

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

5-Year-Old Boy Gets Police Escort To School

After Dad Dies In Line Of Duty


escort:美 [ˈeskɔ:rt] n. 护送者; 护卫者

dies In Line Of Duty:因公殉职

 Five-year-old Dakota Pitts returned to school for the first time on Monday after losing his father about a week ago. Dakota’s dad, Rob Pitts, was Indiana police officer for the Terre Haute and Sullivan police departments. Pitts was killed in the line of duty.

五岁的Dakota Pitts在前一周失去父亲之后,周一第一次返回学校上学。他的爸爸,Rob Pitts,是印第安纳州的一位警员,就职于Terre Haute 和Sullivan警局。Pitts前不久因公殉职。

The 16-year police vet was fatally shot by a 21-year-old suspect while responding to a call last week.


responding to a call:出警

When Dakota arrived back at school this week, he received a special welcome that gave him the support he needed. CBS affiliate WTHI reports that Dakota asked his mom if one of his dad’s friends could drive him to school. When he arrived at Sullivan Elementary, there were 70 Indiana police waiting outside to give Dakota his very own police escort to school.


The 5-year-old wore his father’s police badge proudly and walked past the long line of officers. The officers also gave him his very own SWAT T-shirt and badge upon his arrival. They wanted Dakota to know they will always have his back.


police badge:警徽

SWAT:special weapon and tatics; 特种武器和战术部队

have one's back:支持某人,维护某人

His dad’s sister, Kelly Jones, was there. “He will definitely know his dad was a hero. Blood doesn’t always make family. And I think the blue family went above and beyond,” Jones told WTHI.

他爸爸的妹妹,Kelly Jones当时也在场。“他一定会明白他爸爸是一个英雄。并非有血缘就有亲情,我认为警察这个大家庭已经远远超过于此,“Jones 跟媒体说。

blue family:蓝色警服之家,意为警察之家

For Dakota, this very tough day was made a little easier by the love and support from his “blue family.”



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