案是D. 救人应该是去最近的( rearest)的医院。

8.Worse still, Dad missed a step and fell, sending my new suitcases ______ down the stairs.

A.rolling  B.passing  C.dropping  D.turning

解析:答案是A。爸爸走楼梯是踩空摔倒,手提箱滚下(roll down)楼梯。

9.Japan is an island country and its ______ go all over the Pacific looking for fish to ______ .

A.fishing boats  B.lifeboats  C.planes  D.trains

解析:答案是A。去寻找鱼的应该是渔船(fishing boats)。

A.buy  B.catch  C.hold  D.weigh

解析:答案是B。渔船去寻找的是可以捕捞( catch )的鱼,catch fish 捕鱼

10.….because the earth is divided into ______ time zones, one hour apart.

A. twenty-two  B.twenty-three  C.twenty-four  D.twenty-five

解析:答案是C。地球被分为24 ( twenty-four)个学区。

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