

 zhuangxq519 2020-10-05



托钵僧舞蹈 (Mevlevi)或称圈舞(Sema)是苏菲派的苦行修士会于1273年在科尼亚由神学诗人鲁米创立,并从那里传遍奥斯曼帝国。原为一种宗教的礼仪,现在则完全演变成为一种艺术表演形式。看表演者不停地长时间旋转的表演会使人目瞪口呆。今天,全世界许多土耳其社区仍有苏菲派苦行修士,其中最为活跃和著名的地方仍是科尼亚和伊斯坦布尔。Sema被列为世界非物质文化遗产



Introducing destination Konya, a city in Central Anatolia in Turkey, known as the city of whirling dervishes and for its outstanding historical Seljuk architecture, as well as its modern importance as an economic boom town.

Konya was once the capital of Sultanate of Rum, known in Turkish as Anadolu Selçukluları, a situation which resulted in much of the architectural heritage visible today. The Persian poet and Sufi thinker "Mevlana" or Rumi also settled in the city during this period. Konya still retains the air of an Anatolian provincial town and does not suffer the hassles of Istanbul. Konya is also one of the most conservative cities in Turkey with more women covering their heads with headscarves.

Main attractions:

1. Mevlana Museum/Mausoleum of Rumi (Mevlana Müzesi). This must-see tourist destination of Konya is the tomb of the famous mystic/sufi/thinker Rumi (also known as as Mevlana in Turkish.

2. Sema (Whirling dervish ceremony)

The Mevlevi (followers of Mevlâna Rumî), or Whirling Dervishes are listed as the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. 

Their spellbinding worship service, the Mevlevi sema, has dervishes in long white dresses whirling ecstatically for a quarter hour at a time to the drone of ancient Islamic hymns. The sema (seh-MAH) is derived from Rumî‘s habit of occasionally whirling in ecstatic joy in the streets of Konya, capital of the Seljuk Turkish Sultanate of Rum, and his home for the greater part of his life. After the death of Rumî in 1273, the Mevlevi order spread throughout the Seljuk and Ottoman empires.

Following a recommended fast of several hours, the whirlers begin to rotate on their left feet in short twists, using the right foot to drive their bodies around the left foot. The body of the whirler is meant to be supple, with eyes open but unfocused so that images become blurred and flowing. At their dancing ceremonies, or Sema, a particular musical repertoire called ay›n is played. Based on four sections of both vocal and instrumental compositions, it is performed by at least one singer, a flute-player, called neyzen, a kettledrummer and a cymbal player. Dancers used to receive 1,001 days of reclusive training within the mevlevi-houses (mevlevihane), where they learned about ethics, codes of behaviour and beliefs by practising prayer, religious music, poetry and dance. After this training, they remained members of the order but returned to their work and families.

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