
TE||Michael Martin

 一天一篇TE 2020-12-08






Order and disorder


Michael Martin (Lord Martin of Springburn) died on April 29th


The 156th Speaker of the House of Commons was 72


THE hardest times came well into the night. At late sittings in the House, MPs tended to get rowdy. That was when Michael Martin felt most on his own. He got nervous about his job, which was to keep them all in order, give them permission to speak, stop them from being long-winded, and make them behave. It helped him then to think of the Commons as a great big machine that had to be maintained. As a sheet-metal worker and an engineer, first for the North British Locomotive Company and then for Rolls-Royce, that was a job he knew he was good at.


There had been Speakers from humble backgrounds before. But he was the first to have grown up in slums, the backcourts of Anderston in north Glasgow, with a father either raising hell from drink or not there at all. He was the first to have worked in a factory, cutting metal with shears in the days before lasers. And then, in 2000, the Commons chose him to be one of the principal officers of the land. Neither the government nor the monarch could dismiss him. He had his own apartment and public reception rooms in the Palace of Westminster. And every morning when Parliament sat he would process to the chamber with his private chaplain, his secretary and the Sergeant at Arms, while a trainbearer held up his black silk robe.


He soon dispensed with some of the flummery. The stockings, buckled shoes and knee breeches were swapped for dark flannel trousers and Oxford shoes. His white hair framed his broad red face well enough without a wig. He originally rejected a coat-of-arms as a silly distraction, but then enjoyed putting his own symbols on it: a chanter for the bagpipes he loved playing, a 12-inch rule from his metal-cutting days, and a fish to represent Glasgow and one of the miracles of St Mungo. For he was also the first Catholic to be Speaker since R St Mungo reformation times, when Thomas More, another saint, had done the job. His motto, in Gaelic, was “I strive to be fair”.

他不久就摒弃了那身毫无用处的传统装束。深色法兰绒长裤和牛津鞋代替了原先的长筒袜、带扣皮鞋和及膝短裤。无需假发,满头银发就足以衬托他那张红彤彤的脸庞。他以纹章会分散注意力为由而弃之不戴,却沉醉于塑造自己的专属标志徽章:一支他酷爱吹奏的风笛管,一把纪念那段切铁岁月的12英寸长的尺子,一条象征着格拉斯哥(Glasgow)和圣蒙戈(St Mungo)传奇经历的鲑鱼。另一位天主教圣徒托马斯·摩尔(Thomas More)也曾担任过下议院议长,但他却是首位来自格拉斯哥城的天主教议长。他的座右铭——“我会力求一视同仁”,用盖尔语写下。


1. dispense with sb/sth to stop using sb/sth because you no longer need them or it 摒弃;不再需要;不再用 同义词 do away with  栗子:I think we can dispense with the formalities (= speak openly and naturally to each other) .我想我们就免去客套吧摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》

2.flummery |ˈflʌməri| [不可数名词] nonsense, especially praise that is silly or not sincere 废话;(尤指)无聊(或虚假)的恭维话 来个栗子:She hated the flummery of public relations.她讨厌公关工作中的虚夸恭维 摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》

3. Oxford shoes牛津鞋是从17世纪英国牛津大学所开始流行的男鞋,牛津鞋的特色在于,鞋子楦头以及鞋身两侧做出如雕花般的翼纹设计,不仅为皮鞋带来装饰性的变化,在繁复手工中更透露出低调雅致的人文情怀,勾勒出典雅的绅士风范。牛津鞋的样式是翻毛皮鞋即粗皮鞋,是以结实著称的一种牛津系带浅帮鞋。(搜狗百科)

4. Thomas More  (1478年2月7日 — 1535年7月6日)欧洲早期空想社会主义学说的创始人,才华横溢的人文主义学者和阅历丰富的政治家,以其名著《乌托邦》而名垂史册。曾当过律师 、国会议员、财政副大臣、国会下院议长、大法官。1535年因反对亨利八世兼任教会首脑而被处死。1886年,在莫尔去世三百多年后,被罗马天主教会的教皇庇护十一世册封为圣徒,在1980年与主教费舍尔一起被John Paul II尊为守护上帝的殉道者。尽管他不是一位正统的天主教信徒,他非常罕见地获得了左右翼的一致推崇:左翼发现了他的共产主义理想,右翼发现了他的对天主教的忠诚。他在英国历史上最伟大100个名人中评选中名列第37位。(搜狗百科)

That was the essence of his job, and it was tricky. The Speaker could favour no party. But, like all Speakers, he was still a constituency MP. Since 1979 he had held a solid Labour majority in Glasgow Springburn. This was where he had first gone to work at “the Loco” at 15, with very little schooling. As a long-time shop steward and organiser for the engineering union, he had won the seat with hefty union help. His constituency was infested with heroin addiction, alcoholism, decrepit housing (his chief concern) and, as the old plants closed down, joblessness. He was mindful that he had joined the Labour Party and gone into politics to help working people.

他的座右铭道出了这份工作的精髓所在,想要做到却又颇为棘手。议长不能偏袒任何一个党派。然而,像所有的议长一样,他也是由选民选出的议员。自1979年以来,他就在格拉斯哥的斯普林本(Springburn)选区拥有大批稳定的工党选票。他打第一份工的工厂“北英格兰机车公司”(“the Loco”)就坐落在那里;那时,他还只有15岁, 没有上过几天学。后来,他能成为议员,工会助力甚大,这都有赖他在长期担任工会谈判代表,组织管理工会事务中积累起的声望人脉。在他的选区,各类问题泛滥成灾;吸毒,酗酒,危房(他的主要关切点),还有老厂倒闭引发的失业。加入工党,走上从政之路,帮助他广大的工人同伴,是他不忘初心的体现。


1. Springburn (Scottish Gaelic: Allt an Fhuairainn) is an inner city district in the north of the Scottish city of Glasgow, home to various working and middle-class households.

Springburn developed from a rural hamlet at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Its industrial expansion began in 1799. Later in the 19th century the construction of railway lines through the area led to the establishment of Railway works and the village became a parish in its own right. Initially located outwith the Glasgow boundary, the area was eventually absorbed by the City of Glasgow Corporation in 1872. (节选自维基百科)

2. The North British Locomotive Company (NBL, NB Loco or North British) was created in 1903 through the merger of three Glasgow locomotive manufacturing companies; Sharp, Stewart and Company (Atlas Works), Neilson, Reid and Company (Hyde Park Works) and Dübs and Company (Queens Park Works), creating the largest locomotive manufacturing company in Europe and the British Empire.

Its main factories were located at the neighbouring Atlas and Hyde Park Works in central Springburn, as well as the Queens Park Works in Polmadie. A new central Administration and Drawing Office for the combined company was completed across the road from the Hyde Park Works on Flemington Street by James Miller in 1909, later sold to Glasgow Corporation in 1961 to become the main campus of North Glasgow College (now Glasgow Kelvin College).(节选自维基百科)

3. shop steward noun (especially British English) a person who is elected by members of a trade/labor union in a factory or company to represent them in meetings with managers 工会谈判代表  摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》



4. constituency |kənˈstɪtjuənsi; 美 -tʃu-| (especially British English)    ①[可数名词] a district that elects its own representative to parliament (选举议会议员的)选区 栗子: Unemployment is high in her constituency.她的选区的失业人数居高不下。②[可数名词+单数/复数 动词] the people who live in and vote in a particular district 选区的选民 来个栗子:constituency opinion 选区选民的意见 ③[可数名词+单数/复数 动词] a particular group of people in society who are likely to support a person, an idea or a product (统称)支持者 摘自《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》

Too mindful, maybe. As Speaker, he went on being chummy with Labour MPs in the members’ tearoom. Some said he also indulged them in the House. He even intervened from the Chair himself in favour of Labour government policy. This was not Speakerly behaviour. But on the other hand the MP he once rebuked for her “pearls of wisdom” (more unSpeakerly behaviour) was from the Labour side. And he insisted in 2003 that the House should debate an amendment critical of Tony Blair’s decision to go to war in Iraq. He had long known he would not make a minister. But he always felt, as he worked his way slowly upwards through various committees, that he could hold things fairly together.


What faced him on the other side was snobbery and disrespect. That rolling Glaswegian accent reminded southerners of pub brawls on Saturday nights. His posh diary secretary called him “Mr Martin”, not “Mr Speaker”. His private secretary, public school and Oxbridge, struck him as pompous. Both left. Because he was not too proud to ask his clerks for advice during debates, critics said he was floundering in his job. The parliamentary sketchwriters, the worst of the mockers, called him “Gorbals Mick”. That was brainless—he was from north of the Clyde, the Gorbals lay south. It also proved they were not fit to wipe the boots of Gorbals people.

他同时需要面对的,还有人们对他表示轻蔑,觉得他为人势力。他滔滔不绝的格拉斯哥口音让人们不禁想到周六晚上酒吧吵架的场景。他有个时髦的日记秘书,称他为“马丁先生”,而不是“马丁议长”。他的私人秘书,从公立学校和牛桥毕业,这也让他感觉自命不凡。后来,两个秘书都走了。因为他太自大了,在辩论时从不向秘书们征询意见,批评者评价他在工作中盲目挣扎。议会内有些插画家对他的讽刺最厉害,给他起外号“Gorbal Mick”。这真是驴唇不对马嘴,他来自克莱德北部,而高保却在南部。从另一方面来说,这样的恶意错位也是对高保人的一种侮辱。

He defended Parliament just as robustly. That was his job as Speaker, but it was also his undoing. In 2008 journalists discovered that MPs had claimed from the Fees Office, which he controlled, large sums for second homes, moat-cleaning, duck houses and the like. They demanded full public disclosure of expenses, and reforms. He refused, wanting only to know who had leaked the data to the press. Unfortunately he had stretched the rules himself, spending £1.7m on doing up Speaker’s House and letting family members use his official air miles. All this, added to the rest of it, led MPs to urge him to go. In May 2009 he acceded. He was the first Speaker to be forced from office in 300 years.


Not beaten yet


In leaving, he was as defiant as ever. His speech lasted 34 seconds. He would have stayed, he said later, if the press had not attacked his wife (who had run up £4,000 for taxis) as a steel-smelter’s daughter. He left to keep unity in the House, not because “they” had beaten him.


They had not. He picked up a peerage as he left, as Speakers do. He became Lord Martin of Springburn. His old constituency, now Glasgow North East, had prospered on his watch. The shuttered Wills cigarette factory in Dennistoun was now a high-tech hub, and on the site of his sooty tenement in Anderston stood a five-star hotel. He returned home as lord indeed.




Li Xia, 女, HR, 经济学人发烧友




Lee,男,医学英译  Timberland爱好者







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