

 一心似水 2020-11-21

道奇(德驰公司 CEO



道奇:回到1983年,那时我在我父亲的广告代理公司(David Deutsch Associates)当客户经理。开始时,我工作吊儿郎当。我应该照顾客户,但我只有24岁,光想玩,不想长大。我父亲解雇了我。他说:“你知道,你对这里的事情不够热心。所以,滚蛋吧!你不热爱这项工作,所以我不想让你呆在这儿,因为我热爱我的工作。”他接着又说:“记住,无论你今后做什么,找你爱干的事做――捡破烂我也不在乎――其它的事就好办了。只要你爱上了某一行,你就会成为这一行的状元,钱自然会来的,其它的事也自然会各就各位。”

这很难接受,但是,他知道我需要在屁股上踢一脚。的确是这样。所以,我能做什么呢?我清理了桌子,去了西海岸。我到处游荡,上了March Game电视节目,赢得5000美元的大奖,然后又回到东边,在跳蚤市场上卖牛仔裤。我还想上法律学校。在这一过程中,我找到了自我。



If you love something, the money will come.

Back in 1983 I went to work as an account executive at my dad’s ad agency, David Deutsche Associates. I was a fuckup from the beginning. I was supposed to be taking care of clients, but I was 24 years old, still partying, not ready to grow up. And he fired me. My dad said, “You know, you’re not passionate about what you are doing here. So get the fuck out of here! You don’t love this, and I don’t want you around here, because I love what I do.” Then he said, “Look, whatever you do in life, find something you love—I don’t care if you’re a garbage man—and everything else will fall into place. If you love something, you’ll be great at it, and the money will come and everything else will fall into place.”

It was hard to take. But he knew I needed a kick in the ass, and I did. So what else could Ido? I cleaned out my desk, and I went out to the West Coast. I kicked around, went on Match Game [a TV game show] and won $5000. Then I came back East, sold jeans in a flea market. I thought about law school. In the process, I found myself.

Six months passed, and I found out my dad was thinking about selling the business. He had an offer, for not a lot of money, but it would have allowed him to stay on for a few years after the deal closed. He was in his mid-50s. so this was what he wanted. And I said to him—I don’t know how, in hindsight, I had the balls or stupidity to do this—I said, “Don’t sell it . I want to come back. I just don’twant to be an account guy. But put me in a corner and leave me alone. I’ll work on new business. Just let me build my own little thing here.”

From that point on, I went to the wall. I started pitching new business instead of holding clients’ hands. As luck would have it, I had a real skill for it, and I love it. Seven years later I became CEO, my dad retired happily to become a painter, and we’re now one of the ten largest ad agencies in the country.


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