

 汉德欧Jennifer 2020-10-19


There's a significant reason behind the four standard colors found on passports—but there are some unusual shades, too.


Take a closer look at that small, rectangular booklet in your hand. Depending on where you're from, its color could tell you a lot about the country you call home.


Although there are no strict international guidelines for passport colors, the shades are by no means random. Countries typically choose colors that pay tribute to their culture, politics, or faith, Claire Burrows of De La Rue, a British passport-making company, told the Economist.

虽然并没有严格的国际指南来规定护照的颜色,但是各个国家的护照颜色并不是随意选择的。护照颜色一般是对国家文化、政治或者宗教信仰的独特致敬。英国护照生产公司——托马斯德纳罗印钞公司的员工克莱尔·巴罗斯(Claire Burrows)这样告诉《经济学人》。

For example, Islamic countries often use green passport covers because the color is important in their religion. Member countries of ECOWAS (the Economic Community of West African States) cover their passports with various shades of green, too. Members of the European Union, on the other hand, use burgundy-colored passports, as do countries who would like to join the EU, such as Turkey.


The United States tends to march by the beat of its own drum, and its passport's hue is no different. While the country flipped between beige, green, and a variety of reds into the latter half of the 20th century, it finally settled on blue in 1976. As for the shade? It matches the blue on the American flag, according to the Economist. Citizens of many Caribbean and South American countries, including Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, also carry blue passports.


And we're not even close to finished yet! Smaller organizations have their own passport colors, as well. Interpol provides its members with black travel documents, while the UN passport's pacific blue matches the helmets of its peacekeeping force.


But why all of the dark shades? According to Bill Waldron of Holliston, a Tennessee-based passport-printing firm, darker colors are preferred because they can hide dirt, provide a nice contrast with the crest, and appear more official. There are some exceptions, of course. If you're a Swedish national who lost your passport, the country will send you an emergency travel document—in pink.

但是为什么护照几乎都是深色的呢?据Holliston护照印刷公司(总部位于田纳西州)的比尔·沃尔德伦(Bill Waldron)说,会优先考虑深色,因为深色比较耐脏,可以与徽章区分开来,而且看起来更正式。当然,也有一些例外。如果你是瑞典公民,丢失了自己的护照,那么瑞典会给你寄一份粉色的紧急旅行证件。

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