
Metro English - 183 - Family time 家庭时间

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17

House/Home/Family - Family time 家庭时间

Children, from birth to adulthood, need time and attention from their parents. The impact of personal interaction cannot be underestimated. The importance of family time has a bearing on the social and emotional maturity of children and establishes deep understanding among family members.
The role of the family can have a significant impact on emotional and behavioural issues in children. A number of studies have recommended spending quality time with children as the first step to raising happy children who will make a positive contribution to society.
The ultimate goal of family time is to create opportunities for all members of the family to love and understand each other, in the process growing happy, well-adjusted children.

In the hustle and bustle of life, have you ever wondered if it was okay to push family time aside for all of your other responsibilities? How are we to know just how important family time is to a growing child? Does it affect their emotional well-being and development?
It shouldn’t come as any surprise that family time is very important to children and to adults. As humans, we crave interaction and it’s important in our relationships with each other to spend time as a family and to nurture a safe environment to call home.
Studies have shown that children need time to feel like they are needed and wanted and the more of that time they receive, the more likely they will be able to go out and conquer the world, or at least the 1st grade!
Here are 7 ideas for spending more time together!
1. Family Night  家庭之夜
Choose a night each week that is always family night. Everyone should know what night this is. Keep it scheduled and don’t let anything fall in its place. This is important. Go to a fun place together or go out to dinner. Stay home for a movie night or game night. Talk! Tell each other about your week and your plans.
2. Family Vacation  家庭假期
Have a family vacation at least once a year. The best memories I have growing up, was when we went somewhere fun all together. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate cruise, although that would be a blast and surely create fond memories! Go camping, rent a cabin in the woods, go to amusement parks, or even have a staycation. But do it, spend time together on vacation!
3. Exercise Together  一起锻炼
Get outside with your kids! Go enjoy the great outdoors. Go hiking, fishing, boating, or participate in family runs together. Physical activity and sunshine is great for everyone but when you do it together as a family, you build those relationships at the same time. Win-win!!
4. Read together 一起读书
Go to the library together. Find a list of great chapter books for whatever age your children are. Before bed, read a chapter together. Reading together makes for great conversation and bonding time. And if a movie was made after the book, go see it together!
5. Get artsy  接触艺术
Sign up for an art class together! There are some awesome classes and opportunities out there in the communities. Go to a museum or an art show. Or just find a simple craft to make at home together. Whatever it is, doing art together makes great memories with your family.
6. Serve Others  为他人服务
Find a way to help someone else as a family. Do you have an elderly neighbor that needs help pulling weeds? Do you know someone who just had a baby who would appreciate a meal? Make the meal together as a family and bring it over to them. They will learn the value of helping others and doing it together makes a huge difference!
7. Get in the kitchen  进厨房
When you make dinner, ask one of your children to help you. I know this might make the dinner process a little longer, sometimes a lot longer. But if you help your kids get familiar in the kitchen when they are younger, it will be easier for them later on; they might even thank you for it someday.
There are so many options out there for family time. Make it simple. It doesn’t have to be a huge deal! Just make sure you do it! We will enjoy life better if we enjoy life with the ones we love.

sacred 神圣的,值得尊重的

well-adjusted  理智的;从容镇定的

hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘

staycation 在家度假

以上就是今天的内容。欢迎继续关注Metro English。

九月份,Metro English的主题是House - Home - Family 家-家-家。我们来看看,这些对我们那么重要的地方都涵盖了什么?究竟是什么,让我们这么孜孜不倦地努力,无论再苦再累,每天都会愿意回到那里的被称为家的地方?

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