
助你越做越火的办公室风水 - 英语读头条(第578期)

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17


7 Ways to Feng Shui a Cubicle, Desk or Entire Office


By Inc.August 7, 2019


Feng shui is an ancient Chinese art still practiced today that relies on spatial arrangement and orientation to channel specific energy (including success and productivity) into a physical environment. 风水是一种至今仍在运用的中国古代艺术,它通过运用空间和方向的安排,将特定的(包括提升成功和效率的)能量,引到自然的环境中。

The principals of feng shui can help infuse your workspace with balance, focus and productivity. 风水主要是帮助你提升工作空间的平衡、专注和效率。
Take a cue from unicorn entrepreneurs like Oprah Winfrey and Bill Gates,  both of whom incorporate feng shui to increase their productivity.  从奥普拉·温弗里(Oprah Winfrey)和比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)这两位独角兽企业家身上,你可以得到启发,他们都参考了风水来提高工作效率。
take a cue from: 从...处得到启发
Discover 7 ways to feng shui your cubicle! 探索7种方法来用风水改善你的隔间!
1. Get rid of clutter ASAP. 尽快处理掉杂物。
The first step to bringing feng shui to your cubicle is cutting the clutter.  引进风水的第一步就是处理掉杂物。
Make it a task at the beginning and end of each day to clear your space of trash and clutter so you are free to focus on work.  在每天的开始和结束时,把清理你的空间的垃圾和杂物作为一项任务,这样你就可以专注于工作。
2. Be mindful when incorporating color.  要使用色彩时要走心。
When you bring feng shui to a cubicle or office, keep in mind that different colors have different energies and bring about different outcomes.  想在你的隔间或办公室里带来好的风水的话,要注意不同的颜色有不同的能量,并会带来不同的结果。
For example:  例如:
· Green: improves health and balance  绿色:促进健康和平衡
· Blue: supports career success and growth  蓝色:支持你的事业成长
· Yellow: represents happiness and good times  黄色:代表幸福和美好
· White: brings creative energy   白色:带来创造力
If you're looking to drive up your energy during the day, incorporate vibrant hues like red, orange and happiness-driving yellow.   如果你想在日间提升你的能量,就要添加红色、橙色和黄色等充满活力的鲜艳色调。
vibrant hues:鲜艳的色调
3. Bring nature into your cubicle.  为你的隔间引入自然气息
Even if you can't face a window or sit outside when working, it's critical to incorporate nature into your environment.  即使你在工作时不能面对窗户或置身室外,把大自然融入你的环境也是至关重要的。
To do so, just buy a few plants and succulents to place around your desk.   要做到这一点,只需买一些植物和多肉植物放在你的办公桌周围。
Be sure to choose pieces that add to your space and don't overwhelm it.   一定要选择些许植物放置在你的空间,而不要太多。
Also, keep in mind how much care you can give to the plants -- no one likes to have dead leaves falling on their keyboard!  另外,想清楚你能给予这些植物多少的关照 — 没有人喜欢枯枝烂叶掉落在键盘上的感觉!
4. Invest in a good chair.  在好的办公椅上花点钱
The first rule to increase positive-energy in your cubicle is to ensure that your chair has a high back.  增加你的隔间正能量的首要准则,就是确保你的椅背要高。
This will leave you feeling more supported within your workspace.   这会让你在工作的空间里感受到足够的支撑。
You may also want to consider the color of the chair, as well as its placement.  你还需要考虑到椅子的颜色以及摆放的位置。
Ideally, your chair should be facing a bright and airy space. 理想状态是,你的椅子面对明亮、且通透的空间。 
Also, if possible, avoid sitting directly in front of doorways -- this can often pull energy away from your space!  另外,如可能,尽量避免对着门口或通道而坐,那样的话,能量很容易被带走。
5. Move your desk.   挪桌子
If you can, move your desk so that it faces the entrance of your office.   如果可以的话,把你的办公桌朝向你的办公室的入口。
This, of course, isn't necessarily possible if you work in a cubicle -- but there's a workaround.   当然,如果你在一个小隔间里工作的话,或许有些困难 — 但是这里有一个变通办法。
Hang a mirror above your desk so that you can see your cubicle entrance at all times!  在你的办公桌上挂一面镜子,这样你就可以随时看到你的隔间入口了!
6. Make your office a home.   把办公室弄得舒适的像家。
Hang up pictures with family of friends that spark happy memories or frame inspirational quotes that will motivate you.  摆放能引起你幸福回忆的与家人或朋友的照片,或摆放能刺激你的励志名言。
By doing this, everything in your cubicle will serve a purpose, whether it's supposed to spark joy, decrease stress or ignite creativity.  由此,你的隔间里的每一件东西都会服务同一个目的,激发快乐、减轻压力、点燃创造力。
7. Check your personal energy.  找到你的个人能量。
It's essential to check in with yourself every day and reflect on the energy that you're bringing into the office. 每天和你自己对话,反省一下你带入办公室的能量是很重要的。
Take a few minutes at the beginning, middle and end of each day to work through how you're feeling.  每天的开始、中间和结束时,都花上几分钟,来了解你的感受。
If you find yourself stressed, take a step back and try to reset your energy. 如果你发现自己有些焦虑不安,那么退后一步,试着重新调整你的能量。
By doing this, you're truly embracing the practice of feng shui. 这样做,你就真正地接受了风水的运用。






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