
Hengki Koentjoro

 森雅艺术馆 2020-11-11

Hengki Koentjoro1963年出生于印度尼西亚爪哇岛的三宝垄,1991年毕业于加州布鲁克斯摄影学院,曾多次获得世界性摄影大奖,现生活工作于雅加达。

Hengki Koentjoro最早接触摄影是在他十一岁生日时得到了人生中第一台柯达口袋相机,随后便开始了长达四十年对摄影艺术的痴迷。Ansel Adam和Michael Kenna是他最为喜爱的摄影家,从他的作品风格中也不难看出这一点。Hengki Koentjoro的作品寻求在极简中以全新的方式看待周围的世界。在他看来,摄影是要呈现肉眼所不见的感受,是去捕捉心灵和精神上的触动。Hengki Koentjoro的作品一贯采用黑白的方式,严谨的构图,独特的视角,高超的拍摄技巧以及深切的人文情怀,都让他的作品让人过目不忘。他既拍摄壮美的自然风光,也拍拍摄喧嚣的都市生活;他既拍摄活泼稚拙的少年,也拍摄奇观异景。他总在光影之中探寻世界的静谧之美,也借助镜头表达他对天地万物的独特感知。无论是喜悦还是悲伤,观者在他的作品前似乎感受不到过度的情绪,他总能让你在黑白中回归到心灵深处的宁静。Hengki Koentjoro的摄影在不经意间流露出简洁却深刻的哲思,令人叹为观止。


#1 Please introduce yourself

My name is Hengki Koentjoro, a fine art photographer base in Jakarta, Indonesia. I graduated from Brooks Institute of Photography in 1991 majoring in Film/video production and minor in Black and White photography. At the moment I’m working as a video cameraman for a production house in Jakarta and we do mostly corporate profile and TV commercials. For now photography is mainly a serious hobby during spare time.

#2 How did you get interested in photography?

My parents gave me a Kodak pocket camera for a birthday present. The loves of capturing moments in the family as well as the ability to freeze moments were the starting point of my love affair with photography. Letter on the work of Ansel Adam really set my eyes on Black and White photography. His ability to control the tonality to create moods and atmosphere captivated me and the passion starts from there and never look back.

#3 Do you have an artistic/photographic background?

Not at all, photography has always been the tool of expression.

#4 Which artist/photographer inspired your art?

Ansel Adam and Michael Kenna.

#5 How much preparation do you put into taking a photograph? Are you planning every step or is it always spontaneous?

Almost everything is spontaneous because I love to get lost in a place and explore the beauty of the nature that is full mystery and the unexpected; it’s always fresh. I never go for high expectation, just take whatever nature has to over and most of the time she hardly disappoint.

#6 What fascinates you in places that you shoot?

The love of the ocean is the main drive to express one self. The calm and the vast area is the inspiration and at the same time a place to replenish your mind. I’m lucky to live in Indonesia because she is dubbed as the biggest archipelago nation on earth with more than 13,000 islands. We also have many highlands and active volcanoes spreading over 3275 miles from East to West. This abode of the god is also known for it’s mysterious mist and fog that accentuate the thick feeling of mysticism.

#7 We can see your photographs mainly in black and white, why have you chosen to present them in this form?

The ability to play around with tones and create an atmospheric photograph is the reason to choose monochrome. It is more pliable therefore more freedom in expressing your idea. With the Zone System by Ansel Adam, you are in practice of seeing thing around you in monochrome or learning to see in black and white. This will help a lot in choosing your proper subject matter and forecasting how it’ll look letter on postproduction.

#8 Could you please tell us something about your technique and creating process?

Now I mainly shoot with DSLR camera. For the ocean I normally use the long exposure technique with double ND filters of 18 stops to allow shooting on the broad daylight for more than 5 minutes. Post processing is done digitally to convert to black and white. And the software of choice is Adobe Lightroom. For printing, Hahnemuhle Rag Baryta paper is the favorite specially when paired with HP printer.

#9 Could you tell our readers how to reach such excellent results in photography?

Enjoy life. Be thankful that you got passion to express your self. Relax and don’t push to hard. Just don’t stop, sooner or letter it will come to you and be ready to embrace it.

#10 What do you do in your life besides photography?

To do nothing at all and stay home with family.

#11 What future plans do you have? What projects would you like to accomplish?

Keep on shooting and hopefully finding your trademark along the way.


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