
(Metro English - 098 - Education - Ivy League School

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Education - Ivy League School(常春藤盟校)


What Is an Ivy League School? Probably Not What You Think 


Chances are you’ve heard the term “Ivy League” — most commonly used to describe some of the most prestigious higher education institutions in the United States.  很可能你听过“常春藤联盟”这个词——最常用来形容美国一些最负盛名的高等教育机构。

Most people associate this term with highly esteemed universities that are difficult to get into, rooted deep in history and home to some of the most brilliant minds in academia. They’re also all conveniently located in the Northeast, too.  大多数人把这个词与那些很难进入的、有历史底蕴的和学术界一些最有才华的人的家乡的备受尊敬的大学联系在一起。它们也都很方便地位于东北部地区。

But, what are they really?  但是,它们到底是什么呢?

The real reason behind the grouping of these eight universities might surprise you.  把这八所大学分为一组的背后的真正原因可能会让你吃惊。

The Schools 学校

The Ivys are comprised of 常春藤盟校由以下几所学校组成

  • Brown University (Providence)  布朗大学(普罗维登斯)

  • Columbia University (New York City) 哥伦比亚大学(纽约市)

  • Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) 康奈尔大学(纽约州伊萨卡)

  • Dartmouth College (New Hampshire) 达特茅斯学院(新罕布什尔州)

  • Harvard University (Massachusetts) 哈佛大学(马萨诸塞州)

  • University of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania) 宾夕法尼亚大学(宾夕法尼亚州)

  • Princeton University (New Jersey) 普林斯顿大学(新泽西州)

  • Yale University (Connecticut)  耶鲁大学(康涅狄格州)

History 历史

Despite being known for their high caliber of academics and tough admission standards, the Ivy League category is technically a collegiate athletic conference of which these eight private schools belong. Yep – it all originally boiled down to sports.  尽管常春藤联盟以其高水平的学术水平和严格的入学标准而闻名,但从技术上讲,它是一个大学生的体育运动协会,这八所私立学校都属于它。是的——这一切最初都归结为运动。

Each of the eight elite schools has rich academic histories, with Harvard dating back as far as 1636. But, the actual Ivy League itself was not established until 1954 as an athletic conference.  Today, though, the term is used much more broadly and has much less to do with sports.  八所精英学校都有丰富的学术历史,哈佛最早可追溯到1636年。但是,真正的常春藤联盟直到1954年才作为运动协会成立。然而,今天这个词的使用范围更广,与体育活动的关系也更小。

Within the history of the schools, themselves lie deep rivalries, too. From football to academics and arguments over which school is more exclusive than the others, Ivy students tend to be a proud and loyal group, extending far past graduation.  在学校的历史中,它们本身也存在着激烈的竞争。从足球到学术,再到关于哪个学校比其他学校更高档的争论,常春藤的学生往往是一个自豪和忠诚的群体,毕业后也长期如此。

Rankings  排名

Despite the elite nature of the Ivy League, they don’t necessarily include the “best schools.” Confused? We can explain.  尽管常春藤联盟的精英性质,他们不一定包括“最好的学校”,困惑吗?我们可以解释。

While all eight universities rank in Niche’s top 20 Best Colleges in America, Stanford and MIT outrank Harvard, which is the top-rated Ivy, and Rice University, Bowdoin College, Cal Tech and others beat out certain Ivies as well. So, just because they’re Ivy League doesn’t mean they’re the best of the best.  尽管这八所大学都排在利基美国20所最好的大学的前列,但斯坦福大学和麻省理工学院的排名却超过了哈佛大学,尽管哈佛大学是常春藤名列前茅的大学,莱斯大学、鲍登学院、加州理工学院和其他一些大学也击败了某些常春藤。所以,仅仅因为他们是常春藤联盟并不意味着他们是最好的。

Admissions 录取

According to Niche data, the Ivy with the smallest overall acceptance rate is Harvard, at just 5%. The “easiest” to get into, relatively speaking, is Cornell, which welcomes  14% of its applicant pool.  根据利基数据,总体接受率最低的常春藤是哈佛,只有5%。相对而言,最容易进入的是康奈尔大学,有14%的申请者被接纳。

And keep in mind, Ivy League schools aren’t the only game in town. Plenty of other elite colleges give Ivies a run for their money in the popularity contest.  记住,常春藤联盟学校不是地面儿上唯一的游戏。许多其他的精英大学在人气竞赛中因为学费合理战胜了这些常春藤学校。

Ivy League School 常春藤学校

esteemed  受尊敬的、受仰慕的

admission 录取

rivalries  竞争

exclusive  独有的、高级的

popularity contest  人气竞赛、声望辩论

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六月份,Metro English的主题是Art-Famous Paintings,我们将跟大家分享20幅世界名画,通过六月份的学习,你会了解世界上最负盛名的这些画作的英文名称,画家的名字,画作的年代,背景故事,以及相关的趣闻等等。希望通过六月份,你不仅可以和英语继续保持亲密接触,还可以穿越时空,在作品中,与大师们进行更多的交流。最重要的是,这些你都可以大声用英语说出来。

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