
(Metro English - 087 - Education - Education Systems

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

Education - Education Systems(学制)



  • Preschool lasts three years: Chinese students often start preschool as young as three years old and do not enter elementary school until they are six.  幼儿园三年:中国学生通常从三岁开始上幼儿园,六岁才进入小学。

  • Preschool curriculum: Preschools and kindergartens put a lot of emphasis on training young children, since the Chinese believe that this time is crucial to personality development. Students are taught to play games, dance, sing, act and uphold the values of Truth, Kindness and Beauty.  学龄前课程:学龄前教育和幼儿园非常重视培养幼儿,因为中国人认为这一时间对个性发展至关重要。幼儿园通过游戏、舞蹈、唱歌、表演的方式,向孩子们传达真、善、美的价值观。

  • Chinese students receive primary or elementary school education for six or seven years, but are typically in middle school and high school for three years each.  中国学生的小学教育是六到七年,但通常在中学和高中都是各三年。

  • Middle school is split into two categories: Lower middle school students receive a basic academic education including foreign language, Chinese language and math, but after they graduate, they take a test to determine their vocational/technical path or another basic extension of traditional school in which students learn science and the humanities while preparing for university.  中学分为两大类:初中生接受包括外语、汉语和数学在内的基础学科的学习,在毕业后,他们通过考试,然后决定是在职业/技术的方向、还是传统学校继续学习。如果决定在传统学校的话,学生会边学习科学和人文学科,边准备上大学。

  • Vocational schools: Vocational schools train students to become medium-level workers like technical personnel, construction managers and farmers. 职业学校:职业学校是要将学生培养成为技术人员、施工管理人员、农民等中等职业技术人员。

  • Schools for Skilled Workers: These schools are set up to train junior middle school graduates in production and operations fields. 技术工人学校:设立这些学校是为了培训初中毕业生在生产和经营领域有所发展。

  • Students must take a test to go to high school or vocational school: Those who do not pass the test effectively end their formal education. 想上高中或职业学校的学生必须参加考试:那些考试不及格的学生自此就结束了他们的正规教育。

  • Vacation: Primary schools have 13 weeks of vacations and holidays, junior secondary schools have 12 weeks, and senior secondary schools have 10-11 weeks of vacation and holidays.  假期:小学有13周的假期,初中有12周,高中有10-11周的假期。

  • Special education: Gifted and special needs students were not addressed until the 1985 National Conference on Education. There are now 1,540 special education schools in China, plus special vocation training schools for special needs students.  特殊教育:在1985年全国教育会议之前,天才学生和有特殊需要学生没有得到有效的关注。目前,中国有1540所特殊教育学校,以及特殊需要学生的特殊职业培训学校。

preschool  幼儿园

kindergarten  幼儿园

primary or elementary school 小学

personality development 人格发展、个性开发

values of Truth, Kindness and Beauty 真善美的价值观

lower middle school   初中

vocational school 职业学校

vacation 假期

pass the test 考试及格

formal education 正规教育、正式教育

Special education 特殊教育

special needs  特殊需求(智力或身体障碍者的)

以上就是今天的内容。欢迎继续关注Metro English。

五月份,Metro English的主题是Education,一个相对来说非常火爆的话题,现在有孩子的人说教育,没有孩子的人说教育;中国人说外国人的教育,外国人说中国人的教育,几乎全世界都在说教育。所以,我们将在五月份即将播出的20期内容里,努力地把教育说一说,把相关教育,你想表达的内容尽可能的分享一下。希望通过五月份,你可以把你喜欢的、你不喜欢的有关教育的话,大声用英语说出来。

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