

 英语语法学习 2020-10-09


Venezuela’s top military envoy to the United States has defected from the government of Nicolás Maduro as the South American nation’s political crisis deepened. 

委内瑞拉驻美国最高军事特使,已经脱离马杜罗(Nicolás Maduro)政府,加深了南美国家的政治危机。

defect/ˈdi:fekt/ vi.背叛 n.瑕疵,缺点

例句:He tried to defect to the West last year.


Days after opposition leader Juan Guaidó proclaimed himself interim president amid social and economic chaos, Col Jose Luis Silva released a video on Saturday calling on other military officers to back the pretender.

几天后,反对党领袖瓜伊多(Juan Guaidó)在社会和经济混乱中宣布自己为临时总统,席尔瓦上校Col Jose Luis Silva周六发布了一段视频,呼吁其他军官支持这个是(临时总统)扮演者。

interim/ˈɪntərɪm/ adj.临时的,暂时的

例句:She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.


Guaidó has been recognised by the US, Canada and other regional powers, while on Saturday the UK called for Maduro to hold a “clean” election to decide the fate of the country.  

美国、加拿大和其他地区大国已经承认瓜伊多(Juan Guaidó)为临时总统,同时,周六英国呼吁马杜罗举行“干净”的选举,决定委内瑞拉的命运。

power/ˈpaʊə(r)/ n.大国,强国 v.运转;靠动力行进

例句:China will not enter into alliance with any big power.


“Today I speak to the people of Venezuela, and especially to my brothers in the armed forces of the nation, to recognize president Juan Guaidó as the only legitimate president,” 

“今天我和委内瑞拉人民讲话,尤其是对我在国家武装部队的兄弟们讲话,承认瓜伊多(Juan Guaidó)总统是唯一合法的总统。”

legitimate/lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ adj.合法的 vt.使合法

例句:We only married in order that the child should be legitimate.


Col Silva said in a video recorded at the embassy in Washington, seated at a desk alongside the Venezuelan flag.  

席尔瓦(Col Silva坐在委内瑞拉华盛顿大使馆国旗旁边的凳子上,在录制的一段视频中说。

Silva told Reuters that one consular official in Houston and one in another US city also recognized Guaidó, but that he was the only diplomat in Washington he knew of who had taken the step. Reuters was not able to independently confirm other defectors.

席尔瓦(Col Silva)告诉路透社(Reuters),休斯顿和另一个美国城市领事官员也承认瓜伊多(Juan Guaidó)总统是唯一合法的总统,但他是委内瑞拉在华盛顿的唯一外交官,他知道是谁迈出了这一步。路透社还不能独立确定其他背叛者。

know of 知道,听说

例句:You should let him know of this matter.


independently/ˌɪndɪ'pendəntlɪ/ adv.独立的,自主地


例句:Ceiling and wall lights can operate independently.


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