
(Metro English - 077 - Cooking- French Toast

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

Cooking- French Toast


If you want to visit the birthplace of french toast, you won't need to know how to speak French! 如果你去看看法国吐司的诞生地,你不需要知道怎么说法语!

The origins of french toast are not entirely clear, but long before this sweet snack was called “french toast," similar recipes were being whipped up all around the world. One of the earliest versions of french toast has been traced back to the Roman Empire. 法式吐司的起源并不完全清楚,但在这种甜食被称为“法式吐司”很久以前,世界各地都有类似的食品。法国吐司的最早版本可追溯到罗马帝国。

The name “french toast" was first used in 17th-century England. The recipe — and name — were brought to America by early settlers. “法式吐司”这个名字最早出现在17世纪的英国。菜谱和名字是早期移民带到美国的。

In France, the dish is called “pain perdu," meaning “lost bread." Why lost bread? Originally, people made French toast from stale bread in order to make use of bread that would otherwise have been thrown away. 在法国,这道菜被称为“pain perdu”,意思是“迷失了的面包”。为什么“迷失了的面包”呢?最初,因为人们不用新鲜的面包来做法式吐司,而是用本来会被扔掉的面包来做。


Ingredients 配料

  • 2 eggs 两个鸡蛋

  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract 一茶匙香草精

  • 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon sugar, Ground 半茶匙肉桂糖,粉状

  • 1/2 cup milk 半杯牛奶

  • 4 slices bread 四片面包

Eggs 鸡蛋

Vanilla Extract 香草精

Cinnamon sugar, Ground 肉桂糖

Milk 牛奶

Thick slices of bread 厚片面包

How to Make It 步骤

Step 1

Beat eggs in a shallow bowl. Add milk, vanilla, and cinnamon sugar, and beat until frothy. 用一个比较浅的碗打鸡蛋,加入牛奶、香草精、肉桂糖,至打到蛋液起泡 。

Step 2

Soak each slice of bread in the egg mixture, first on one side, then the other. 将面包的两面都浸泡在蛋液中,做完一面,再做另外一面。

Step 3    

Cook bread slices on lightly greased nonstick griddle or skillet on medium heat until golden on both sides. Serve with maple syrup, if desired. 在不粘锅上用中火煎面包片直至两面金黄,如果喜欢,在吃的时候,淋上枫叶糖浆。

In the United States, restaurants usually serve french toast with butter, maple syrup and powdered sugar, but the possibilities are endless. French toast can be topped with just about anything.  在美国,餐馆通常会为法式吐司配上黄油、枫糖浆和糖霜,但能配法式吐司的东西数不胜数,法式吐司可以配任何东西。

Popular toppings include powdered sugar, maple syrup, jelly, jam, honey, peanut butter, applesauce, whipped cream, fruit, yogurt, ice cream and nuts. Savory (not sweet) french toast can be topped with bacon, cheese, gravy and even ketchup!  流行的配料包括糖霜、枫糖浆、果冻、果酱、蜂蜜、花生酱、苹果酱、掼奶油、水果、酸奶、冰淇淋和坚果。美味的(不是甜的)法国吐司可以配上培根、奶酪、肉汁甚至番茄酱!

Around the world, people enjoy french toast in many different ways. The British call french toast “eggy bread," “gypsy bread" or “french-fried bread." And sometimes they serve it with ketchup.  全世界的人都喜欢法式吐司,也各有各的版本,英国人管法式吐司叫做eggy bread,鸡蛋面包,吉普赛面包,或是法式煎面包,他们吃的时候也会加番茄酱。

The people of New Zealand prefer their french toast served with bananas, bacon and maple syrup. Australians serve up a savory version of french toast with cheese and tomato sauce. The French consider “pain perdu" a dessert, not a breakfast food.  新西兰人喜欢在吃法式吐司的时候加香蕉、培根还有枫糖浆。澳大利亚人喜欢在吃咸味的法式吐司的时候会配上奶酪番茄酱。而法国人则认为“pain perdu"是一道甜品,不是早餐。

stale bread 陈面包、不新鲜的面包

extract 提取液

shallow 浅的、浅显的、浅薄的

frothy 有泡沫的;起泡沫的

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