
上班带耳机,你知道别人怎么看你吗! - 英语读头条(第582期)

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17


This Is What People Think of You When You Wear Headphones at Work 


By Scott Mautz August 18, 2019


So many use headphones at work, so few know what it says about them.

Plenty of us engage in the habit of listening to music (or podcasts or the news, etc.) at work for a variety of reasons (especially for productivity).

In fact, a study of over 800 people completed in July by AVSForum.com (a group of audio-visual experts) says 72 percent of people working in an open floor plan wear headphones at times, while 66 percent that work in closed off cubicles do so.
While you probably don't even think about it before you slap those headphones on, other people are thinking certain things about you when you're wearing them.
For the most part, you're probably sending the exact message that you want to: "Leave me the hell alone." But there are also unintended perceptions being created. When employees in the study were asked what impression co-workers give off when wearing headphones, here were the responses:

· Want to be left alone: 27 percent 想要独处:27%
· Focused: 22 percent  全神贯注:22%
· Busy: 17 percent  繁忙:  17 %
· Love music/music quality: 16 percent  热爱音乐:  16%
· Rude/pretentious: 9 percent  粗鲁/自命不凡:  9%

Interestingly, the perception of being pretentious tripled when co-workers were wearing in-ear headphones (like AirPods). And the rude number would certainly skyrocket if you were caught wearing the headphones in a covert attempt to listen in on other people's conversations, which more than 33 percent of respondents admitted to having done.
All told, two-thirds of everyone at work is taking away that you're busy, trying to focus, and want to be left alone when you wear headphones. If you can live with anyone seeing your wearing headphones as pretentious, it's well worth it because the study showed (as you'd expect) people that choose to wear headphones at work see themselves as more productive.
All in all, I say let the music play on. Slap on those headphones, slap away interrupters (not literally please), and slap a high-five to your cubicle neighbor for being more productive.



这个世界是愤怒而焦虑的,盖洛普年度情绪报告称。 英语读头条(第533期)




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