
5 Magic Words on Your Resume - NR & SS(3/30/18)

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

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5 Magic Words That Every Hiring Manager Wants to See on Your Resume

By Peter Economy | Nov. 25, 2016

Recruiters spend just six seconds reviewing a resume before deciding yes or no. Will your resume make the cut?

A study by job-matching service The Ladders revealed that recruiters spend just six seconds reviewing a resume before deciding whether or not a candidate is a good fit for the job they are trying to fill. And what do they look at during those brief six seconds? It turns out that 80 percent of that time--or an even briefer 4.8 seconds--is spent on these particular data points: name, current title/company, previous title/company, previous position start and end dates, current position start and end dates, and education.

Once you make it past the initial cut, then recruiters will dig deeper into your resume, and this is where it is absolutely critical that it includes the kind of words that will get their attention and land you an interview. Use the wrong words, and you will look unprofessional--leaving a very bad first impression.

Here are five words that will get the attention of hiring managers, and perhaps land you your next job.

1. Created.

Companies want employees who are innovative and creative, and who aren't afraid to take risks and try new things in pursuit of the company's goals. What have you created at work lately?

2. Achieved.

Ultimately, hiring managers want to hire people who are self-motivated and who actually achieve things. Make sure that your work achievements are a prominent part of your resume--the bigger the better.

3. Improved.

Every process, system, and product can be improved in some way. Hiring managers are on the lookout for people who are constantly looking for ways to improve their organizations--and the products and services they sell.

4. Resolved.

Problem solvers are a great asset to any organization, which is why hiring managers look for job candidates who show in their resumes that they have experience in resolving problems for their organizations.

5. Mentored.

While it's great to hire people who have done all of the above things, it's even better when you find someone who does all this and who mentors and teaches others to do these things as well. If you mentor others in your job--and you should--then make sure you get this into your resume.


 make the cut: 打开缺口,成功

fit: 匹配

critical: 关键的,极其重要的

create: 创造

innovative: 有创新力的

creative: 有创造力的

self-motivated: 主动地,自我激发的

achieve: 实现,成功

prominent: 突出的,杰出的


constantly: 不停的,持续的

problem solve: 解决问题分期付款贷款


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