
(Metro English - 102 - China & US Education Differences

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

Education - China & US  Education Differences (中美教育差异 -2)


  • Class Size is the first noticeable difference at the middle school and high school level.  Teachers typically teach two classes (in an 8 period day) with from 55 to 65 students.  班级规模是初高中阶段第一个显著的差异。老师通常会教两个班(一天8节课),学生人数从55人到65人不等。American secondary teachers typically teach five or six classes with class sizes ranging from 25 to 30.  美国中学教师通常教5到6个班级,班级规模从25到30不等。

  • While Americans think the "cohort" concept is innovative, China has been using it for decades.  Throughout China, students beginning in a school are put into classes and they stay in those classes with one another for the entire time they are in that school unless higher test scores permit them to move to a more advanced grouping. 尽管美国人认为“固定班型”的概念是创新的,但中国已经使用了几十年。在中国,学生从上学开始,就会被分到不同的班级,并且他们在同一所学校的所有时间都在这同一个班级里,除非可以考得更高的分数,或许会让他们进入一个分数更高的班级。 Understood in the Chinese system is that this group of students will learn each of their subjects together. 在中国的教育系统中,这组学生将在一起进行各个科目的学习。 In America, students are not grouped into such classes.  Instead, the 30 students who are together for English class will be randomly split up into any of the other subjects for the next period and the period after that, and so on.  The next year, the students are totally mixed up again into different classes.  Occasionally, the same class of students will take two courses together, such as English and history, but that is rare. 在美国,学生不会被编入这样的班级。而且,即使是在一起上英语课的30个学生,在下一节课和下下节课的时候,也会分开成为不同的群,上不同的课。第二年,学生们又会被完全混入不同的班级。有时,同一班的学生会一起上两门课,比如英语和历史,但这是非常少见的。 The Chinese carry the cohort concept into the university level as well. 在中国,这种固定班型的概念也被带入了大学。

  • In America, teachers are beginning to have more freedom to focus on individual student needs. 在美国,教师开始有更多的自由来关注学生的个人需求。In China’s education world, the focus is more on the collective group of students as a whole. For example, in China, teachers can ask themselves, “What can I do to improve learning as a whole?” While American teachers ask  themselves, “What can I do to improve his or her learning?” 在中国的教育界,大家更注重的是学生作为一个群体的整体性。例如,在中国,老师们可以问自己,“我应该做些什么,才能提高整体的学业水平?而美国教师却会问自己,“我可以做些什么,才能提高他或她的学习水平?”

Class Size 班级规模

cohort 同伙、一群人

advanced  高级的;高等的

split up (使)分开

mix up 混在一起 

collective  集体的

以上就是今天的内容。欢迎继续关注Metro English。

五月份,Metro English的主题是Education,一个相对来说非常火爆的话题,现在有孩子的人说教育,没有孩子的人说教育;中国人说外国人的教育,外国人说中国人的教育,几乎全世界都在说教育。所以,我们将在五月份即将播出的20期内容里,努力地把教育说一说,把相关教育,你想表达的内容尽可能的分享一下。希望通过五月份,你可以把你喜欢的、你不喜欢的有关教育的话,大声用英语说出来。

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