
【火腿快新闻】震情追踪 | EchoLink VoIP 服务为厄瓜多尔地震救援大通道提供保障

 业余无线电 2020-10-28


The destroyed home of well-known Ecuadorean DXer Lilian de Ayala, HC4L. She barely escaped serious injury or death when her house collapsed. [Courtesy of Rick Dorsch, NE8Z/HC1MD]
图为厄瓜多尔知名远征通联家Lilian de Ayala, HC4L在地震中被损毁的家。她在房子倒塌的一瞬间逃离了生死线。

EchoLink VoIP Service Proving Valuable in Handling Ecuador Earthquake Traffic

 EchoLink VoIP 服务为厄瓜多尔地震救援大通道提供保障


Echolink 是基于VOIP技术,该系统可让无线电信号通过互联网传递,通过计算机与连接到互联网和业余无线电台来完成。与这些任何一个联机,你的信号可以从空中电波转换到互联网,反之亦然。Echolink甚至允许个人计算机使用者和业余无线电台间直接彼此通讯。


What you see on the news is only the tip of the iceberg of what really happened as a result of the devastating April 16 earthquake in Ecuador, Michigan physician Rick Dorsch, NE8Z/HC1MD, told ARRL. Since the 7.8 magnitude quake hit while most people were at home finishing dinner, “thousands of people” remain buried in the rubble of collapsed buildings, although some have been found alive. Dorsch and his wife Maria, HC1MM, also a physician, have been helping to handle health-and-welfare traffic via EchoLink, which is connected to the Ecuadorean interlaced national 2 meter repeater network.

美国密歇根州物理学家Rick Dorsch, NE8Z/HC1MD告诉ARRL,你们在新闻中所见仅仅是厄瓜多尔4月16日大地震导致的巨大破坏力的冰山一角,自从7.8级地震爆发以来,虽然有人被活着救出,但还有成千上万的人被埋在瓦砾下的倒塌建筑下。Dorsch和他的妻子Maria HC1MM 也一名医生,他们通过EchoLink帮助处理医疗和物资运输通讯事务,该网络连接厄瓜多尔国家2米中继器网络。

“EchoLink is actually a fantastic Amateur Radio service,” Dorsch told ARRL. “It has become extremely useful for the hams there to reach out to the outside world via 2 meters.” HF also is playing a role, and radio amateurs have been asked to give 7.060 MHz a wide berth while the Cadena HC Net handles emergency traffic. Dorsch said some problems have cropped up from DX pileups that have overlapped the net’s frequency.

“EchoLink事实上为业余无线电爱好者提供了一项奇妙的服务,“Dorsch告诉ARRL。“它已经成为火腿通过2米接触外面的世界非常有用的渠道。“短波频段也发挥了作用,无线电业余爱好者被要求避让7.060 MHz用于Cadena HC处理应急通讯。Dorsch说DX pileups出现一些问题,有重叠网络的频率出现。

Dorsch pointed out that while most of the damage was in the HC4 areas of Manabí and Esmeraldas provinces and the HC2 area of Guayas Province, what’s not seen from the outside is the heavy damage to surrounding small fishing villages and colonial towns that were leveled. Fortunately the Portoviejo Radio Club was undamaged, and members have been operating from there. Dorsch said that electrical power is starting to return, and the cellular network is still “iffy,” but the Quito Radio Club is providing battery-powered cellphone charging stations.


A lot of health-and-welfare traffic is headed not only between Ecuador and the US but to Spain, Chile, and elsewhere, he reported. Dorsch said more bilingual Spanish-English speakers are needed on the HC1BG-REchoLink channel.


While power has been knocked out over much of the affected region, Dorsch said, he’s witnessing hams all over Ecuador operating from mobile stations, portable stations, and, in some cases, from home. “All of the Ecuadorean radio clubs have been on high alert and are helping in search-and-rescue efforts,” he said. “Ham radio at its best!”


On a more positive note, Dorsch said that noted DXer Lilian “Mami” de Ayala, HC4L, barely escaped death or injury when her home collapsed. The 85-year-old, who lives in Portoviejo, was in her radio room seconds before the earthquake hit, Dorsch said. “Her granddaughter had come over to visit, so Lilian went into another part of the house.” Her radio room and home were destroyed, and her next-door neighbor was among the casualties.

幸运的是,Dorsch说Lilian “Mami” de Ayala, HC4L逃过死神之时,她崩溃了。住在Portoviejo,85岁的她在地震发生之前的几秒钟还在电台室,Dorsch说。“她的孙女来来家里玩,所以Lilian到了房子的另一头。”她的无线电室和房屋均被毁,她的邻居在此次地震中都有伤亡。

“She’s still in shock and can’t believe she’s alive,” Dorsch told ARRL. Local hams have removed her personal effects and ham radio gear to a safe location.


For more than 40 years, de Ayala had been a regular check-in on the Cadena HC Net on 40 meters. “It’s ironic that the one person who lost all of her radio equipment was the one who organized radio emergency services for so many years,” Dorsch said. Her tower and antennas survived, because they were mounted on the roof of her son’s home next door.

40多年来,de Ayala一直定期在Cadena HC40米段守听。“组织电台紧急服务多年一个人失去了她所有的无线电设备,真是令人唏嘘不已,“Dorsch说。她的铁塔和天线保存了下来,因为它们安装在她儿子的家隔壁的屋顶上



【火腿快新闻】7.060 MHz | 厄瓜多尔地震应急频率请火腿留意避让(祈福✔)



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